Hey Pandas, Share A Time When You Were Teased Or Bullied For Ethnicity Or Beliefs (Closed)
Any age, any time could be for being atheist or Buddhist or for sexual orientation.
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Mine wasn't outright bullying or teasing, but I grew up in a Mormon church and always felt left out of the social groups that formed and the whole church as a whole because I wasn't as "religious" as the other kids. I simply had some beliefs that didn't correspond with most of the people in the church and wasn't actively trying to make other people Mormon, instead being quieter about my religion.
I used to be the "weirdo" when i was young for being pro animal welfare. Luckily nowadays is much more acepted.
lol My family had 2 golden Eagles and a bunch of their chicks. The karma I spread with just those 2 was amazing... Just cause I can do falconry since 13 yo. hilarious.
Oh boy where do I even begin. I am a Hispanic that looks middle eastern. Let me tell you that being randomly selected is not random when it is %100 of the time, all the time and I travel 3 to 4 times a month.
I was teased because I am half Mexican half American. Nearly every day someone would ask me if I spoke Spanish. I would always answer "I'm still learning to". take note I was 10-11 at the time and when i would tell hoe to say something they would repeat it for two days and they would go to google translate and learn how to cuss like the word bi*ch.
I'm gender fluid and once I had kicked off changing my outward appearance I had they/them pronoun pins that I would wear. (I was born female) These boys cornered me one time in class and asked if I was gay, I asked if they wanted to actually know or if they just wanted the easy answer. They said easy answer, so I responded with yes and tried to leave. One of the guys looked at me and said, "So, you like guys?" His friend answered, "No, SHE likes other-" and proceeded to say the f slur. These guys started making fun of pronouns and gay people while I trapped in the corner being forced to listen to their conversation. Eventually they moved on and I told one of my guy friends and he just said, "Yeah, they do that a lot. Don't pay them any mind." Middle school was difficult
I’m non-binary and Pan and I came out to one “Friend” at my old school. She told everyone. So, I got beat up regularly for being LGBTQ+.
I'm Pansexual, and I cannot come out to my parents for this reason. They are crazy homophobic, and constantly make fun of people for their sexuality.
I was bullied for staring at a girl.
She was a lesbian in denial, I didn’t know love.
It was hard to have our sexualities shoved down our throats as bad things.