I love walking to my local park and taking pictures of the ducks and geese.
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White Stag In A Dorset Forest
My Friendly Backyard Squirrel, Winston. He Loves Walnuts
A Dragonfly Resting In My Peach Tree
A Feathered Visitor! - Chipping Sparrow
Steller’s Jay
Where do you live?!? You have awesome wildlife and probably the patience of a saint, waiting on these shots.
Beautiful White Heron
Patrick The Duck
This Calf On The Ranch I Work At, Sweet Little Thing Acts Just Like A Puppy. I Am Open To Name Suggestions
My Nightly Fig Thief, A Possum
I Miss Him
Sika Stag In A Dorset Forest
The Main Guy In The Meadow
I'm Sorry Mr Leghorn, I Cannot Cross The Road With You Today. The Sky Is Falling
Grey Heron Fishing
Vanilla Bean And Coffee Bean
This Little Bumblebee
This Little Guy, I Names Him Geico
A Mole. We Found Him Looking For Something. It Has Been Unseasonably Warm Where We Live In Que, Canada. And I Think This Guy Was Confused
Bumblebee On Nettle
She Was Surprised Into Waking Up
First Came These Two
Desert Bighorn Sheep
Fixin To Butt Heads
Sleepy Tiger At The La Zoo
Enjoying the rock hard concrete instead of the green surface. Must be hot.
My Samoyed, Sasha... Out Enjoying The Backyard Breeze!
What This Fox Thinks About Littering
Daisy Is A Good Girl
Piliated Woodpecker In My Front Yard
It's Looking At Us
Baby Woodpecker Waiting For Mum To Return
Nature's Boundless Splendor
Common Yellow Throat
My Dog Rocky. A Mixed Breed Rescue. Not Entirely Sure But I Think He Is Some Sort Of Terrier And Spaniel Mix
My Dog Toby, A Jug, (Jack Russel X Pug)
My Friend’s Dog Is Starting To Grow A White Beard 🤍
I love it when they start going grey on the muzzle, especially on black mutts. It's so dignified.
Miss Squeegee Amidst Her Bathing Ritual!
Shy Little Tortoise
An Owl During The Daytime!
This Cow On The Ranch I Work At, Just The Sweetest Little Thing. I Am Open To Name Suggestions :)
My Cat Helping With The Laundry
This Is Rosie, Our Turrantula. She Perches On My Shoulder When I Play The Piano
3 Coots In A Pond, Painswick Park, England
Had to look up Coots. Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the rail family,
Chadwick Has Cat-Itude
Mother And Daughter, Portuguese Water Dogs, Failing Agility Together. But Having Fun
My neighbour pet sits a Portuguese Water Dog. He is goofy as heck but loveable in his stupidity.
Thank you all for your contributions! These are all amazing. <3
I believe it closes after a week, I’m sorry I wish I could change it to be open longer but that’s not up to me
Thank you all for your contributions! These are all amazing. <3
I believe it closes after a week, I’m sorry I wish I could change it to be open longer but that’s not up to me