Post two true things and one false thing, and the comments guess which one is a lie!
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1) 3rd grade I converted half of my class to act like cats and religiously speak in a German accent.
2) I had a funeral for a paralyzed ladybug that was led by a 9 year old Jewish rabbi (self identified rabbi)
3) I've had a bag of baking soda under my bed for 3 years
1) My wife and I were in Blockbuster, where the only other person there perusing the videos was Tom Cruise.
2) I’ve survived a shark attack, but my stomach looks like the Grand Canyon.
3) I live in the UK and have seen a large cat (e.g., Panther) roaming in a field near me.
I have seen in the news about panthers in the wild in the UK. Not sure about 1 so i will go with 2
1: I have been outside of the United States and even number of times.
2: I, at one point in life, was anorexic
3: I've never lost or broken a pair of glasses.
1. I wear glasses
2. I like to draw
3. I use photo editing softwares daily
I think two and three could easily go together, so I'm going to go with one.
If my memory serves me right, you work for BP so i imagine you use photo editing and on your profile it shows you like drawing so i will go with 1
1. I have been convicted of stealing air pods in the 6th grade, even though I didn't
2. I'm a broken extrovert, I love talking, but am super shy at first.
3. I was called a racist twat
1. I like to draw
2. I like to write
3. One of the things above is a lie. This is a truth ;)
1. my oldest ancestor was a friend of the Chinese emperor
2. I am 30 years old (well, you can tell from my profile pic
3. I once had a pet shark
I play piano
I love public speaking and pressure washing (?) XD
My favorite author is Jodi Picoult
1. I have never broken a bone
2. My sister is special needs
3. I have sprained my left wrist and ankle
1. I have only 2 aunts, but 11 cousins.
2. I am an only child.
3. I once had a pet duck.
My high school driver's ed teacher married a girl I dated before him.
I spent Easter vacation week in Disneyworld seven years in a row but I've never been on a ride there.
I avoided getting arrested by telling the cop I was collecting peppers to feed to a salamander.
Im too late... welp here goes:
1. I go to a private school
2. I play minecraft
3. I like pineapple on pizza
i will put the answer in after someone comments if thats ok
1. i have a bf
2. im bi
3. i have friends
1. I was fishing and there was a corpse in the water
2. I almost drowned at a summer camp
3. I'm Catholic
1.) I stole cutlery from my former employer
2.) I went diving once and cut my knee open
3.) I have a severe fear of giraffes
1. I have several tattoos
2. I am a console gamer.
3. I have a black cat.
1. I've performed in New Orleans.
2. I've performed in Memphis.
3. I've been to Carnegie Hall.
1: I have been out side of America three times as a 7-yo
2:I have five family members (including pet)
3:I own a hairless cat
1. I hate cake.
2. I've never been to Disney World.
3. I love carrots :)
1. My baseball Team played in the little league World Series and I had to sit out because I was injured.
2. My favorite food is pizza with pineapple.
3. I once had a dog that died the forst week i got it.
A Tomodachi life themed 2 truths and a lie!
1. I am two hats away from collecting all the hats in Tomodachi Life.
2. My export item is a Printed T-Shirt.
3. I have got two gold bars in a row from playing mini-games. (a gold bar is worth $1,000 btw.)
1: I got my dog for free
2: I own a one eyed rabbit
3: I work in a pet store
1 i am smart
2 i am a kid
3 im a farmer
your profile is showing you are 9-11 so its not 2. You are into your gaming etc. so i would say 3
1: I'm non binary
2: I own rats
3: I live in America
1. I have a real amethyst in my room.
2. I watch Naruto.
3. I wear glasses.
1: I like broccoli
2: I have 4 pets
3: I am 5 feet tall
1. Never broke a bone or had a childhood illness.
2. I have two cats, a dog and a 3 birds
3. I've driven across the United States from coast to coast 5 times.
I am not allergic to anything
I once lost my glasses in the one time i went in the ocean because I forgot to take them off
I am a sagittarius
1.My dog ate cheez-its.
2.Blue is for girls and pink is for boys.
3.Mondays are awesome.
