Hey Pandas, Please Share An Out-Of-Context Quote Your Friends Have Said (Closed)
Hey Pandas, share the funniest out-of-context quotes your friends have said! Whether it’s something bizarre, hilarious, or just plain confusing, we’d love to hear it!
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Im not the best at keeping a quotes list but i have this...
(Name change)
*pear places hand on mother lemon shoulder*
P - ... and this! Is a man!
ML - well... legally
I couldnt tell u the context even if i wanted to...
"I will harvest your Bone Marrow."
"Let's interlock toes."
"Remove your spinal cord from within."
"I may just be a masochist."
- My friends in graphic design
I have too many T^T
(I added fake names so yk who's who)
"a banana a day keeps the lesbians away" (said by my lesbian friend, ava)
"so she started licking my knees" (olly's dog wanted to see what kneecaps tasted like)
"why do glowsticks taste like f**ked up butter" (Wilbur was curious)
"I have bad knees and attachment issues :D" (Otter has arthritis and daddy issues)
"I wanna eat a thong RIP" (I don't even know.)
"someone deadass is snoring louder than a f**kin' hurricane" (Lola went camping with her GS troop)
"S**T THERES A DIDDY LONG LEGS" (Rain meant 'daddy long legs')
"poison control center here I come" (Casper ate outdated yogurt)
"don't call me pookie i'm gangsta" (pretty sure August was high)
"If I lick the concrete in a parking lot will it taste like pee?"
"I once boiled my sneakers."
"I wonder if you can make edible trousers."
"I want to have blue blood so I can mix it with other people's blood and make it purple."
I was in an online group, talking about Demon Slayer with some of my friends, when someone in the group said "Smash or Pass Mitsuri?" One of my friends said 'smash.' his pfp was Obanai
for those who don't get it, Obanai canonically has a crush on Mitsuri
“Is the lead singer of Queen Freddy Mckreuger? - My Friend “Now I’m imagining Freddy Krueger with his claws and burnt face performing bohemian rapshode.” -My teacher
“Is the lead singer of Queen Freddy Mckreuger? - My Friend “Now I’m imagining Freddy Krueger with his claws and burnt face performing bohemian rapshode.” -My teacher