Hey Pandas, Share A Scary Or Unsettling Fact About Yourself Or Someone You Know
Hey pandas, drop a chilling detail about yourself or someone close to you, and don't forget to tell us the eerie story behind it.
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I know 2 murderers they were both in my year in high school.
Like, people that committed homicide? Or people that committed murder?!
I am 29 and have been to 11 funerals the last 10 years. Both my parents, my uncle, friends, relatives and now latest my cat. Next funeral I hope is my own because I can’t take it anymore.
I am so, so very sorry for your losses and your struggle <3 I truly hope things get better
I was born 3 and a half years before my parents got married. My dad wasn't ready for a kid, my mom was. My mom gave my dad the option to leave and have nothing to do with me. Originally my dad was going to take her up on this offer until he had a really vivid dream set about 10-11 years in the future. The dream was that I'd gotten really sick and my mom had tracked down my dad begging for help because she couldn't handle it alone and was struggling, living with her mom and sister still. That dream was what made my dad stay. Well, fast forward 11 years and I got diagnosed with Chrons dissease.
Around this same time, my mom is pregnant with her last desprate attempt at a child after several miscarriges and she's really stressed about it. Well, my dad has another dream he says felt the same as the one previously mentioned where it felt really vivid and more like a preminition than a dream. But this time about the new baby. In the dream he had been a happy healthy baby boy, the name was also in the dream but for privacy reasons I won't reveal it. Fast forward to the present that baby is now my happy healthy almost 7 year old brother.
He claims to have had one more dream like those ones but won't tell me what it was about until after the event occurs.
Wow, hope you made it to adulthood with tools to navigate whatever your experiences are/were/will be <3
I can tell how most people feel about a person or a situation just by looking at them. Moreover, if it's an injustice, I can feel what they feel. Usually, it's repressed anger, frustration and humiliation.
The amount of pain and suffering, along with jealousy and anger that I perceive around me is almost surreal. For many years I didn't know how to handle it. It made me become a lonely and weird person.
After several tests, my therapist said that I have a high level of empathy and I could do great things with it (honestly, I don't see how). I 'm slowly learning how to deal with it. I still see it as a curse. It's like an eye with no lid, that I cannot close. Wish I didn't have it.
this is only unsettling onlly if you dont know whats going on. let me explain:
i can use a singing voice where i kinda sound like a kid. ive used this ability to play pranks/freak out some people and it works lol. i do it by singin scary/eerie ghost songs, and the kid voice just adds the right touch to it.
i use this sparingly, but trust me, its hilarious
I have premonition dreams when someone I know is about to die. This happens with family, friends, & pets. Whether the death is expected or unexpected. It's a certain type of dream, not like a normal dream; it has a different feel to it & it aways wakes me immediately after I have it, and there's just this knowledge that the wheels are in motion & it's set it's going to happen. It doesn't give a specific day, time, or cause; however it always happens within two weeks, sometimes the day of. (Some may say well perhaps you're picking up on some subconscious signs when this person or pet is around. However that's not the case because this happens even if they are thousands of miles away.) I know it sounds insane, and unless you've experienced it you most likely won't believe it. My dad was the same way he had dreams like that too. I've met a couple of others who have had those types of dreams.
I can temporarily detach myself from reality. If I want to, or get really bored, or really emotional, I zone out, and either have a panic attack, somehow function as normal but have ZERO memory of it, stare into space, or start giggling.
It doesn’t sound all that creepy but when I do it people get really weirded out. I can roll one eye side to side. It naturally turns toward my nose but I can correct it. It’s kinda funny actually!
My deepest, darkest secrets will die with me.
Be careful of the very very real possibility of self destruction.
For whatever reason, people tell me everything, things they meant to take to the grave. Before i met my husband and I was still dating, it wasn't uncommon for guys on forst dates to just admit to anything and everything that they've never said aloud-- like cheating to get into their university programme or cheating on their high school girlfriend etc. Even absolute strangers if I looked at them would strike up a conversation and end up just saying everything they've never been able to say. Sometimes this is net good-- an acquaintance telling me that they are suicidal and are going to off themselves that night etc but honestly... it's just too much. My friends used to jokingly call me a truth witch because people would come up to me, teachers, TAs, parents and just... share. I know it must be an empath thing but it really feels like too much just all the time, if it's emotionally exhausting and harmful for my own mental health to know the deepest darkest secrets of everyone in my life.
