Have you ever thought "Is it just me that does this?" If so please tell me what it is that made you wonder!


I’m not sure if it’s just me but sometimes I feel that my synesthesia is so intense that I give non livings things their own personalities. For example: the AC in my room is like a strict but caring person and is usually a comforting person but can turn scary sometimes


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't know if we feel the same way, but my washing machine seems to be saying (translated into English) to work, to work and it is very determined and my coffee maker sounds very tired and a little depressed. However, I have music synesthesia where I can see the music as colored patterns that vary depending on the genre and certain songs leave me for a moment like a live filter where everything I see is usually more yellow for a while. Certain piano sounds are like soft velvet. And generally people don't like nails on a chalkboard or the sound of styrofoam. I like those flickers and sharp colors.

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    whenever i meet someone online, i sometimes imagine talking to them in person. but since i dont know how they actually look like, i imagine one to one, in person convo, where im talking to their actual pfp lol.

    so for example,
    if i imagine myself talking in a one to one in person convo with someone who has a ninja turtle pfp, im imagining talking to an actual ninja turtle lol.

    anyone else do this? or is this just me lol



    I guess three:
    I have conversations with people I know in my mind, but since I'm me, they are technically people I made up
    In these conversations, I say things to myself that I want to tell people, but I have this action of waiting for the right moment to come for me to say something, even if I know it won't come.
    I also will sit on the side and wait for people to come to me and talk to me, rather than go talk, due to my social anxiety of how people view me



    I have several
    1. When I have a scab that I know I can't pick but it's itchy I will very carefully scratch around it so it's less itchy but I don't pick the scab
    2. I eat ice cubes
    3. Sometimes I fail the 'I am not a robot' tests
    4. I wake up and fall asleep again to try and finish my dream



    I often will find myself looking at something and then (I know this next part is weird), imagining a whole movie/music video/show around it.

    I like to stare at my eyes and eyelashes whenever I'm by a mirror. This is because of how the colors work with each other, they fascinate me. I have hazel eyes (kinda hazel in the inside and then green) and heterochromia in my eyelashes.

    This next one might just be a musician thing. I like to hum my music then clap the rhythms or conduct along, while I'm just sitting around.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I take fictional characters and imagine them doing music videos 💀

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    When the sun is really bright, things I look a can have a yellow and blue outline. Like half is outlined in yellow and the other in blue. It's kind of like a highlighter feature in drawing apps but vertically on either side of a person or thing. Looks like this but the person doesn't have to be blurry for me to see this: https://tinyurl.com/3tr36nmn. It's probably because of my glasses. Also, when I was looking one set of purple Christmas lights, if I looked through my peripherals I would see two sets of Christmas lights one red and one blue.


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    Stardust she/her
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes that happens when I try to look at the corners of my vision ( I too wear glasses )


    1. Sometimes, I just stop wanting to talk or smile or act happy in general (idk how else to describe it.)
    2. I sometimes crawl into the far reaches of my closet and cry myself to sleep. no wonder my neck hurts.
    3. I always check myself out (and compliment myself) in the mirror no matter how dysphoric or trashy I feel.


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    PickleDragon she/her
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't sleep there but I do crawl into a dark small corner of my closet trying to be the smallest possible curled in a ball, crying over something, usually self hate/grief (THE TWO ARE NOT RELATED I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE I PROMISE)

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    Sometimes I just make up movies in my mind like live action movies and it entertains me just as much as a real movie does


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    Posted this before and nobody has said they do it too, but tou never know, so here we go...

    I count the crosses and dots in sentences in my head, even as people are speaking to me. So, imagine you're writing with a pen and you have to dot or put a cross on something.

    T and F are crosses.
    I and J are dots.

    Here's an example sentence:
    'I really wish I wasn't working tonight.'

    This equals:
    Triple dot, cross, dot, cross, dot, cross.


