Hey Pandas, Share A Funny Movie, Book, Or TV Show Plot Hole Or Mistake, And Suggest How It Could Have Been Fixed (Closed)
Greetings, fellow critic pandas. Every film, book, and TV show has its flaws, and if there’s one thing I truly love, it’s picking them out. Please share some gaping plot holes or dumb character mistakes that are so bad they’re funny.
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Not really funny but the strategy of the First Order in The Last Jedi. I mean seriously, there was no reason they should have lost that dreadnaught in the first scene. All they needed to do was put the destroyers in front, launch all tie fighters to protect the dreadnaught and harass the escaping ships. Use the canons of the dreadnaught to target the base of the planet. Then mop up the ones resistance ships that got away. Plus you can track them, so if they did escape you can easily find them and out flank them literally stopping the resistance. I swear the admirals of the first order are the worst military commanders in movie history.
EXACTLY WHAT I SAID!! The Rebel fleet can definitely handle them, quick fix... The First Order captains are pretty bad at their jobs
I usually forget my own unique insights, but here's one that's more common:
Harry Potter had blue eyes in the movie, but there was a line 'Harry, you have your mother's eyes' when Lily's actress had brown eyes.
okay this is not a movie but a game. in pikmin 3 when your selecting the place you want to go you see the carecters standing upright in the ship. but when it zooms in on the map you see a rubber ducky floating around in zero g