Hey Pandas, Offer Your Dog A Treat And Take A Picture Of Their Reaction (Closed)
Offer your dog his/her favorite treat and take picture of your dog's reaction. Don't forget to give them the treat afterwards!
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Treat For Iris? Yay
"Chicken...did You Say Chicken?" Boomer, 7 Months Old, Born On The 4th Of July
“That's For Me?”
A Present In Her Rescue Anniversary- Rip Simmy
Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy, I Can’t Wait
Doyle Loves All The Treats
Eyes On The Treat…eyes On The Treat…
Find Someone To Look At You The Way My Dog Looks At This Cucumber
Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy
He Loves Turkey
Dixie Waiting For Permission To Take Her Treats (Yes, She Is On A Cat Condo)
Is That What I Think It Is?
Grace Waiting For Permission To Take Her Treats
Atlas, Our 11 Mo Border Aussie
“I see your point and concur, I AM a good pup, now let us table the discussion of a treat”
Opening Wide For The Scooby Snack
The One On The Left Is Biscuit And On The Right Is Indy
I'll Be Gentle I Swear
For Me?
Lucky Coming In Fast
Shilo's Reaction When I Asked Him If He Wanted A Treat
Second Time I Offered It To My Dog. First Time She Grabbed It To Fast To Take A Picture
Training And Treats
Do I Hear A Wrapper Being Opened?
They all have that adorable look when you open any wrapper at anytime.
Playgroup… Did You Say Treat ?
Sprocket Waiting Patiently. Such A Good Boy
Peaches Focusing
They Both Like Cookies
Pookie's Interested But Is Too Comfy To Get Up
Hector Likes Everything
Oh!!! A beautiful rottie!!!! I had several growing up! Tasha, Ute', Ruger, and then as an adult, I had THE BEST rottie- Nash. He was my protector, my sons first best friend and just all around the best dog. I miss him so much. He was incredibly smart and intuitive. When I was pregnant with my oldest son, he was put himself right in front of me any time a male came near (except my husband) and give a low growl- like "please step back, I don't want to hurt you, but I will of you get closer". He never showed his teeth either, but with his size, and big ol box head, he could look intimidating. He used to put his head on my belly to feel him kick.
Kokyu Lost Patience
Stetson Waiting For Permission
My Love Really Likes Snacks.
Gizmo And Gonzo Now 15 Years Old - I Cherishing Every Moment
My 4 Year Old Pure Bred Pomeranian, Oden
Bear Loving His Pupachino
Millie Intently Staring
Only One Biscuit?
The Little Black Blob In The Lower Left Corner Is The Other Dog
Daisy And Barney Waiting Patiently
Dachshunds are awesome! I wish they didn’t suffer from back problems so much though.