ENLIST HERE! We will assign officers and most likely launch our first forward assault as i’m sure a transphobe will comment on this post! 👇👇👇 all you have to say is “ENLIST ME” and you will be assigned a rank
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I think I am a veteran of several battles with the transphobe who keeps creating accounts and bullying children.
ENLIST ME i will be the magical sorceress, please and thank you.
I've been enlisted as general previously as I've had my pronouns in my username since i joined, and I've been pissing off transphobes since I started questioning my gender
I won't join cause I already have a personal campaign against that Piece of sh!t......
2 things, 1 enlist me i have expirenece with stupid loopholes for them and 2 brooooo your profile picture is sick i love it my dude
Guys, it is not just pronouns that annoys the troll. They do not like when you state your sexuality as well. So add that to your name as well guys!
иди нахуй: loosely translated, “go f**k yourself”. but it can be used in a wide variety of ways. pronounced “idi nahui”
Heck yeah! Enlist me! I've been arguing with the troll for the past couple weeks, and I'm proud to be a nuisance to them. I am also immune to misgendering, since I use any pronouns/labels :)
do pronouns in my bio count?
I’m in the pronoun war already :)
Not sure I'll be much help but I'll try! ENLIST ME!
Yesss down with the troll! My pronouns are she/her and all pronouns are awesome and accepted!
Enlist meeeeeeeeeeeee, I don’t care what rank you give me. I just hate the burnt cereal bowls and potato noodles(in honor of Madally I shall continue her insults)
I’ve had my pronouns in my username since last year before the pronoun war but I shall still enlist anyways
I was late to the post but I'm building my frog army as I speak!
I was late to the post but I'm building my frog army as I speak!