Hey Pandas, Share A Story About An Entitled Person Or A Karen You Encountered (Closed)
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I was hanging with my 10 y.o cousin and it was just me and him we were playing at the park and im tall for a 11 y.o (5 ft 3 ish) and he has T1D and his sugar was so low and i knew what to do in case this happens you grab a needle shot thing fill it with glucose and inject it in to him. This lady starts freaking out at me saying how dont do that in front of my kids. Like hes 100 lbs and im have noodle arms i cant move him. So she starts freaking out at me over it and im freaking out im almost crying and if i didnt do it now he could of died.
In about 2nd grade, people were giving me warnings that a new person moved into our street and would go on the same bus as us, and the kid was fine, but their mom... had a few issues.
And one day, I encountered her.
I was at the bus stop with them, and she comes by with her kid. Her kid was a girl, and was absolutely gorgeous. She had beeaaaaautiful long, brown hair and had smooth, fair skin. Absolutely gorgeous. So, I go over to her. She was super nice. And so, I ask, "Hey, can I play with your hair?"
And before she can respond, her mom starts screaming at me, telling me to "get my grubby paws away from her daughter's hair" and she started swatting at me and actually pushed me to the ground. That's when my grandparents had ENOUGH.
They walked straight over and threatened to call the cops on them for putting her hands on me, and she saw the bus, and BOOKED IT, even though the bus wasn't even fully there, and got in trouble for putting her hands on me and leaving her kid alone.
(P.S, me and that girl hate each other now.)