Hey Pandas, Post A Superpower And The Comments Will Decide The Catch
Imagine you were given the gift of any superpower you can imagine. What's the catch, you may ask? The top three comments get to choose a limitation or rule that is placed on your power.
For example, teleportation - but only to Mars for 5 seconds at a time, and you can't control it.
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The power of knowing exactly what the person/people you’re having a conversation with are thinking in the moment.
Idk, might help win a few arguments or score a chance with your crush
The power to manipulate gravity around yourself. Reduce gravity to make objects light or yourself to float. Increase it to make your hits or objects thrown cause more damage.
The ability to shapeshift into animals
A random animal of that species shapeshifts into you as long as you're in that form
The power to make a chicken appear anywhere and at any time
But then there’s a 50% chance you’ll create an evil chicken who will try to kill you
The power to make entitled people punch themselves in the face when you get annoyed by them.
The power to not take fall damage, like ants(like I could fall from the Burj khalifa and be fine)
I can travel so fast that even the speed of light will be considered slow
Except every time you use your power you randomly either age up or down by 10 years
Telekinesis (the ability to manipulate objects with your mind)
That you can’t move things with your hands or other body parts