It wasn't until I was in uni when I actually had someone ask me to look away from them because they found my eyes too intense. I realised that it's something about my eyes. People will look at me and when I'm looking at them they can't really compel themselves to look away and I always have to be the one to break eyeline. Interestingly if I'm in a group setting but lock eyes with someone they will typically tell their secrets regardless of who is around them. That happened at a family gathering where my husband's step-mother's mum (no idea how to phrase that better) just out of the blue broke down crying that her daughter was the product of abuse she sustained hitchhiking to a music festival and that's why she was a horrible mother and could never be there for her when she was young because she was too young herself (paraphrasing, she was very very graphic)... she just unleashed like 50yrs of trauma looking right at me, my husband's step-mum was flabbergasted having never heard this before and no one knew what to say. The moment i looked away from her she apologised, didn't know what came over her and immediately recoiled from it, which absolute broke my heart. I wish i were strong enough to handle so much but I'm really not-- it's all too much sometimes.
I try to avoid eyecontact much with strangers, I honestly just can't handle how trauma they pass to me.
A few weeks ago I found my best friend dead in his home. 50 yrs old. He lived with me for a year just before that. He'd just got a home, got a job, and was getting settled after a bad divorce, and several suicide attempts.
I was sure it was self inflicted, but it was natural causes.
My youngest uncle died when I was 2 weeks old to what they say was suicide. When I was 1 my family was having a gathering and in the middle of the gathering I said "BB." (My uncles nickname as he was the Baby Boy) and pointed. I was too young to know about him and it freaked everyone out including me to this day.
I have heard many stories of kids seeing “ghosts” of dead family members or even just familiar spirits in general.
A friend of mine from high school moved to Japan for a bit to get a change of scenery (we're from the U.S.). He bought a scooter (because that's how many people get around there), got bumped on the street, crashed, and injured his ribs. While recuperating, he developed pneumonia, failed to get it taken care of, and died. One of those, "I hung out with him 2 months ago" moments. He was in his twenties. Still gives me the heebie-jeebies!
I know someone who r*ped his children. One of his children was and is my close friend. He's in prison. Apparently it had been happening to one of the children for a couple years and it wasn't until he started doing it to the others that he got caught.
I can smell if you’re “sick”, mentally. Depression, anxiety - even if you just took a shower and sprayed perfume and are pretending to be fine. I can tell.
This is also quite interesting. I "see" folks' emotional baggage as if it is real encumbrance by weighty sacks. It is sometimes viciously torturous to be in the presence of.
My best friend's mum dated a guy for a short while when she was a teenager but broke up with him after her mum told her that he gave her bad vibes. The guy went on to kill his next two gfs and ultimately was a serial killer. She literally dodged a bullet there.
4 people in my life have been murdered.
When i was in 5th grade one of my close friends was murdered by his father
Sometimes I personify inanimate objects and talk w them. I had this little Gigan figurine I kept w me for good luck everywhere and he was like a friend to me and I feel like he actually did benefit me and give me good luck. Unfortunately, at a Water polo game, I had put him in the pockets of my parka, and after the game I had given it to my aunt along w my swimsuit so I could go get pizza w my team, and she lost it and has no idea where it is. I miss Lucky Gigan soooo much I wanna cry :C :C :C Idk why I do this. I hope I can see him again one day :C
I am a very, very good listener and genuinely feel empathy for people who have been hurt :-(
as a child i was really sadistic. i would hurt and beat up fellow kids and my sister (she is 7 yrs older than me) all the time. i did nasty things such as pouring hot tea on my sister's head or kicking off another kid from the stairs which resulted in him breaking his leg. i didnt feel guilty i did it on purpose.
I have this thing where I can listen to a new song and guess the tune of it. Like as the song plays I can sing the note that hasn’t even played yet. It leads to a lot of confusion to my family when I start humming along to a song that is foreign to us.
I do this as well. I usually just drum the beat or make a silly dance move that corresponds with the melody. I assume it's because certain genres have these characteristics that repeats in many/most songs in those genres. Or else I just have some ability that I am not really aware of, when it comes to music. Lol
I have the ability to be forgotten about/go unnoticed at will. Like, if I really want to, I can walk right by someone and they won't realize. It's fun for me, especially at Halloween when I'm cloaked and eerie. And it's consistent. I'll walk right up behind someone and say, "boo!" and they'll audibly yelp.
On the other side of this, I am hyperaware of other people's presence near me, to the point where not only can I tell that someone is watching me, but also precisely *who* it is.