1. I have an annoying dog
2. My parents got divorced recently
3. Im a student
1. i have a cat
2. i broke my arm falling out of a tree
3. i once accidently opened the car door while we were going 70 on a freeway
1. I have ADHD
2. I'm not allergic to anything
3. I have over 3.5k followers on Tiktok
1) i was in dance when i was little
2) i have never been out of the country
3) i died my hair pink
1. I've seen my bare knuckle (no skin)
2. I've seen and touched a real brain
3. I have seen and touched the inside of a lung
1) I can recite the Periodic Table
2) I go to Canada every year
3) I have never broken a bone
1 i never told a lie
2 i have lied
3 my 5 year old brother have fish
Well you have told a lie as this is what you are doing now so that would mean that you have lied so therefore i would say 3
Likes online school
Loves avocados
1. Ambidextrous
2. Likes online school
3. Loves avocados
1 I recently won the lottery
2 I jumped the grand canyon on a motorbike
3 I tell lies
1. I'm a published writer (under a pseudonym).
2. I was born in Malaysia.
3. I have severe nerve damage in my right thumb that means I can't close my hand fully.
1. I memorize a tongue twister in a day.
2. It took me only 5 hours to read a 500 page book.
3. I only read mysteries.
1. I'm my bullies' worst nightmare.
2. I alternate between impeccable grammar and "lol get rekt boiiiii"
3. I was born in Kansas
1. I have never told a lie
2. actually didnt roll he walked. (bravo 6, roll out. og meme)
3. I secretly don't actually like dogs that much lol
1. I am a total geek
2. I LOVE dnd
3. I hate drawing
1. I have at one point in my life, been anorexic.
2. I make music, and have a bunch of different songs.
3. When I was 3 and giving my brother a grape, he also bit my finger almost down to the bone.
Have fun guessing! :D
1: i have 5 dogs
2:i has liazard
3:I like ghost pepper
I love dolphins
My eyes are brown
I'm In collge
1. I am 6 feet 7 inches tall, and am sick of being asked "How's the weather up there?" and "Do you play basketball"?
2. I'm shy in person, but I have no trouble speaking to or performing in front of large audiences.
3. I'm easily distracted, and - look! A kitty!
1. A video of my dad playing beatsaber got over 20k views on youtube
2. I have a pet mini pig
3. I am omnisexual
1. I am a middle school math teacher.
2. I have never been out of the U.S.
3. When I was 4 I had to get stitches because I fell off my bed.
My daily screen time is 5 hours
I was in a school lockdown
I am able to speak three languages
1. I hate ducks with all of my soul.
2. I am an only child, as well as being an only niece as my aunts and uncles don't have any children.
3. I have never once eaten a candy cane.
1. When I was younger my dentist murdered my orthodontist.
2. I’ve never eaten pizza.
3. I spent 8 years living in South Korea and became nowhere near fluent in Korean.
#1 a roleplay in a block game is taking over my mental state.
#2 I'm failing my classes
#I've had at least 5 pets
1. At one point, my family had 52 horses
2. My parents have divorced and remarried 4 times
3. I have twelve toe nails
good luck
I say 2, they could be fake or they could just have extra toes, and a friend of mine has a lot of horses for rodeos, so that might be reasonable if they lived on a ranch.
1) I saw the movie Footloose in the theater over 50 times.
2) I held the elevator door open for George Takei (Star Trek's Sulu) when his leg was in a cast.
3) My son is named after one of The Beatles.
1-I play the violin
2-I have two dogs
3-I love oranges
1. I mostly don't like to listen the music because it is too triggering.
2. I don't like to take baths since it reminds me the time I had almost drawn in a river.
3. I am 28 and still don't have a car and a driving licence because it scares me.
I am
1. monogamous in a committed polyamorous Vee relationship
2. a security crowd manager with cleithrophobia
3. gender neutral but present as cisgendered
1) I had a girlfriend brake into my apartment for a week, while I was on vacation, and lied about it when confronted 2) I have an embarrassing tattoo on my lower back so I never take off my shirt 3) I was once the 15th fasted swimmer in my state.
I’m Italian, I’m Chinese, and I’m South African. Which is wrong?
1: I ate my first burger after graduating 10th
2: I have been kicked out of high school
3: I am straight A student
I have got chickenpox more than once.
I have met the same celebrity more than once.
I have been arrested more than once.
1. I survived an 80:20 life-death situation
2. I love the Twilight series
3. I once passed an exam I never took
1. I haven't drunk milk in so many years
2. I've never been to Disneyland
3. I own my own clothing bussiness
1. I am allergic to cats and dogs
2. My best friend and I are dating
3. I love anime
1) I absolutely dislike Netflix algorithms
2) I absolutely dislike exotic flavored ice cream
1: I have never had a B average
2: I've never broken a bone
3: My birthday is in November
1) 3rd grade I converted half of my class to act like cats and religiously speak in a German accent.
