What is something frustrating that you would just like to rant about on here? Well, tell us!


I f*****g hate double standards. When a woman gets sexually abused by a man, everybody fawns over her and tell her that she is strong. But when a man gets sexually abused by a woman, everybody just laughs in his face, treat it like its a joke, and tell him to "man up" Its not fair! A woman can hit a man for no reason and nobody bats an eye, But when a man hits her back, everybody attacks him, they kick him to ground, punch him, then just spit on him, all because he used self defense. A woman gets a shorter sentence than a man. A woman teacher gets a slap on the wrist, while a man is sent to jail for life. Wheres the equality?! I think people forget that the definition of sexism is prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination on the basis of sex. Why, just why.


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Doggo Froggo
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Omg 🎶you took the words right out of my mouth....🎶 thank you for saying all that!!! It literally makes my blood boil


    The government doesn't f*****g care about my life. I find is so f*****g ironic that the people who go on and on about the sanctity of life don't give a f**k about someone once they've left the womb. It's like, oh there's a pandemic, millions are homeless, no one can live on minimum wage or afford college or healthcare or ANYTHING, but continue to raise funding for the military. And no offense, but y'all laugh at us about that. Unless you were born into a millionaire family, there is no way to get ahead. The average congressional campaign costs about 1.3 to 1.4 million dollars, which we can't raise. I live in a f*****g dystopia, and I see y'all talking about Americans like its our fault we were born into a corrupt and outdated system.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    tl;dr I wish people would stop making fun of americans, because it's not our fault we grew up in such a dystopia, and we can't do anything about it.

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    I hate how everyone always judges people before getting to know them! Please just stop that!


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    Nymphadora Tonks
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People are too judgmental these days. I can tell just by looking at them.

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    Please do not categorize thins by gender. It can make it harder for people who are transgender or another gender other than male or female to come out.


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    Madison Sadler
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Right! Like, why would you genderize anything really. My mom gets really weird at me if I go to the men's aiele to look at stuff. Why? I like their clothes too!


    People downvoting others for no reason.


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    i hate it when people judge others for example how some people judge girls for not wearing dresses, skirts and make up and the same for boys there are some people that judge my best friend thats a boy because he likes to wear girl clothes and i hate it. please help stop it.......please


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    Nymphadora Tonks
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please refrain from saying girls/boys men/women male/female clothes. Clothes do not belong to a certain gender.

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    Oooh boy.
    I'm a bit of an introvert, so I don't really rant. But when I do, it's always about stupid things. So, here we go!
    Strange Evidence is a million times better than The Unexplained. For one, The Unexplained (TU) is just so fake. LIke, "Oh we've found a site where like 10 kids either died or went missing and sometimes the swings move on their own and we see a child on them out of the corner of our eye." Like dude. Stf(rigg)u. But Strange Evidence (SE) isn't like that. You can't just come up to them like "I think my house is haunted." You need to show them a video, and they will check if it's tampered with. And then, instead of just telling some facts and closing with "I guess we'll never know," they actually send a team over and/or do research on the area, and then come up with a logical explanation. Sure, there's a bit of propaganda at the beginning, but how else are you going to keep it interesting? I'll give an example.
    *Someone sends in a video of the Earth crumbling away and people are rushing to escape*
    SE&TU: "I don't have any idea what's going on in this video. The ground is literally falling away and disappearing. It's supernatural, almost."
    TU: "Well, maybe we don't want to know the answer. Somethings are better left *Musical instrument I can't describe* Unexplained."
    SE: "Well, it could be a sinkhole. However, research on the area doesn't seem to suggest this is possible given the conditions sinkholes need to form. But when you look at news articles, it was actually because the ocean was wearing away at the side of a cliff, so there was nothing under the ground. One day, it just collapsed, getting rid of a big part of the campsite people were on."
    Idk it's probably all fake or whatever but I just needed to rant so thanks for reading this :D
    (I'm gonna find so many things wrong with this tomorrow)


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Feeling shitty in my bed, didn't take my f****n' meds
    Hyperpop up in my ears, everything just disappears
    Don't wanna be someone else, just don't wanna hate myself
    I just don't wanna hate myself, instead I wanna feel good
    I'm on a sugar crash, I ain't got no f****n' cash
    Maybe I should take a bath, cut my f****n' brain in half
    I'm not lonely, just a bit tired of this f*****g s**t
    Nothing that I write can make me feel good
    these lyrics describe me. i have insomnia adhd anxiety and bpd. people are literally canceling everyone for everything and there are so many dumb challenges on tiktok that ended up with people losing their lives and people complaining and raging and rioting about certain issues that they could be starting a movement, using every opportunity to fix them.


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    i just f*cking hate it when i am texting my friends that my parents dont know and they make me delete their contact info and make me block their number. i mean i have met them before but thats bs


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    STOP MAKING INTROVERT SOCIALIZE it makes us so uncomfortable when people will force me to go over to some stranger and talk to them. I am a very insecure person and doing that will give me a mini panic attack



    my friends always leave my message on 'seen'



    One more thing...
    Stop judging me because of my coping mechanisms! I am a little, and it takes a lot of courage to come out and I hate how people judge me before getting to know me! Agere is NOT a kink, it is a coping mechanism, and it really hurts everyone in the community. Just be a respectful human being please!!!!


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    See Also on Bored Panda