But maybe that's a survival mechanism I have to avoid getting screamed at by my dad for not acknowledging him whenever he enters the room.
I’m not who I seem to be. At least, not to most people. I only show people a small portion of my personality, or a completely different personality that isn’t me. It sucks because I have to maintain the facade or else I feel like they will leave me. I mean, the person they just thought they knew turned out to be completely different, how else would they react? I am also slightly depressed, more clever than most people know, and pretty mature for my age.
I know what it feels like to be licked in the face by a hallucination
My gaydar has NEVER failed me. Every single time I “sense” the gayness, it turns out to be true. Helps with dating a lot
I was in school in a small city in Mississippi when we all were forced into a tornado drill because there was a warning active which isn’t considered serious. We were under our desks for several hours. There was no alarm, no live news, nothing. When we got out of school the entire bus line was covered in huge branches and a fallen tree. The next day back at school a teacher of mine showed me a picture of a tornado directly above our school that was only about 200 feet from touching down. If it would’ve touched the ground it would’ve destroyed the entire rear end of the school where I was located. If anyone knows how tornados work it would’ve been an EF4 which is very destructive for anyone who doesn’t know.
I can give ppl headaches when face-to-face with them by shaking my eyeballs.
Me too! Well, not sure about headaches, but I can shake my eyeballs lol
My mental health is probably s**t and I can’t do anything about it. I don’t even know for sure but I think about running away to live a few states away.
I already did one, but also I can do some weird things with my fingers that creep people out. Not super unique, but still. (Will show you picture if you ask)
Ooh, I have a good one! You know Israel Keyes, the infamous serial killer? I used to live in the same neighborhood as him when I was little, and he was active until I was three years old. This scares me, because imagine what could've happened if he decided to come after us. The odds aren't super high, but just the thought!
someone at my school. she had moved away for a few years but, dhe came back. the reason why is tragic
her parents were in a fight, her and her younger sister were in the car with them and the mom said something to the affect of like I control if you live or d!e, and crashed k!lying the husband- she went to jail and my friend and her siblings are living with someone in there family, and are doing well. the only reason she got sent to jail was because onenof the kids was recording the time it happened, I feel so awful
I can get really objective, and it freaks me out.
I can go back and forth between extremely empathetic to extremely objective and it’s weird.
Well here a thought I've had: Morality stops discovery, if we could do some tests on people that would be horrible for them, it might help others so much.
Load More Replies...And then I go: The hell did I just think???
I think like this all day and am used to it. (M51y/o. Been practicing awhile.) We don't have to get freaked out about being freaked out.
I fake every emotional response I give I don't really know how to feel emotional connection I'm like a camelion in every social situation.my brain really is not like normal people I have no inner monologue and cannot picture objects in my mind. I have never hurt anything or anyone.
Someone somewhere has tools to offer you. And you have perspectives/experiences that somebody will find comforting. Please consider an attempt to find somewhere, someone, someplace to be transparent and vulnerable, even if it is only haltingly and sporadic.
Probably doesn’t matter now but my mom’s mother, my grandmother, she was murdered because she was mistaken for someone else. The monster is still on trial, and it’s taken years for anything to happen.
I don't know how unsettling this is but ever since I was a child I've been able to sense people's direction in a large public space. It goes like this for example: spouse and me go to a large department store and we separate for whatever reason. If I want to "locate" them I just have to calm my mind briefly and think about them and I'll get a "sense" of what direction they are in. Nearly every time I do this I find them within a very short period of time and I've never had to backtrack or change direction except to avoid obstacles. This only applies in this situation, no clairvoyance for anything else, ever. I assume it's just a coincidence but it happens reliably and with different people too.
That works for me and people I'm close to. My parents trust only me to walk away from them in a store.
I felt my aunties suicide.
She killed herself by carbon monoxide poisoning in her car. I was awake with my dad having pizza after he had been out for the night and at the exact time she got into the car (we found out the times at the inquest) I felt sick, dizzy, lethargic and screamed we need to go to aunt's house now. My dad said not to be silly and we could go the following morning.
Then I kinda felt this peaceful feeling wash over me and I said no it's ok now.
The next day someone knocked on the door and I told my dad it was because aunt was dead. And sure enough it was to let us know that she had been found dead in her car.
At the inquest we found out she would have felt sick, dizzy, lethargic then would have drifted off to sleep before dying. All within the few minutes I felt it.
