Hey Pandas, Post A Picture Of Something You Saw While Driving That May Give Us A Laugh (Closed)
While you were driving down the street, you found something rather funny on someone's car. Why not share it with us couch potatoes so we don't have to go scouting for another one? JUST KIDDING!
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I Promise Not To Trespass. Just Leave Me Alone
Serious Driver
A Truck That Empties Cess Tanks
Apparently Clarification Was Necessary
Just A Regular Early March Morning Commute
(((( Running out to buy a skeleton to somehow put on the back of my own car which does not have a spare tire back there. OH well, I'll figure it out.))))
It Was Sewn Together... With Zip Ties. Zip Ties
Now I Can’t Un-See It
Seen In The Wild In St. Louis
Proud And/Or Ironic
Sorry, I don't get this one. Normally I'm pretty good at this stuff.
Panda In The Wild
Is this in Spokane, WA? Asking because I have seen a guy wearing what looks like the same panda head riding around here!
The Grinch. Dec 2022. Made Me Laugh So Hard
Sitting At A Traffic Light In The Rain. She Walks By With Her Red Umbrella. This Is My Favorite Edit
Are You Lookin At Me!
I'd have to reverse the bag so it's on my chest, I'd be far too nervous of them jumping out with me never knowing. But I bet that's one happy doggo!
Don’t Bother With A Tip On This Uber Ride
The Fabulous Zippo Car; Parked Outside The Zippo Lighter Factory In Bradford, Pa. (1947 Chrysler New Yorker)
That is criminal damage. Someone destroyed a CLASSIC for advertising.
They bought it brand new and made the car, that was just in 1947.
Load More Replies...I've never understood how a product could be simultaneously horrible and iconic
That's so sad they had to destroy it for that, but I'd restore it and sue them or something😂😂
They didn't destroy a classic. This was done back in 1947 with a new car.
Load More Replies...Meanwhile In New Mexico, A Chicken Tries To Make An Escape…
On The Road To Hatch, Nm
No Shame
Cancel Culture
The typical lineup from left to right is both parents, then the kids by age, and sometimes pets (probably in order of when they got them). As the photographer, I can tell you there was residue left behind (such is life). Old phone & not the best resolution, but if you zoom in, you can still kinda tell.
We Get It, It's Not From California. Is It Though?
I bet they're in Texas. Apparently California drivers are "fair game" in Texas.
The New Port-A-Potty
God Handing Out Licenses To Kill?
The ultimate agent (and the ultimate boss 0074 God. Villains beware there is no escaping.
I Show This To People When They Ask Me Why I Don'y Have Kids
Roll (Not So Red) Tide!
Tyler, Tx - (I Think It Was Intentional)
It only took him three years to graduate from 3rd grade. Then he dropped out.
Unacceptable Behavior Tbh
Mud Flaps On A Luxury Suv, Seen In Orem Ut
Everything Priced To Sell Today!
This Stand In The Middle Of Nowhere, Central Pennsylvania
not even if it was free just to wipe my a*s...no no...I'd use it for that
The Runway Crossed The Public Road!
Yield to aircraft, oh, I really thought they would give way to passing traffic!
It Says « goose Crossing » I Find It Really Funny
Place Near Me Is Called "Karen"S Seafood
I find the term Karen highly offensive as I have an Aunt named Karen who is awesome. Instead of calling someone a Karen call them what they are. Snob, imbecile, self important nincompoop, and over grown spoiled brats are some of my favorites. Or pull a page from Willey Wonka and the chocolate factory and call them Verruca Salt's. There are much more satisfying alternatives than slandering all the good people who just happen to be named Karen. (Had to add the e to Mr. Wonka's name to keep Bored Panda from sensoring it. (why is bored panda sensoring a book character's name)
No More Snow
Someone called MOS kept on asking for something they couldn't have, so "NO MOS, NO".
Somewhere Is Remote Ladakh, India
Curiosity Is Killing Me…
Our Local Esthetician Doesn't Beat Around The Bush
Edging 🫡
Is It Going To Be A Just A Good Day Or The Best Day?
Found This On Google Maps No Words
Clarification Was Necessary
When Angst Wins Out Over Uplifting Messages
They’re Antique, But Made Daily…
In Sacramento
When The Laudromat Is So Good It Dry-Tumbles The Sign:
Driving Home From Work In Texas
Well, Ok
Strippers Wanted
Uga Buga I Have No Words
Super Trooper
A Pawn Shop In My Town
I Hope He Found His Way Home
How Many Honks They Getting??
Spotted In Chicago
Idk Made Me Laugh
This Was Definitely Eye Catching
That’s Really Cold!
Rental Cat
Swig Set Not For Sale
In Michigan 2014, Suppose To Say Texas Corral
Uga Buga I Have No Words
No photos, but I have seen 1) an suv with writing on the rear window saying "Stay back. Learning to drive stick shift. Tail me if you want. Please pray" 2) An suv with a NC state plate that read "IAMARMED" 3) A pickup truck with an email address asking for contacts for a kidney donor 4) A recent grad's sedan with her cashapp address 5) A pick up truck with stickers about being a Vietnam and Afghanistan vet and a sticker saying, "My car insurance is a glock"
Ok so, I'm new to the BP community. I have a great pic for this post but it's too late to add isn't it? Someone plz explain how this all works 😅
Saw while stuck in traffic during rush hour. Obviously a lot of work went into this pun. PXL_202306...0ec320.jpg
I don't have pictures but i have a list of funny/cool license plates -HAT 94 -HAT 89 -CINDR -I D BUG (pest control truck) -GO UTSA -GMA KTHY -GRANMA (1 or 7??) -BIRDIE -BLOCH -SWIFTIE -BE THR 4U -GO HUNTIN -SELLERS -8 BI FT -PNDAPWR -RICHIE -DRGNFLY -UC6942S6 -POET1C -SQUINTY -DUH 1994 -DANNO 1 -WREN
No photos, but I have seen 1) an suv with writing on the rear window saying "Stay back. Learning to drive stick shift. Tail me if you want. Please pray" 2) An suv with a NC state plate that read "IAMARMED" 3) A pickup truck with an email address asking for contacts for a kidney donor 4) A recent grad's sedan with her cashapp address 5) A pick up truck with stickers about being a Vietnam and Afghanistan vet and a sticker saying, "My car insurance is a glock"
Ok so, I'm new to the BP community. I have a great pic for this post but it's too late to add isn't it? Someone plz explain how this all works 😅
Saw while stuck in traffic during rush hour. Obviously a lot of work went into this pun. PXL_202306...0ec320.jpg
I don't have pictures but i have a list of funny/cool license plates -HAT 94 -HAT 89 -CINDR -I D BUG (pest control truck) -GO UTSA -GMA KTHY -GRANMA (1 or 7??) -BIRDIE -BLOCH -SWIFTIE -BE THR 4U -GO HUNTIN -SELLERS -8 BI FT -PNDAPWR -RICHIE -DRGNFLY -UC6942S6 -POET1C -SQUINTY -DUH 1994 -DANNO 1 -WREN