You can do a song lyric from the show and the comments can continue it or it could be a famous quote within that fandom and we can finish it. These are just suggestions, you can do anything else too. Have fun!
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“We, on the other hand, have a pointy stick.”
someone downvoted me and i don’t know why 😭 what’d i do
You take that BACK!!!!!!!!!
Why do I have a downvote on this? This is a quote from a T.V. show!
"give me some of your tots" "no, go find your own."
"WHAT, is your name. WHAT, is your quest. WHAT, is the flight speed of an unladen swallow?"
"It's not that common, it doesn't happen to everyone and it IS a big deal! "
-What’s happening, life flashing before your eyes ?
-No, only one. Fear me, if you dare !
"Okay, jeez, fine I'll just throw my f*****g sandwich at them"
Character 1: "There's not going to be anything bad in here?"
Character 2: "Just you."
Character 1: "Oh, funny."
"So you went from teacher to preacher because, what? It f*****g rhymes?"
If you understand these, you are a certified cool guy
( Same show for all of them, by the way :) )
Okay, why did somebody downvote this?? It's literally from a show! ( well, show adaptation but it still counts! )
"I like my lovers like I like my coffee - "
"Absolutely full of milk"
"On ice"
"Ohh....I've got 3 kids and no money.
Why can't I have no kids and 3-money ?
“Hey girl, do you have a quarter? Because I said I’ll call my mom when I fell in love.”
“I don’t have a quarter, but I do have a cell phone you can use”
Awkward conversation between character and his mom.
I got downvoted. Damn trolls. It’s from the amazing world of gumball.
A: “Or what about that time I got two fishhooks in my thumb‽”
B: “He tried to get the first fishhook out with another fishhook”
bow ties are cool
"I'm Mexican and gay, this is my inside voice!!!"
Hint: it's from Disney+
"The game show where the rules change every show."
But in case you need more...
"I've been here the whole time..."
Mr Humphreys, Are You Free?
"I'm Free"
Here's my day so far: went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams and got my butt kicked pretty good. Still, things could be a lot worse. Oh, that's right... I'm falling to my death.
Don't know if this counts, It's a movie, but I had to.
Well, well I heard you got a special someone on the side ----
I can't say the name but it is four letters, and hint:🥶
Close your curtains during August.
This is trificult.
Its not my fault you don't like girls.
I got three references in one for this comment (though all three are from the same source material);
1: I fell out of the window.
2: I... would like... TO RAGE!!!
3: Wait... I'm DADDY?!
Vox Machina!! Im also fond of “the rules of ball tag are as complex as they are beautiful” and “WHAT IS THAT GNOME DOING TO MY DAUGHTER?!”
Hey, look what I can do! *Explodes fruit*
Here is an easy one:
“Toss a coin to your…~”
"Fusion is just a cheap trick to make two ____ stronger." The blank word would give it away.
"I was born to fight those who break universal laws, like you."
max! smooth my leg hair!
if you guess this then i will follow you because you watch my favorite show of all time and you actually remember the quotes! if you comment i will up vote you to show you i saw your comment (I cant comment i got blocked because i got down-voted for my religion so much -360 down-votes to be exact ! I've been told to make an alternative account but you have to activate a code and i only have one email so it wont let me) any way have an amazing day! hope it's filled with joy and laughter!
"A fire? At a sea parks?"
I recognise that from somewhere. It’s either Seinfeld or the IT crowd
"God does not play dice with the universe; I play an ineffable game of my own devising, for everyone else it's like playing poker in a pitch-dark room, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time."
For an added hint...
Character A: "Ahh, excuse me, pardon me, sorry to bother but I seem to have gotten slightly lost.___"
Narrator: "there are some things that are very difficult to say... what [he] truly wants to say is-"
Character B: "Your car is on fire!"
Narrator: "But he can't, because the man must know, mustn't he? Perhaps it's some sort of practical joke. So he says--"
Character B: "might have taken a wrong turn! Sign post blown down. Easy mistake to make. So second, on the right."
Narrator: "when he wants to say is--"
Character B: "Young man, your car is on fire, and you’re still sitting in it, and frankly, it’s in no condition to drive!"
Character A: "Right. Got it. Terrific."
Character B: "Young man?"
Character A: "Yeah?"
Character B: "very unusual weather for the time of year. "
Character A: "Afraid I haven't noticed. "
Character B: "That's probably because you're stupid car is on fire!!!"
"we thank you for your service"
i wanna say batman simulator for some reason but i have no idea
Not a show, but still one of my quotes/monologues.
"Memories can be vile, repulsive little brutes. Like children, I suppose. But can we live without them? Memories are what our reason is based upon. If we can't face them, we deny reason itself! Although, why not? We aren't contractually tied to rationality. There is no sanity clause. So when you find yourself locked onto an unpleasant train of thought, heading for places in your past where the screaming is unbearable, remember: There's always madness."
Hint. It's from a comic book, which was also adapted into an animated movie back in 2016.
Omae wa wou shindeiru.
