Not a therapist - no guarantees how helpful this will be - but why not?


What are snails trying to do?



I broke my phone screen and my mom doesn't know yet :/



How should I ask out my crush who is also my best friend?



im going to jump of a bridge and nobody will catch me



Trying to stop bingeing



My biggest problem is having a conversation with my parents. I always get super nervous. Help!



I'm almost addicted to screens and I'm on so much social media and online things that would make my parents freak but I feel dependent on my online friends and the things that make me happy...



I’m in the closet and have a crush on my best friend and don’t know how to tell him.



I recently confessed to my crush, who was also my best friend, and they replied that they were uncomfortable and didn’t know if they still wanted to be my friend. 😔 Right now, I’m giving them space. Should I completely ignore them forever or?



I dont know what gender I am, I was born a girl, but I don't feel like a girl all the time. I want to be a boy, but not all the time because being a girl is cool too, and sometimes i feel like i'm neither, but i don't feel like im nonbinary either. I thought I was genderfluid but I've seen that it doesn't fit after using that label for a while. I've tried bigender, demigirl/demiboy, non-binary, right now I just use the label "genderqueer" but having a more specific label makes me feel more secure in my gender, but I don't know what it is, anyone able to give me suggestions on what to do to figure it out?


See Also on Bored Panda

After changing your profile, when you try to comment something, it says "In order to comment, your profile must be approved by Bored Staff." How do you fix it? Sometimes it also says "You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down," so how do you fix that?



My parents are homophobes and transphobes. Im moving out and want to start to transition. But I want to stay in contact with my sibblings. Im not sure how long I can keep is a secret



I’m transgender (FtM) but I made a terrible decision and told my mum I was lesbian last June... haha, couldn’t have been more wrong.
A few months ago, I believe it was in December, she found out. And - long story short, she thinks I’m just confused and all that bullshit.
Another reason she doesn’t believe me is because I asked for a dress in November (really? - that seems somewhat sexist) (a word of advice; if you’re transgender, do not try and force yourself to be more ‘feminine’
I genuinely don’t know how long I can go being misgendered and called my birth name.


See Also on Bored Panda

I cannot get anyone to listen to me. And people end up doing either the opposite of what I ask, or not at all. And they complain I don’t ask for help. It’s family, and it’s all killing me slowly. (55 so not everyone here is that young - you would think I would have it all sorted out. There is just so much I need to talk to anyone about)


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