Rules: Write 10 things about yourself. Tell the truth! Keep it friendly. Make it as random as possible!


1. I love video games
2. I read fantasy, horror, or detective books only
3. I play guitar for about 8 years now
4. I have a husky named Loki
5. I like writing creative stories
6. Forests are my favorite place
7. I love learning about mythology
8. My plants are still alive and I don't know how that happened
9. I have way too many journals and I keep buying more
11. I'm really bad at math



    1. I would die to meet any of the hermitcraft memebers
    2. My art skills go brrrrrr
    3. My older brother used to make comics and came up with an entire hero team called " TEAM COMBAT "
    4. Writing is one of my passions! ( also one of Dreams ;D )
    5. I stole a bunch of mechanical pencils from my brother
    6. I'm going to 7th grade next year!
    8. Hamilton is my favorite musical of all time ( brother hates it tho -.- )
    9. I want to create a long and creative chapter book series one day
    10. If you couldn't tell, I'M BISEXUAL


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WOOO HERMITCRAFT (also, in my opinion yr 7 is the best grade to be in, hope it is fun :D)

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    1. I like collecting things.
    2. I like Axolotls
    3. I love reading
    4. I like writing stories
    5. I don't really like drawing
    6. My favorite sport is basketball
    7. I love fairy tales (The old ones. Not the Disney ones.)
    8. My favorite musical is Hamilton
    9. I have many Rubik's cubes
    10. My favorite superhero is Spider-Man



    2. I love the Dream SMP
    3. I am pansexual
    4. I put intense pressure on myself to do well in school
    5. I like to bake
    6. I have an interest in the medical field
    7. I have a blog where I review children's books and YA novels
    8. I always have sweet foods stashed somewhere in my room in case I need a sugar fix
    9. I love to sing but I hate doing it in front of people because I get nervous
    10. A hobby of mine is taking songs I like, and memorizing the notes so I can play it on my flute from memory



    I have a sense of humour and wit
    Im a rebel
    I'm a good person unless someone upsets me
    I spend more time on here than working
    i hate autocorrect, school, and stupid dumb witch mom
    i await happiness
    i need my friends
    i love video games
    i suck at math
    im ace, panromantic but mos people i know irl are homophobes



    1. I loooove all things Disney.
    2. I like all kinds of performance! Except dancing. I can’t dance.
    3. I love collecting baseball memorabilia! I have 1500 cards!
    4. I am very fidgety and if I am doing something while listening to you, I am STILL FOCUSING!
    5. I talk a lot
    6. I try not to talk too much
    7. I love to read!
    8. I love listening to music from the 60s 70s and 80s!
    9. I love snowboarding!
    10. My pronouns are He/Them! I am also Gayyyy
    I hope you learned a little bit about me


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    1. I love Avengers and the Folcon and Winter Soldier
    2. I hate Hamilton (I'm sorry)
    3. I like reading
    4. I am straight but a supporter (Because my sis is by so she basically tells me evyerything)
    5. My sister is Kirbi up there
    6. My favorite hero is Iron man
    7. Me and sis love HunterxHunter (But she's behind on the series)
    8. I'm don't like wirting on paper and pencil but I like writing on my computer
    9. I gave up on Team Combat a while ago so...
    10. I'm 13 years old and turning 14 this year



    1. I hate the Percy Jackson movies
    2. My fave songs frum Hamilton are You'll b back, Schuyler Sisters and Satisfied
    3. I wanna b an animator
    4. I'm a Disney Nerd
    5.My room is my favorite place to be
    6.I hate being really hot
    7. The song I'm obsessed w/ rn is drivers license
    8. My fave Marvel character/actor is Spidey (Tom Holland), Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), Loki (Hiddleston) and etc.
    9. I'd hyperventilate if I met any actor from Marvel or Harry Potter
    10. I wish they'd stop pushing back the release date 4 Black Widow




    1. I love chickens. They are soooo cute and fluffy!
    2. I'm 11 I'll be 12 this July.
    3. I'm in 6th grade and in 2 months I'll be going to 7th
    4. I live in the small town of Centerville Indiana. (Where are my Centerville bulldogs?)
    5.I play Fortnite. (And I'm better than Ninja...maybe)
    6.I know how to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
    7. I want to learn how to jump a horse.
    8. I would love to go to the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
    9. I currently have a C- in math bc I'm doing online school.
    10. My fave singer is Billie Eillish.



