It can also be a story about you, your friend, or a family member who cheated or was cheated on.
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I cheated once when I was 18 (10 years ago), and let me tell ya, cheaters don't win. I kissed another girl just because I was desperate for attention. I confessed the next day, and the relationship was pretty much over from that point onwards. I learned my lesson, but it was painful, can't imagine how my GF felt.
Oh boy.... First husband cheated with the neighbor. While I was in the hospital having our third child (by C-Section) she was in my house making the babies crib. He left me shortly after and moved in with her...her apartment was across from ours so I got to see that every day.
Second husband came up dirt poor in NY. Came into a sizeable amount of money from an accident. It was supposed to be a down payment for a house (32k) instead he gambled it away and spent it on women and alcohol. (he wasn't smart, he signed up for casino cards and had them sent to our address) I had no idea how much he got until the lawyer called me asking how I felt about how she did and the settlement amount. We were divorced very shortly after. However there is a good ending, I am now very happy with someone for 5 years. We will be married in December and he is a great man. They're out there ladies. And Gentlemen, there are good women out there too. Sometimes you have to kiss a couple frogs to get to your prince.
1st wife had an affair with one of the doctors when I had cancer - after he'd told me it was terminal and I'd got about 3 months. I was gutted she couldn't even have waited 3 months. When caught out the doc suddenly left the country and went back to his birth one, and I divorced the wife a few months later after I realised I'd never be able to forgive her.
From the wording of the post you made it past 3 months? That's good :)
14 and stupid. He cheated, took him back. At 19, cheated again and I let him go. Married a friend of his @ 24. Divorced 2 years later after being together for 4 years. Boy, stupid is what stupid does. I'm actually really happy being just me and my dog. It'd be nice to have a companion at this age but honestly, I'm good.
My story is more about looking past obvious red flags and being way to trusting.
I had dated a girl senior year of college and we were always together. She was always smiling, nice to everyone, loved my mother and my mother loved her back, helped whenever asked, and was honestly the first true partner I ever had. I got a job out of college working for Berkshire Hathaway and my Gf was finishing college. We never fought and honestly it’s just seemed easy and I loved every minute of it.
We moved in and I loved my job and she began looking for work, it was a slow start but I helped as much as I could and she landed her first job at an auto parts manufacturer as a design engineer…honestly everything just seemed perfect.
I started noticing things were beginning to be weird because she would come up with tasks that she could run and errand for by herself and didn’t ever want my help, she would text real late into the night, she began questing any time I was away from the house and show signs of jealousy, and she worked a lot of “overtime” for work.
This entire time she was still a loving, sweet, same person I always knew but I began to suspect she wasn’t being honest with me, I thought she may have started having depression or something else but never thought cheating.
A friend of ours got in a car accident and passed away and when it came to the funeral she said she didn’t want to go because it would be too hard but she insisted I go. I left for the funeral and began the 6 hour drive when around 2 hours in I get a call that the funeral had to be pushed because his brother was going to be delayed a day flying back from overseas. I turn the car around and drive home, as I get to the house I see a car in the driveway I never seen before and it was like I just knew. I parked the car up the street and walked to the house and around the side to look into the windows…what I saw was her going down on a guy and I froze. I didn’t get mad but I was disgusted at how she kept lying the whole time and to my face acted like she still loved me and wanted to get married.
I drive to a friends house and spend the night and tell her nothing about what I saw. When I came home I asked how everything was and she again lied saying how she missed me and how happy she was I was home…it made me sick.
The next day I gave her a long list of errands to do because I knew how much she liked to run errands so she could meet up with her boyfriend and packed my things and left.
She had the audacity to call me and ask why I left, when I told her about seeing her and the guy she just went silent and than began crying, she asked for us to get back together and even said she wanted to get married. I hoped right out of there and never looked back.
I ran into mutual friends a few years later and they updated me saying she has been dating a ton of guys after me and has cheated on all of them and had basically admitted she cheated during our entire relationship at college. It just scares me how someone can be so loving and sweet but openly cheat and lie like it’s second nature. Trust in red flags.
