Hey Pandas, New Thoughts About The Palestine-Israel War?
Yes, I'm asking essentially the same question as my previous post. But now it's been almost a month since the conflict started, so I'm curious: are your thoughts still the same as when it started? Do you take any actions to support the group you agree with?
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Honest answer? (First, I'm neither Jewish or Muslim.) In my opinion it's gone way to far. Israel is strong and using its strength in an inhumane way. They've used more pounds of bombs in a couple days on a small part of the country than the U.S. has struggled to make on Afghanistan in a YEAR. They're targeting citizens, I've seen videos of the children, the scared looks on their face breaks me apart. All this to say Israel is doing horrible things, but let us not forget what Palestine is doing as well. (I'm not as educated in that area, maybe someone is and can add their own info.)
I'm not here wanting Israel to lose, and Palestine to win, or vise vera. I'm here for peace. War was never good, is almost never justifiable, it's death... no matter the cause. My voice will not be heard by those fighting, but perhaps by God.
I can only pray.
It has most definitely gone way too far. Ten thousand people have been killed in the span of one month, 6000+ of whom were children. There's no fuel, doctors in Gaza are performing surgeries without anesthesia, and people's entire families have been wiped out infront of their eyes. I attended a zoom meeting in which a lady who was in touch with her relatives in Gaza said that now, bodies which couldn't be pulled out from the rubble are rotting, so there's flies and the smell of decay in the air.