1) I've beaten Hollow Knight (voidheart edition) 2) I live in a 2 story house 3) I once was known as the "Crust King" because nobody would eat their pizza crust
1. I was born during a hurricane in a hospital in which the basement and lower floors had begun to flood and was being powered by generators since the power was out.
2. I went sledding down my driveway on a trashcan lid with my Dad when I was a toddler while living in Georgia.
3. I slept through a tornado that was so close it broke the window in the room I was sleeping.
1) I once shot a man
2) I have a PhD
3) My dog once ate all my edibles
1: over two n a half of anti venom was injected after a rattlesnake bit me. 2: being bitten by a rattlesnake is so painful. 3: I LMAO after being bitten by a rattlesnake.
2 is a lie. I LMAO cuz I thought it was only a thorn til I lifted my arm; honestly felt like it was simply a thorn. Going by how it felt, I’d rather be bitten by a snake than a lil cat/dog! 2 months later, a viper bit my thigh, but didn’t hurt. Call me crazy/psycho, but the ER was laughing with me.
1. in 6th grade i started a burn down society cult
2. i shoved a whole bean up my nose in preschool
4. i think that the orange gummies in the welch’s fruit snack bags are the best ones in there
the bean one is a lie my sister stuffed a bean up her nose not me
1. I like Eminem and Phil Collins
2. Ive played Hollow Knight
3. Im religious.
1) I have never traveled outside of the US
2) I have come out to my grandparents and Trans Nonbinary
3) I cried (very quietly) during a lockdown drill when someone banged on the door
1: I poked a chopstick through the roof of my mouth when I was 4
2: I've never been out of the US and Canada
3: I have 12 first cousins
Its three, nothing much to say.
I am new to this, Can potato delete this for me?
1:the other two are true
2: the other two are true
3: the other two are true
1. I've been to Europe multiple times
2. I once started a cult called pew pew nation when I went camping with my friend
3. I hit my crush in his nuts with a baseball bat in first grade
What is my favorite video game? Is it:
A: Minecraft?
B: Roblox?
C: Monster Hunter Rise?
Post your answer in the comments, and later I will reveal the answer!
1. I am out of the closet 2. I a Star Wars nerd 3. I play trumpet
1: I am a pro botw player
2: I am not actually a hylian retriever
3: i made a statue of revali so I could destroy it
1) I ate dirt because it Looked like coco powder when I was 7
2) I’m extremely depressed
3) my favorite color is Xanadu
1} My favorte animal is a pig
2} My favorite color is Yellow
3} My favorite berry is strawberries
1) My pet cat keeps running away from home.
2) I hate pineapple on pizza.
3) I can bend in half.
1. I grew up in a haunted house.
2. I played professional football for a Premier League team.
3. I was a backing singer in a boyband in the nineties.
1) I am 12 years old
2) I own a rabbit
3) I watch anime
1) My mom has met a celebrity before
2) I’m a Griffinpuff(having qualities of both a Gryffindor and a hufflepuff)
3) I once fell off the top bunk of a bunk bed
1. I'm using he/him pronouns right now.
2. One of my cats tried to eat a turtle.
3. I have bags under my eyes.
1. I was in a school bombing.
2. I was in a school lock-down.
3. I'm allergic to olives.
1 I am 23
2 I turned to 12 recently
3 I know how code
1: I am female
2: I love spaghetti
3: my favorite animal is a fox.
1. I once walked 4 miles by walking in a circle at a dance 200 times
2. I once fell through a water damaged wall in the first story of my house
3. My friends go to me so I can tell them their crushes and infatuations are illogical and they need to focus on more productive things
1, that would be 105.5 feet each time around and knowing school dances, you do not have that much room or time. (about 70 minutes)
1) 3rd grade I converted half of my class to act like cats and religiously speak in a German accent.
1. I tend to enjoy the foods I like
2. I often dislike the foods I find un-appetizing
3. Women are treated fairly by society. Anything and everything a woman wears is acceptable, whether it be for religious or personal reasons. All women are paid a fair amount and treated as equals in most work areas. Heck, there is no such thing as a male-dominated workplace because women are able to do what they love in all professions. Women never get stalked harassed or followed just to complement their breasts, because that is seen as creepy and enough reason for a trip to the police station. No matter how rich they are, all men will immediately be questioned, if found that they sexually assaulted a woman. Women get to live how they want without being judged.
gee this one is hard. I'm going to take a wild guess that three is the lie.