She has a huge problem with herself. You on the other hand will find happiness
I don't know if this counts, but once when I was 10-11 one of my friends asked me to go undercover to see if her boyfriend at the time would cheat/was cheating on her.
So, I walked up to him and said "Hey, would you wanna go out sometime?"
He said yes, and I told my friend. She broke up with him soon after, and we never went on that date. The funny thing is, he was the twin of the girl I actually had a crush on at the time.
That's pretty smart to have a cheat test. The only negative is when you confront them about it they make big excuses, or turn the argument on you blaming you for having trust issues, so you doubt anything actually happened. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's called 'gaslighting'.
Ok so I dated this boy for a long time in my mind, 4 years, and everything was fine and good. Our parents were bff's and we hung out alot and I mean ALOT. Like every weekend he and his family would come over. Anyways one day I got a call from his little brother (ft). And he told me to go on mute. I did as he asked and watched as he walked down the hall and into his brothers room. I saw my bf and my cousin's bff making out. I screenshotted it and hung up. Their family came over later and I ignored my bf. Later when he asked me what was wrong I showed him the screenshots. And his face fell. I have moved on from him and 5 years later I'm happy in a relationship with an amazing guy.
My so-called boyfriend slept with the girlfriend of his recently deceased best friend. He went to NYC to help the girlfriend clean out the guy's apartment. They ended up in bed the whole week and the girlfriend called to tell me all about it at work one day. I called him out on it and he admitted it. I broke up with him. He supposedly called it off with her and wrote me letters of apology. I thought he wanted to get back together, but then I saw them out together at a film festival that we had planned to attend together. The Universe delivered me to that very spot so I could witness the truth. Even though it hurt, I was glad to see his true lying colors with my own eyes.
I was 16 and had this boyfriend who was kinda dumb. We never really did anything together or had chemistry, but one day he (with me sitting next to him, while we were still together) just walked up and asked another girl out. She told him no, he walked back to me, sat down, and asked if I wanted to go to the movies later. Needless to say, that was the end of the relationship.
Like... What??? The WHOLE point of a relationship is that TWO people date each other. Not the one person dating you and someone else. Then that just defeats the whole purpose.
This happened recently and really stings to the core. My bf and I were together for 2 years, lived together, went on vacations and everything. We broke up, spent a little time apart and then decided to try it again. We still lived separately but still spent plenty of time together and even said we are giving this a shot and told our friends we were back together. I went on a vacation with my best friend and a couple others as he said he wanted me to go on my own, we talked every day and FaceTimed every night. The day I get back it’s my birthday, I bought him so much stuff on my vacation and things I knew he would like to show how much I cared. When I landed, my phone is blowing up, he was on Instagram all over another guy, when confronted he just said sorry he didn’t know that guy liked him and he wanted to be with him instead. Talk about a kick in the gut.
My best friend since 4th grade ended up sleeping with my boyfriend when we we juniors in high school, when I confronted them the next time we were together both of them lied to my face.
It was the night before my wedding. My husband to be said he was going out to do some last minute things and have a drink with a couple friends. I called several times about something about the next answer. It was about 1am when I called the next time. My cousin, female answered his phone. They were at a hotel near a casino and very drunk. He had slept with her the night before our wedding. He showed up to the church right on time the next day.....but I did not. Oh and she was one of my bridesmaids.
I had to go out of town for work for a couple of weeks. I travelled back on a Friday night and knew my girlfriend would be at our usual bar that time of the evening, so I decided to surprise her. I walked in and saw her kissing the barman. Lost my girlfriend and favourite bar in one fell swoop.
he didn't really cheated, but:
my ex told me after 3 years dating that he still had feelings for his ex. it was devastating but they had almost no contact and you can't do much against your feelings and he was my first love, so i forgave him.
a year later his ex was murdere by her new boyfriend and my ex was so hurt and in pain and mourned her very much and i was there for him but i realized then that she will always be in his mind because he couldn't help her and now he was idolizing her. 6months later i broke up. it was the hardest time of my life
You seem like a really patient and understanding person. I really hope that you find someone for whom you are number one.