On December 22, 2013, my brother came by my house to pick something up. He had had emergency surgery for a ruptured colon on my birthday in May. He had to wear a colectomy bag for 12 weeks and then had the surgery to reconnect everything. The surgeries were brutal. Anyway, on the day he stopped by, he was not feeling well. He sat next to me and said, "I'm not going to make it to the new year." I saw the terror in his eyes. I asked him if someone told him this and he slowly nodded his head. I then asked if it was our MomMom (she passed in 1991) and again he slowly nodded his head. The next morning I was jolted out of my sleep at 6:00 am. His wife was screaming on the phone. What usually takes me 10-15 minutes to get to their home, that morning I made it in 5 minutes. An ambulance and several police cars were out front of their home. I raced into the house to see the medics performing CPR on my younger brother. They worked on him, got a pulse, transported him to the hospital, and me and his wife arrived at the hospital, they led us into the room where the doctors/nurses were still working on him. They called his death at 7:36 am. I miss him.
My daughter(8 at the time) and I were sitting in the kitchen one afternoon. She kept looking out the window. Finally I asked what she was looking at. She shrugged and said the guy standing in the yard. I looked and no one was there. Yelled for her dad and told him she saw someone outside. He went looking. He didn’t find anyone. No one walking, didn’t hear any vehicles. He asked her what he looked like and if she had seen him before. She said yes a few times. The last was by the garage and he asked if her grandpa and that woman were inside. That he was young and dressed in a military uniform. Her dad stood absolutely still and then walked out of the room. He came back with an old picture, showed her, and confirmed that the man in the picture who she sees and talks to. The picture was of her great grandfather that was taken before he shipped off to the Korean Conflict. He committed suicide 5 days before I found out I was pregnant. It’s been 2 years since that day. She still sees him once in a while. More often she is asleep. But she says that he will always watch out for her and keep her safe.
Me and my dad don't get along. I share a lot of his traits (ex; bad sleeping habits, food preferences, hyper-focusing, being very particular about certain things and how they get done, his temper (am still working on fixing) and a few physical traits). I could never make sense of it because I was--and am--a good kid.
I looked at it from every angle. I even asked my friends, enemies, and siblings their view on me and my dad. I could never find a reason! Until I learned about my dad's father. My dad's father was a bad guy. A gang-type man who tried to kidnap him once. Not a good person to him AT ALL. And his summer vacations to his grandparents' house also involved a lot of abuse. Then, when my dad was in, like, his early twenties, his dad got run over--not even joking--by a bulldozer. Broke every bone in his body and died six months later.
I saw a picture of his dad this past year.
I swear to you all, I look like his female clone. I would hate me, too.
My brother does drugs and shoves v*pes down my throat when they aren't around to see. He's almost killed me through suffocation twice, too.
I am 52 years of age and still suck my thumb. Never in public and only when alone. But it is a huge weight on me and I hate myself for it. I have tried everything to stop.
Out of all the vices anyone could have. Suckijg your thumb is really minor. My mother sucked her thumb all her life, and two of my daughters still do (in their 20s). It's nothing to be ashamed of.
In high school, other than developing severe emotional and mental illnesses, I also used my not inconsiderable intelligence to design, build and plan to place a bomb.
The twist? It was a dirty bomb. I didn't want to damage anything that could hurt people, but I wanted everyone to feel how I did in that school. Like it was poisoning me with every breath...
I redid my calculations and realised two things: that there was no time the school would be consistently empty, and that the drift might consume more of the town...
I hurried the device (from what I can see, the grass won't grow there) and had low-level radiation poisoning...
All the joys of the public school system... Afterwards, I just (unintentionally) developed new personalities based on repressed emotions and feelings that periodically took over... One had actual ID!
(UK, if anyone is curious)
I started to read up on poisonous plants because I wanted to make my class go away. They bullied me when they werrn't ignoring me or using me to get better grades. And my home life wasn't really more stable. So... I did some planning but I then realized that it would be suspicious if only I didn't die so.... planning stopped.
I am bad at talking to people and anything social. I make up people in my head and act as them. I imagine being them and sometimes zone out on command to imagine being them. When I am in any event I just act through them. I imagine a situation which would fit with them or their fictitious lives and just become them. It’s just easier. I do it so much that I am now afraid that I do it to much as it is the easy thing. It makes talking to people easier and less me express better. I just feel guilty as it technically is not “real”. I’ve been doing this since I was 7.