    1. I am non-binary
    2. I am a single parent to three kids who have various disabilities and they are the most amazing people I’ve ever known
    3. I am a survivor of domestic abuse
    4. But I also have ptsd from it
    5. I am going to school to be a therapist to help people like me :)
    6. I make macrame and sell it to pay for school but I also use it as a way to discuss mental health and self love (I make a lot of lgbtq inspired pieces)
    7. I currently have pink hair (always wanted to do this and finally did!)
    8. One of my hobbies is saving half dead plants from stores and then giving them to friends (I have sooooo many)
    9. I looooove buying from crafters that are just starting out bc I know it means a lot to get a purchase and have some appreciate your work
    10. I’m a bit nerdy but I love it!



    I have a sense of humour and wit
    My heroes are Billy the kid, superman and peter pan
    I love my meat and beers
    I hate politics and sport and most bosses
    I teach painting and decorating
    Im a rebel (and my bosses know it)
    Im a good person unless someone upsets me
    I love my Grandkids
    I spend more time on here than working
    I can never seam to find ten things to list


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    1. I don't like math.
    2. My favorite color is purple
    3. I like sushi
    4. I love chocolate
    5. I have a nintendo switch at home
    6. I drink out out of those things that you would probably water your plants with. No, not the usual thing. The thing that you hold and squeeze the lever and water comes out.
    7. I play the clarinet
    8. I used to play the violin
    9. I'm OKAY at drawing
    10. I listen to music while I'm cleaning my room.



    1: I can’t count very well.
    3: I like cats.
    2: I am cuddling with my cat as I type this fact.
    7: I am lactose intolerant
    10: McDonald’s always messes up my order
    5: my favorite food is chicken fried rice.
    4: there is no pattern to my numbers, so don’t try to find one
    8: I have a scar on my knee from when was 3 years old
    6: I don’t always follow the rules of a list, for example, this list is only 9 long.


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    Jeweled Dragon
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Random question, why are the numbers in a random order? I didn't notice it at first, and now it just pops out.

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    1) I like art.
    2) I hate realistic fiction with a passion.
    3) I procrastinate a lot. Yet my grade is pretty decent and I like it.
    4) I freaking love waterparks.
    5) All math but Algebra is stupid and I'm not sure how I'll end up using it in life. Algebra is fun though.
    6) I really like biology. I hope to study more about it.
    7) I am an incredibly fast reader. I finished the Great Gatsby (a trash book imho) in 1 hour while taking notes.
    8) I hate just listening to someone talk for a long time. I like it to be more interactive.
    9) I have creative images in my head but then writing them down or doing them ends up being crap.
    10) I like crossovers, they're very interesting.

    I would genuinely say far more than just this. It just occurred to me how random I am.


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    (I'm a teenager)

    1) I got the highest mark in my art class when I was 10

    2) I have 5 fingers and a thumb on each hand

    3) I am bullied every year by the same people

    4) I can't eat my dad's tomato sauce (it's rank)

    5) I design board games for fun

    6) when I'm older I want to adopt 10 kids

    7) I want to be a paediatrician when I'm older

    8)my reading age is 14

    9) I don't particularly like chocolate

    10) I am non binary and gay

    #LGTBQ 🏳️‍🌈


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    1. I love video games
    2. I like to script
    3. I am a certified Blender nerd
    4. I love reading
    5. I like to plan about 5 months ahead
    6. I dislike math
    7. I loves rooms and things modern and simplistic
    8. I'm a teen
    9. I love green apples (about 2 a day sometimes)
    10. Its my birthday tomorrow :D


    See Also on Bored Panda

    1. I'm a major fangirl
    2. If I don't have at least ONE Milo a day I will go insane
    3. I am a lesbian
    4. I'm an Aussie, and I originally came from Adelaide
    5. I once went 3 days eating only ham and cheese sandwiches (and Milo obviously)
    6. I play bass-guitar (I'm not great at it tho)
    7. If anyone hurts my best friend I will legitimately stab that person
    8. Me and my close friends all roller skate/blade
    9. Me and this one friend I have reference Tumblr text posts a lot
    10. I'm in Yr 8 this year


    See Also on Bored Panda

    1. I am a animal expert, any questions come to me
    2. I sometimes get too optimistic about the future
    3. I have a great singing voice
    4. I love reading
    5. I LOVE nature
    6. sorry to say but i hate hoomans
    7. I love any disney movie, i mean even frozen
    8. I can be considered smart in school
    9. I am creative and weird in a good way
    10. My dream is to be a actor and live in the forest/jungle for at least 5 yrs