1. I am an extrovert that loves talking to people
2. I have only been to 3 states other than my home state
3. I’m allergic to watermelon
1) number 1 is not the lie
2) number 2 is not the lie
3) number 3 is not the lie
1) My cats favorite food is mango
2) I am almost 30 and never been on a plane
3) As a 3 year old I could name all my grandmothers plants with latin names
1. I wrote accidentally three truths at first before realizing: "Wait... One of these was supposed to be a lie!"
2. After two of my grandparents had died (one from each side), the remaining two moved into the same elderly home within a few years. They have since developed a "secret" relationship with each other, which everyone kinda knows about and (presumably) approves, but which isn't really talked about.
3. Some of my fondest memories from artisan trade school are the morning coffee breaks during our weekly carpentry classes, when we (the students and the carpentry teacher) would sit around the table and "talk s**t" (friendly bander, really) about the teacher of our own line of study.
I did the same thing as u did I was like omg hell I was supposed to writ two truths and a lie o_o
1. I like Sanders Sides
2. I hate P.E.
3. I can't stand the wizard of oz
1. A dog broke my arm.
2. I was making out with my boyfriend and gave him a bloody nose.
3. I’ve damaged ever car my parents have owned.
1.) i once had a staring contest with Dave lee Roth in an elevator.
2.) i once had to meet the president of Ecuador having been given 5 minutes notice.
3.) I once joined an advance computer progressing class by mistake and ended up finishing the course.
the line below is a lie
the line above is truth
both lines above are truth
1) i have ADHD
2) I’ve been physically and mentally abused by my parents but when i try to tell people my parents defend it by saying it’s discipline
3) I’ve never fallen in love
1. I have a mental illness called P.A.N.D.A.S
2.I have broken the law more than once
3.I am 25 years old
1: I grabbed a doll out of a toilet full of diarrhea
2: I barely survived drowning in a pool
3: My cat got ran over by a truck
1. I lost two teeth at two different times while eating pasta at 9 pm
1: I have finished all the levels on Bomber At War II: Level Pack.
2: I read too much.
3: I have a massive complex of alien species i have made. There are over 220 and each one has a homeworld.
1. I once randomly met a man with a turban and a beard (I think it's called Sikh). He looked at me and said. '' you are pregnant. And it's a girl ''. I thought he was crazy. Two weeks later I found out I was 3 weeks pregnant. And it was indeed a girl.
2. I have a dog for 10 years now. He turned 21 last month. Everytime I tell someone his age ,they don't believe me.
3. I had a parrot once. When we put him on the balcony, he whistled at our neighbours daughters.
1) i lived on the mountain that is officially called "the murder mountain"
2) im adopted
3)i'm the oldest in a family of 6 siblings
lie: i'm the oldest of 6 siblings, im accily the third oldest
1) I have been talked about by Jay Leno and a guest on the Tonight show.
2) I knew the MD who pronounced JFK dead at Parkland Hospital.
3) I have met Queen Noor of Jordan.
1) I have been bit by a snake.
2) I have stung by a scorpion.
3) I have been trampled by a bull.
1) I barely know my dad's side of the family.
2) I have bad Altitude Sickness
3) I created a NSFW character for a friend.
1) my uncle is rich but only has nine fingers
2)I have never been on an airplane
3) I know how to work with stained glass
1.i have autism
2.i have 1000 pokemon cards
3i have a playlist of 31 hours super close to 32
1. I like Bored Panda
2. My middle name has the letter "E" in it
3. The second one is true
1. I have a severe fear of bees because of a nightmare I had when I was younger
2. After reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, toilets scared me for a while
3. I can have a conversation using only Prequel quotes
1) I hate all types of carbonated drinks
2) I own two cats, Kihei and Kona
3) I like to eat cucumbers raw
1. I was called racist for saying a white girl pretending to be black was weird
2. I followed my sister around all day once saying Dhar Mann
3. I keep food stashed in my walls
1) I have had a girlfriend for almost a year now
2) I've left the country almost 20 times
3) I'm a twin
I'm convinced some desperate soul went through every post and downvoted them in an attempt to raise their own post towards the top. How else do you explain most of these posts have negative points.
you guys are really dedicated, i saw people going through others profiles just to see which is the lie, props to you guys i guess haha
I'm convinced some desperate soul went through every post and downvoted them in an attempt to raise their own post towards the top. How else do you explain most of these posts have negative points.
you guys are really dedicated, i saw people going through others profiles just to see which is the lie, props to you guys i guess haha