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    Am I the only one who's *STILL* is afraid of the spooky scary monster under the bed grabbing my feet at night?



    Does anyone else think in a different accent than their actual accent? Like, I live in the US so I have an American accent but I think in a British accent???


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was meant to be my addition to this list. Bonus - my thoughts are in different languages depending on the type of thought it is

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    1. Whenever I eat Smarties (the chocolate candy) I pour them into my hand, sort by colour, and only then will I eat them.

    2. Create elaborate stories with insane levels of character development and an entire cinematic universe, all while I’m trying to sleep.

    3. Have an existential crisis about what I’ll do after high school and be unsure if I’ll even live after turning 18 purely out of fear of potentially being homeless/being miserable because my dream job (comic book artist) criminally underpays 🫠

    4. Doubt my obvious neurodivergence (likely ADHD, potentially ASD too) because when I brought up to my sister how I’m taking online assessments for ASD (like actual assessments, not buzzfeeds) she told me not to take online tests seriously. So now every time I do something, I don’t know if it’s an actual symptom of ASD or if I’ve just convinced myself I have it… so that’s fun.

    5. Wonder how much better my sister’s life would’ve been if I wasn’t born (I’m the golden child).



    I like to make up little stories/worlds in my mind. I’ll just come up with a world, a plot, a backstory, characters, creatures, language, basically everything that is needed to make a world. Then I’ll just go through the story over and over and over again when I’m bored. Idk if it’s normal, or something else, but I like doing it. It’s comforting. I currently have 2 worlds that I have perfected and 1 that I’m still working on :).


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have 3 that I've started well over 10 years ago in my mind and thar I work on sometimes

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Every so often i will have a piece of food lodged in my throat. I can breath but cant swallow. It will either pass or i will have to go throw it up. Doctors have told me i either have a ring of tissue around the part of my throat that food goes down or a muscle doesn't work right. Either way i can get out of any situation i dont like bc i can now control when i vomit lol.

    Lemons into lemonade i guess


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    I completely cannot accept that I’m not fine. Logically I know my brain is really weird and the way I think and interact with reality is probably not normal. But my brain is so determined to reject that that I end up thinking “no, there’s nothing weird, you’re just trying to think you’re special, you’re a normal person.”
    I feel like my mind is the real me, sitting somewhere trying to control a character in a video that is my physical body. Idk it’s probably nothing :’D


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    ◦•●◉ 𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝑔𝑜𝓃 (𝓈𝒽𝑒/𝒽𝑒𝓇) ◉● 1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do that too. sometimes it’s more like “you’re not special. you’re just a normal person who has a messed up mind that makes you think that you’re different. you’re not. not special. nope. just normal.”

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    Often I'll look at something with words on it (book, label, sign, etc) and a word will jump out at me, it'll look like one single word is enlarged while all the other words stay the same. This will happen until I look away, and then it'll go back to normal when I look back. Sometimes when this happens I'll even COMPLETELY IMAGINE the word/phrase. Like, I'll look back at the book/sign and read through it and the word I "saw" won't even be there.


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    I have trouble falling asleep so I'll pick a letter and a subject like food and think of all the food that starts with that letter.


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    Make way to many dark jokes with my friends.


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    I enjoy humming the same tune over and over while doing a menial task until it sounds like a underwater singing in my ears.


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    Well I go over conversations that might have, like a lot. And I do it with conversations that i might have years from now, or that I might never have.


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    I know I can be a bit of a Karen sometimes (trying to stop), so I make a point of phoning places I've been to speak to the manager, then telling them what awesome service I received in their establishment that day. If I can remember the name of the staff member, even better. Sadly, the managers are almost always shocked.


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    Somedays I'll zone out or really get involved in a moment and get this tingly feeling and this weird feeling that I've either already done or imagined doing this before.

    Like I'll do a group project and I'll be talking with my teammates to get a feeling like I remember doing this


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    I trace random words or sentences on flat surfaces such as tables and walls.


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