For those who don't know how to play, you give us three sentences (either about yourself, things you like, or fun facts) and one sentence your lie, and we try to guess which is the lie.
Donut's house rules:
- Be nice
- No spamming
- Trolls will have their ankles snapped
- Know at all times you are loved
This post may include affiliate links.
Ill go first :3
I love tomatoes
I despise the color orange
I am a huge harry potter fan
1. I'm allergic to strawberries
2. I have 3 cows
3. I love biology
I gained 5 pounds in 3 months
I gained 10 pounds in 3 months
I hate true wrestling. (Not WWE)
I remember stuff from when I was 2
I’ve never broken a bone
I have five dogs
*My first kiss was at age 18.
*I'm a master photographer.
*I am unable to feel hunger.
I enjoy flying around and stealing food from tourists
I love Linkin Park (The Band)
I have never seen more than 6 inches of snow in my life
1. I won a school baking competition for Christmas.
2. I have never ridden a rollercoaster, because I have a fear of them.
3. I once rescued a lost dog and reunited it with its owner.
I accidentally submitted this in the comments section lol.
1. I have never broken a bone
2. I have been playing violin for six years
3. I hate coffee
My favorite color is purple
I don't like dark chocolate
I have a pet rabbit
1. I (briefly) had a pet mantis
2. I've gone on choir trips to three different countries
3. I've never read/watched Good Omens (but I want to)
-I've been in three plays/musicals
-I've never left the country I live in
-I have watched every single episode of Seinfeld twice
I was baptized with water from the spring in my hometown even though one of my parents is not a member of the church.
I have an older brother who is a well-known but small artist in my hometown.
When I was in middle school, I went to art school after the school day.
I'm huge Oscar Wilde fan
I love the Cure
My cat is blind
1) I'm fluent in Japanese
2) DMX loved white owl cigars
3) I've stolen a boat
I work on a ranch
I have two cats
I support trolls
*I am allergic to milk but not cheese/ice cream/etc
*I have 5 fish
*I once threw up intact boba tapioca at 3 am (don’t ask lol)
I have read War & Peace
I ran a business when I was 8
I am semi-ambidextrous
Ahh sorry - I didn't mean to post twice! I am experiencing some internet issues and I didn't think it had posted the first time as it was showing up. Sorry everyone 😅
- I'm homophobic
- I've been to Bermuda
- I can go a long time without blinking