Hint: Anime.
bat country, toaster, oranges
“tell me if you see any good cows”
“of course i’ll tell you if i see any good cows”
if you get this, i love you and how’d you feel after MAG 200
MAG 200 was sure something. I had to take a break from season 5 because it was just so much.
"...somebody left the cake, out in the rain! OH NO, I was gonna EAT that cake, but now I don't want any because it's all WET..."
1. Your sweet potatoes are bland
2.Jason figured it out??? Jason?!?!?
3. It needs to be about 20% cooler
A bear! You made a bear! Undo it! Undo it!!
I know this one but I can’t remember where it’s from! Come on brain, think!
Change anything, change everything.
I'll interview the cat.
Sorry y'all this isn't the quote, my keyboard autocorrected it and I thought I cancelled the post but apparently it posted anyway. The real quote is "I'll interrogate the cat", not interview
"This is what happens when you're unhappy with what you've got, someone's husband eventually gets it!"
1. " They are not for eating!"
2. " We've had one, yes. But what about second breakfast?"
I lost my shoe.
"I ate my twin in the womb"
"There's a time in a man's life when he must STR!P."
- Gray
Hint: Anime
"Dude Lying Is Easy, You Just Gotta Say Stuff Like It's True"
"McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie... that McBasterd!"
B: No! She just! needs! sleep!
She-ra and the princesses of power. If you like the owl house you should watch it. Also very gay.
I have a few!! "planet p**s" "I´m Dr. Rockso and I do cocaine!!" "We´re here to make coffee metal. We make everything metal. Blacker than the blackest black times infinity"
Movie, not a show, but one of my favourite lines of all time: "Look out! They've got a piano!"
"don't worry about your bridy. He's in good hands." " Oh S**t im in danger right now?
Pretty easy (hard?) one:
“Hi. I am insane.”
Sorry, was it supposed to be from a tv show?? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh- um, here’s one from a real show: “Into the thick of it…” that’s probably too easy
1st salesman: Cash for the merchandise, cash for the button hooks
3rd salesman: Cash for the cotton goods, cash for the hard goods
1st Salesman: Cash for the fancy goods, cash for the soft goods
2nd salesman: Cash for the noggins and the piggins and the frikins
3rd Salesman: Cash for the hogshead, cask and demijohn. Cash for the crackers and the pickels and the flypaper
4th Salesman: Look whatayatalk. whatayatalk, whatayatalk,
The ____, The ___, and The Ugly.
"Yare yare."
Best show ever, if you haven't watched it, you should.
Wednesday, look at all of the other children, their freckles, their bright little eyes, their eager, friendly smiles. Help them.
Choosing a show presents a very fine dilemma indeed. And in fact, the show is not the very first depiction of the series, as there was a book series and a move, although that was viewed fairly differently, in terms of accuracy to the books.
The way I wrote this could be considered a misdirection, a word which here means "They didn't fully read the prompt."
I do sort of like it when he’s rude to me. Hopefully that’s more a psychological defect than a weird sexual thing.
"I say Vol and you say..."
i remember watching free guy with my family and he said that and my parents were mad cause i told them the movie was fine for my little brother to watch (cause i had watched it by myself on a plane before)
“As my sweet mother always said, ‘Son, if one hostage is good, two are better. And three, well, that’s good business.’”
You can’t fight in here this is the war room
Ima push it, BOP
Podcast: Often it takes us to that most dangerous place: the library. You know who said that? No? George Washington did. Minutes before librarians ate him.
TV show: lisa needs braces. dental plan
It's a beautiful day to save lives xx
I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.
"That is my partner Sh'Dynasty. It is spelled S-H, comma-to-the-top, dynasty. "
"That's God's comma"
Laugh, and the world laugh with you. Cry, and you cry alone.
Lady, people aren’t chocolates ! D’you know what they are mostly ? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don’t find them half as annoying as I find naive bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine.
These are book quotes, by the way.
1. "We're all bloody inspired."
2. "Please, Tommy, please."
3. "You hit the lord of the titans in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush."
4. "We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another."
5. "be careful. Don't die."
“Let Us In! Let Us In!”
Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast
"I will run as fast as I can to wherever my customer desires. I am the Auto Memories Doll,___"
The amount of money one owns ultimately decides the victor. It's a rule that forms the basis of a capitalist society!
I dislike situations where I know for sure if I'm going to win or lose. Because it's not really gambling.
From the same show obviously... good luck!
You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have....
Bonus: See if you can get all 3
"And may the force ever be in your favor."
-Louise B.
Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.
Drink cactus juice! It’ll quench ya! Its the quenchiest!
Not a show but a podcast:
Same podcast:
“WEH!” or “I’ve never actually broken any of your stupid laws! …in front of you!”
“Law is meaningless; stealing is legal now! I AM YOUR GOD!!!!!!!!!”
A: “Mr. Jarvis, are you alright?”
B: “Jarvel-lous!”
I feel like I'm getting old because I thought at least one person would've said, "In West Philadelphia born and raised..."
I feel like I'm getting old because I thought at least one person would've said, "In West Philadelphia born and raised..."