Hey Pandas, Let’s Settle The Debate Once And For All, Which Colors Represent School Subjects?
It's the time (most pandas) we've been dreading for, back to school season. So I thought let's settle the debate once and for all... Which color represents each subject?
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For me it's..
History= Red
ELA/Language Arts/English= Purple
Yellows useless tbh
Red is Physics and P. Ed., Green for Bio and Geography, Blue for Chemistry and Computer Science, Yellow for Maths, Brown for Languages and History & Civics, White for Art
History is ochre yellow, civics is school bus yellow, biology is emerald green, chemistry is greenish-yellow, physics is dark purple, math is a dull blue, English grammar is lilac, literature is silver, second language is generally blue, Hindi is orange, geography is purple
English is like soft, sunset sort of pink or red, maths and physics blue or teal (non negotiable), biology is purple or teal, chemistry red or dark green, geography orang or green, Latin green and other languages can have any colour
math is purple, history is yellow, science is green, english is orange, choir is black, and theatre is red
English is red, Math is blue, science is green, and Social Studies/History is grey. Band is a black binder (with sheet protectors ofc), and then any electives are the fun colored folders :D
I have a combined Social Studies/English class, so I just made it a red binder with little Sharpie doodles.