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    1. I can lick my right elbow
    2. I love murder shows and am now unstoppable (mwhaha)
    3.My favorite candy is butterscotches
    4. I've been awarded by my state for a perfect score on state ELA testing
    5. I can't stand bright cyan or magenta, it hurts my eyes
    6. My favorite FNAF character is tied between Mangle and The Puppet
    7. I'm a cat person
    8. I have bipolar
    9. My favorite scent is lavender
    10. I'm always tired


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My favorite color is red
    My favorite book genres are mystery, horror, fantasy, and sci-fi
    I used to play piano
    I’m autistic & have anxiety, but I’m in therapy for it
    I’ve traveled to (at least) 6 different states
    I used to have 4 cats (at the same time)
    I was in a minor car accident in middle school (we survived, the car didn’t)
    I’m left-handed
    I’m working on writing a story
    I have 2 siblings and 2 step-siblings


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    1.I live in Scotland
    2.I am a scout
    3.I play the violin
    4.I love cats
    5.I am a marvel fan
    6.I am left-handed
    7.I am fairly smart
    8.I love animal crossing new horizons
    9.I am learning cantonese
    10.I want to travel


    See Also on Bored Panda

    1. I'm considered right handed, but there are a bunch of things I can only do left handed.
    2. I actually don't know my right from my left. I have to stop and think which way right or left is.
    3. I once tested a homemade parachute made of a bed sheet and twine off the roof of a second story barn. It sadly did not work.
    4. Surprisingly (especially considering #3) I have never broken a bone.
    5. I do strange things in my sleep. Once I took about 7 or 8 picture in frames on my headboard and stacked them all up. Another time I took all the curtains off the walls.
    6. If I get too much sleep for 2or 3 days in a row I won't be able to sleep the next night.
    7. I used to raise rabbits.
    8. I've been a certified scuba diver since I was 14.
    9. I'm not a pilot, but I've flown a plane.
    10. I have no musical or artistic ability. I've tried to get good at both. I've failed miserably at both.


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    1. I'm from the Caribbean.
    2. I really like art but I'm sadly not gifted enough to be good at it.
    3. I fractured my right arm twice before I turned 5.
    4. I am right handed but I like to practice doing things with my left hand.
    5. I have always tried and failed at learning music and languages.
    6. I like movies of the drama genre.
    7. I like football/soccer and played a lot. I'm a big guy but that didn't stop me.
    8. I like red the most but almost all of my clothes are shades of blue.
    9. I live 30 minutes from the beach and my office overlooks the ocean and I haven't been to the beach in almost 3 years. (depressing...I know lol)
    10. If I had to meet any celebrity I'd choose Shia Labeouf. I just want to sit and talk to him. (I know he was accused of abuse and I don't support that but he is still my favorite actor. We are the same age and I grew up watching his movies/shows. I always feel for him because that would not have been easy with a spotlight on you all the time).


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    1. love math (ikr weird)
    2. blonde
    3. blue gray eyes
    4. parents divorced 8 yrs. ago
    5. love to practice parkour in real life
    6. like Minecraft
    7.over protective
    8. soo lazy on weekends and breaks
    9. love to bisect things
    10. um want to be a photographer



    1. I prefer blue inked pens to black inked ones (blues my fav color)
    2. There is an old united states interstate highway map on my desk
    3. Russian nesting dolls are cool in my opinion
    4. I have been trying to shift for about a month and a half now
    5. I loveeee scented pinecones!
    6. I suck at poetry
    7. One time some guy in my 6th grade language arts class made me a origami swan and i still have it
    8. BakuSquad!
    9. Taking a makeup and special effects class soon!
    10. I have made cake twice


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    1 I like undertale
    2 I like the dream smp
    3 I like participating in stuff
    4 I like attempting to animate but I suck at drawing
    5 I'm in the middle of making a "graphic novel"
    6 I'm making my own pokemon
    7 writing is fun
    8 I'm in the gacha community
    9 I love roleplaying e e e
    10 I get cold fingers too easily



    1. I have glasses
    2. I have a yt channel
    3. I'm ✨ bisexual ✨
    4. I'm 11 (5th grade)
    5. Fine with all pronouns
    6. I watch yt too much
    7. I really enjoy watching mha and danganronpa
    8. I wanna be a VA or a comic illustrator/writer
    9. School sucks 😳💅
    10. ✨Drawing and video games are awesome✨


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