My first husband was a serial cheater and also became extremely abusive over the course of our 4 years together. The first year he spent “love bombing” me, treating me like an absolute princess and winning over my trust with compliments, gifts, dates and trips, sappy social media posts. Any of his “jealous exes” or other women that I caught messaging him were covered up and smoothed over. Honestly he deserves an Oscar for his performance over those years. He gaslighted me and convinced me that it was all them and they were just “crazy and jealous of our love/relationship.” Then once he had me thoroughly trapped because I believed his lies and we owned a house together and were engaged, the abuse started. I’ll save you the awful details. Apparently he had cheated on me MANY times over the course of our relationship and in very creative, sneaky ways. Going to get an oil change, working overtime, helping his family, going to work on his or his friends car at their house, going on a fishing or 4wheeling trip that I somehow wasn’t invited on despite me being into the outdoors my whole life and introducing him to most of those hobbies. The night we got home from our amazing tropical honeymoon I saw his phone lighting up with social media notifications. It was one of the exes that regularly stalked us liking our vacation pictures. But when I investigated, he was liking all of her half dresses selfies. And his social media search history was both sickening and concerning. He was looking at multiple womens social media every single day like a stalker. But I didn’t find concrete proof of his cheating until I left him when the abuse became too much. He held me hostage with a gun in our house because he thought I was cheating when I was just working a double to avoid coming home to my miserable life with him. After I left, he stalked me for weeks. I managed to evade him until he finally coerced me to meet up and “talk about us” and I said I would take him back and move back in that weekend. The very next day I saw him at the store getting out of his truck with another woman. I confronted them and she was visibly shook to find out I was his wife and we had just agreed to work on our relationship and move back in together the day before, because clearly they’d been seeing each other a while and she thought we were already divorced. That was the end of us of course. It hurt but also was very freeing to FINALLY have proof. Eventually I uncovered it all-it was not just her. All the “crazy, jealous” exes and random women he had indeed cheated with. Also his boss who was over twice our age and had children our age who had parties at her house we regularly attended. Who honestly knows how many women it was that he cheated with. I tried to warn the one I saw him with at the store but she disregarded it all and accused me of being jealous that he “picked her over me.” She boasted on social media during her own “love bombing” phase and they had a baby. Then he ended up abusing her and running her into the ground as well. I got a restraining order, went to therapy for my severe PTSD, and spent a few years finding myself. And now I’m remarried to an amazing man. I’m 39 weeks pregnant with our first child and we are very happy. He’s kind, faithful, dependable, emotionally available, hard working, and will be a wonderful father. I foresee my ex dying sad, alone, and full of regret.
That man was a full blown narcissist. I am glad u have a good partner now. You put in the work and effort to overcome this experience. That must have not been easy. But you made it and you are mentally stronger because of this. Have a good and fulfilling life!
My current boyfriend and father to my child liked to text hookers. Just for the thrill.
He never met one to my knowledge, but the thought of him texting me while at work and looking at baby clothes makes me feel so unloved ;(.
So this was back in like senior HS to 1st year college? I started dating this guy senior year of HS we got along great and shared many common interests! I was a grade above him so i graduated first and soon after went off to college out of the area. We kept in touch a lot still. Well couple months in we both go through some rough sh*t. This ended up leading to a ton of fighting. Mostly him attacking me out of nowhere. Still heavily emotionally broken from a loss of a family memeber the fights took even more outta me. A guy bud of mine i met in Anime club noticed i havent been myself and asked whats been going on. I told him and he comforted me. He started checking in on me and just being this moral support i was lacking greatly (honestly if it werent for him id of been in a LOT worse shape). After a few months of my then BF still neglecting me and fighting, i called it off. He agreed and asked to stay friends (as we had been friends for years before dating) and i agreed (think we both just knew the long distance wasnt gonna work). The guy who had been supporting me n i started growing closer after that. Come to end of the semester. I make a hard choice to cont school closer to home so i can heal better mentally and emotionally. My bf n i make the distance work much better with him visiting 1-2 times a year and daily texting/calling. Cut to summer. I come home from a family trip to my phone being blown up by my ex accusing me of cheating on him (i cant remember who he said made the claim). We fight big time and end up blocking one another....month later i find out from mutual friend that HE had been cheating on ME with another mutual friend! Needlesa to say him and her were both blocked on all accounts. Glad i got out when i did!