TLDR: I make up people in my head and act through them and like to zone out and imagine being them
SAME! I used to do this as a child as well due to playing by myself. I had an avid imagination and would play my own characters and make my own scenarios in my head at night to fall asleep.
so apparently my parents are homophobic
I'm so sorry. I have a gay child and I just don't understand parents like yours. I hope you are safe and can get away soon.
as I child I was obsessed with serial killers
I (luckily rarely) have dreams that later turn true exactly the way I dreamt it.
My mum and grandma also have this and claim, that we are witches, but I absolutely refuse to believe this and wouldn't want to accept it, if it was true. I just want to live a normal life
When I was ten, I entered my bedroom and immediately the floor gave way. It collapsed beneath my feet and then the floor above came crashing down 5 seconds after. I spent a week in the ER because of concussion and two broken legs.
Also when I was three, I but half my tongue off.
when i get nervious i eat my skin even if it starts bleeding it once got to where i busted my whole finger
whenever I am in a store I am aware of the easiest/most likely ways to steal merchandise. I have never considered stealing but I always think of the easiest way to do it.
I dream in color, and I am the shadow in your room. Well, I’m in my house, so can you bring my shadow back please? I really need it for shadow puppets, and I’ve been using rag dolls.
Im strong from aerial (silks hehehe) and i can flex my muscles so hard i can pop my joints like how u crack ur knuckles but with my knees and elbows and shoulders and stuff. Also i can do lots of cool voices and impressions and i was gonna say something else but i forgot lol
I was born with a pretty significant heart murmur, but after two days of observation it just… went away? And recently, over the last two or three years, i’ve had an arrhythmia that i’ve been too scared to go to hospital for.
I’m in you walls
I finish a 500 ml ketchup bottle each month and I dont think theres anything else scary or unsettling about me
I once had a dream where i was being chased by a guy that looked like Anomaly T_████ And i woke up on the floor in my bedroom. I WAS SLEEPING IN THE LIVING ROOM!
I can see and feel auras around people. It's like a beam of light coming from my chest and it touches someone and I'm able to feel how they are feeling. I also am able to tame animals that are incredibly aggressive. I am a therian and maybe otherhearted, so that might be part of it, but I can communicate with animals better than humans.
Also I went through an incredibly depressive episode in Year 6 and i still have flashbacks and odd strange thought trains like "what would happen if I die?" and "would anyone notice if I disappear?" I would never hurt myself in any way, but it is an interesting thought. Another random one is "are there alternate universes we haven't discovered yet?" But i can answer that. Yes. There are. I have been to many of those universes, and I've died in two. It is only for a second, but I know it's not my imagination.
A friend has a relative (late 60’s) who lives in my small town. The relative was born and raised in Pennsylvania. Her father raped her multiple times when she was a young teen and she became pregnant. He forced her to have the child at home, and then he took the baby boy.
He was a warlock of a witch coven and he sacrificed the child.
My friend says that she is a bit of a strange woman. I told my friend that I don’t care to meet her.
You've read my stolen diaries but won't acknowledge that. You're stealing my writing but won't acknowledge that. You're bullying me and continue to do so because the community sanctions that behavior and you know I can't stop it.
Nice work, monsters.
I can dislocate my limbs whenever I want to, such as shoving myself in a locker, crouching low to fit in a box, or just doing it cause I can
I can put the limbs back where I found them don’t worry lol
the back where you found them part was the first bit i read and lemme tell you-
While playing Canasta with three of my family I heard my mother say: "Give me a Nine." It cost me points to do so but I discarded a nine and she took it. I slapped down my cards and said:"I deserve to lose when I give you exactly what you asked for!"
Mom turned pale. It seems she had been concentrating on "give me a nine". I heard her telepathically!!!
Check our real estate site to buy any type of property in high standard societies.
this is kinda dark but my best friends dad died when we were little. Because my dad was mostly absent, her dad was a father figure for me. When he died, my best friends understandably got a lot of attention and sympathy. I was jealous that she got all the attention, and in my mind I had it worse. If her dad were alive, he would love and care for her, and mine couldn't pull himself together to even show up. So I had plans to kill him. Maybe then people would feel bad for me if I had a murdered father. I have realized how horrible this was and now feel bad I ever thought like that. I was pretty young when it all happened, I'm 13 now, but my dad still isn't around.
I had a friend who was constantly getting r*ped by her family. Brother, mom, dad, uncle, you name it. We lost contact shortly after she told me this. She says its cause her family hates her. I really miss her and really hope that she is ok:(
dude call the police, CPS,anyone immediately, even though shes your friend,it doesn't make it ok.