Found out years later after we broke up that my girlfriend propositioned my best friend. It was only his morals that prevented anything from happening. This was the same girl that wanted to use me to help her friend "learn" how to give oral. Apparently I took our relationship way more seriously than she did.
I had the believe that my wife was cheating on me but I couldn’t get to state the obvious because I had no proof and I wouldn’t want to lose it all at the court… So I got in touch with Mr Gary who is a pro tech expert. Within weeks of reach out , I was inside my wife’s phone… I could see all what she did with it, from exchanging pictures to her mails her social medias account, I mean Everything!! Even her Bank statements, she was sending money to this dude. I’m just so Grateful for this kind of people we have amongst us who could go far and render this kind of golden help. If you are in this kind of situation and you need help, don’t hesitate to contact Mr Gary. Cyberexpositors at gmail dot com
Gf of 7 years cheated on me with a guy at a party. Out of all my friends I was the last to know, she came home one day and said “it’s over, get out” (paraphrasing) I called all my friends looking for a place to stay, eventually her best friend drove for 4 hours to come pick me up and take me to her place.
Years later, another girl I was dating invited me to her birthday party where she informed me she had a boyfriend now and that I would be joining them in a 3-way. I declined, “slept” on her couch until the trains were running again and got the hell out of there at 6 am.
Ex-wife took to chat rooms in the late 90's. Found out she was secretly meeting men that she would talk with. I tried to work it out with her, but the final nail in the coffin was when she decided that she was going to Germany (we are from the US) to meet her future husband for the first time. They were "engaged" even though they had never met. Apparently he gave her a ring when she got there. Not surprising that they never got married.
I talked to her sister a few years ago and my ex did the same kind of thing to ex-husbands #2 & 3 also.
We were in a long-distance relationship, at that time the internet was still limited, and the smartphone was not yet invented. It was great when he's living in a rural area abroad, with no friends from the same country around. He went home twice a year and it's good enough.
Fast forward 6 years later, he moved to the capital city where there are plenty of friends, so many gathering and vacation together. We were in the middle of our marriage preparation, trying to get approval from both families, trying to figure out how we're going to live life as a couple on a foreign country etc, had small arguments here and there, and eventually, he gave up, it was too exhausting he said.
3 months later I found his homepage by accident, he was visiting the house (in our country) of her new girlfriend (it’s considered a big step in a relationship). There were red flags but I just ignored it.
Came back from 8 months overseas - met gf at hotel for 'fun' - came back unannounced 2 hours later - her and a guy. -I went to the beach for 2 weeks and that is all. she attempted occasionally for many years to get back together..
I had the believe that my wife was cheating on me but I couldn’t get to state the obvious because I had no proof and I wouldn’t want to lose it all at the court… So I got in touch with Mr Gary who is a pro tech expert. Within weeks of reach out , I was inside my wife’s phone… I could see all what she did with it, from exchanging pictures to her mails her social medias account, I mean Everything!! Even her Bank statements, she was sending money to this dude. I’m just so Grateful for this kind of people we have amongst us who could go far and render this kind of golden help. If you are in this kind of situation and you need help, don’t hesitate to contact Mr Gary. Cyberexpositors at gmail dot com
I left my narcissistic (now ex) husband a few years ago. He began trying to woo me to get me back (as Narcs do) and, being in the throws of trauma bonding, I was so happy. I thought he had changed. One day, I'm scrolling through Facebook, and up pops a friend suggestion for him, and it was him and another woman- whom he was living with. I was devastated, but couldn't give him up. He kept telling me he was going to end it with her, and I believed him. Shortly thereafter, I became very, very sick. We lived in different states so he had no idea. I had respiratory failure, kidney failure, double pneumonia, sepsis, a gallbladder infection and when the ambulance came to get me, my blood sugar was 14. They triaged me in the ER. I was terrified, my room was full of at least 15 people, all giving me a look like I was going to die. They intubated me, and I spent the next two weeks in ICU. The ONLY THING that kept me alive was the thought of my husband. I was calling out to him in the ER, We'll, after about a week and a half, they took out my tube, and I messaged him. He told me he couldn't continue to see me because he had "too much on his plate already." I found out a week later from his sister that his new woman was pregnant. I wanted to die. I was so alone and depressed during my recovery, I wanted to just go back to the hospital and die. It was the lowest point EVER in my 47 years. Eventually, I felt better, unfortunately she lost the baby (she was 47, too and I'm not a monster) and I've broken my trauma bond and have been no contact for almost 10 months now. Oh, he still calls and leaves me messages (he can still do that if he's blocked), but I ignore all attempts to get sucked back in and be any type of supply for him. All he wanted was sex from me, anyhow, he lives for sex, so it always makes me wonder. If he could cheat on her with me, did he cheat on me with someone during our 14 year relationship? Probably so. It's alright, though, cuz I won. 😂
Im glad you won, sounds like the relationship was a rotten.
Mid 20's together for 4 years. A friend found him on Tinder, he seemed shocked and totally denied it, that someone must have set him an account up as a joke. I believed him. I popped home one day on lunch to find he had driven a girl I'd never heard of to our house. He swore she was an old friend from work, that it wasn't anything untoward. I believed him. I found a link on his email by accident to a filthy account where he was sharing pictures with (no offence anyone) these revolting, morbidly obese, hairy, 40-50+ year old women. All the while not touching me. Also found hundreds if not thousands of searches on his fb where he had been perving on women for hours every day. Couldn't lie himself out of those ones.
I left my narcissistic (now ex) husband a few years ago. He began trying to woo me to get me back (as Narcs do) and, being in the throws of trauma bonding, I was so happy. I thought he had changed. One day, I'm scrolling through Facebook, and up pops a friend suggestion for him, and it was him and another woman- whom he was living with. I was devastated, but couldn't give him up. He kept telling me he was going to end it with her, and I believed him. Shortly thereafter, I became very, very sick. We lived in different states so he had no idea. I had respiratory failure, kidney failure, double pneumonia, sepsis, a gallbladder infection and when the ambulance came to get me, my blood sugar was 14. They triaged me in the ER. I was terrified, my room was full of at least 15 people, all giving me a look like I was going to die. They intubated me, and I spent the next two weeks in ICU. The ONLY THING that kept me alive was the thought of my husband. I was calling out to him in the ER, We'll, after about a week and a half, they took out my tube, and I messaged him. He told me he couldn't continue to see me because he had "too much on his plate already." I found out a week later from his sister that his new woman was pregnant. I wanted to die. I was so alone and depressed during my recovery, I wanted to just go back to the hospital and die. It was the lowest point EVER in my 47 years. Eventually, I felt better, unfortunately she lost the baby (she was 47, too and I'm not a monster) and I've broken my trauma bond and have been no contact for almost 10 months now. Oh, he still calls and leaves me messages (he can still do that if he's blocked), but I ignore all attempts to get sucked back in and be any type of supply for him. All he wanted was sex from me, anyhow, he lives for sex, so it always makes me wonder. If he could cheat on her with me, did he cheat on me with someone during our 14 year relationship? Probably so. It's alright, though, cuz I won. 😂
Im glad you won, sounds like the relationship was a rotten.
Mid 20's together for 4 years. A friend found him on Tinder, he seemed shocked and totally denied it, that someone must have set him an account up as a joke. I believed him. I popped home one day on lunch to find he had driven a girl I'd never heard of to our house. He swore she was an old friend from work, that it wasn't anything untoward. I believed him. I found a link on his email by accident to a filthy account where he was sharing pictures with (no offence anyone) these revolting, morbidly obese, hairy, 40-50+ year old women. All the while not touching me. Also found hundreds if not thousands of searches on his fb where he had been perving on women for hours every day. Couldn't lie himself out of those ones.