Hey Pandas, Is There Something That You Always Wanted To Try But Were Too Scared To Do? (Closed)
I ask this question because there have been many times in everyone's life that they wished they could take the plunge on something but felt people would judge them or would never try because of the belief they couldn't get it right.
Discouragement then turns a goal you were so passionate about into a wish. The difference between the two is the goal is focused on going forward and achieving, when a wish is not putting in the necessary effort. I'm interested in the diverse answers that are out there.
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Be genuinely vulnerable with someone. Lean on someone else without constantly bracing for impact. Show love in a way other than trying to be useful.
Trevor Noah just did a whole skit on this, about the lack of intimacy in male relationships, that was hugely popular. The need and the desire is there. It's widely recognized. Sometimes you just gotta be the person who's willing to dance alone until others are brave enough to join in. Talk about it with your bros. I bet a lot of them will be receptive and appreciative. And if they give you sh!t for it, they're not friends and you shouldn't feel obligated to put up with that toxicity.
Sharing my music. I've written my own music since I was 11 but nobody but me knows about it.
Maybe start small. Show friends and family. Maybe try getting a channel on YouTube or another site you know. (Edit: if you decide to start i will gladly subscribe to it!)
Being confident enough to stand up for myself!
Man I just wished I would have kept on doing watercolour. Stopped cause I didn't believe in myself
Maybe it's time to try again. You don't have to show anyone. Just do it for you.
Backpacking abroad. Mentally I wasn't ready to embark on such an adventure when I was in my 20's. Too insecure, too indecisive, too dependant on others and too overwhelmed by the idea. For a long time I felt like I'd missed my window of opportunity for An Experience of a Lifetime (as others who HAD gone backpacking kept calling it). However I discovered that I wanted to go backpacking mainly because others were doing it and I felt I had to prove my worth.
I'm 33 now and after some work, very little of the aforementioned personal issues remain, so I've got a trip planned for next year to go biking in Vietnam and Cambodia :) It's not backpacking, but awesome nonetheless ;)
I'd already got married, bought a house, worked a steady job... and then one of my friends died of cancer, very young and very unexpected. I quit my job, packed a suitcase, talked my spouse into agreeing to a long-distance relationship (temporarily), and ran off to teach English all over the world! It's not backpacking, but I'm not sure my back and hips could handle actual backpacking at my age. It's probably more fun having adventures when I'm more emotionally mature and stable.
Go out in public by myself
I used to suffer awful agoraphobia In just leaving the house. I built up my tolerance a tiny amount at a time. Finally I made a trip from the UK to New Zealand on my own. I’d have absolutely never thought it possible for me. You can do this, tiny baby steps to desensitise yourself by letting the fear in. And Eventually you realise you’re okay. I understand how difficult it is though, I wish you well :).
Hike the Appalachian trail. I'm not talking section hiking, but through hiking, the whole thing.
Solo or with a group? A group would be more safe and fun, but the question of *who* might be daunting.
Traveling by myself.
By the time I found a friend with the same travel interests as me I no longer had the burning desire to go to faraway places.
Skateboard. Even just a little, and I don’t care if I fall. I’m 60 next year, and I’m not dead yet, so ya never . I’d like to find someone patient enough to teach me.
If you go to a local board shop or skate park, you might find people thrilled to share their passion with a beginner. And then you could probably borrow their board for a few minutes, so you wouldn't need to invest loads of money for a few minutes' lark. https://www.skateboardershq.com/how-to-skateboard-for-beginners-complete-guide/
Ask the guy I like out...
Tell my dad I'm gay. My mom already knows, but I'm not sure how my dad will take it.
Sky-diving. If there was a 100% guarantee I'd land safely!
Very few things have a 100% guarantee. There is always risk. You take a risk getting up in the morning, crossing the street... or sticking your face in a fan.
Hang gliding. I'd love to feel like I'm flying, but I have very little upper body strength and even less joint stability, so I couldn't trust myself to steer or stick a landing.
Unless you have a medical condition, upper body strength and joint stability can be improved.
I want to do this so badly, but am terrified. I both crave and fear being the center of attention, so the idea of mangling a song in front of people is a nightmare.
Go to college. For one, I'm broke and disabled, and for another, my disability is almost all mental. I have severe bipolar and ADHD, Anxiety disorder, dysgraphia, and I'm sure other things I haven't been diagnosed with. If I did go to school, I would lose my disability, and I doubt that I have the focus to do anything with a degree.
If you want to learn, take some classes at your community college. You can break that dream into small manageable pieces and still get fulfillment out of it.
I’ve always really wanted to swim with sharks as there one of my favourite animals but im scared of swimming and putting my head underwater ☹️
Therapy, or at least asking for it
Just KEEP trying to find the RIGHT therapist FOR you because I’m certain that that they’re out … I’ve been w/ my therapist for almost 2 yrs now & I’m glad I finally found her!! 🙏
Be genuinely vulnerable with someone. Lean on someone else without constantly bracing for impact. Show love in a way other than trying to be useful.
Take time for myself instead of freinds,I may be the youngest but I'm the mom of the group
Oh honey- just remember you only have so much of yourself to give to other people. It's okay to be selfish in this situation. If you have good friends, they'll understand that you need to recharge.
Asking someone to please respect my pronouns and sexuality. I am genuinely tired of doing it but still with no success. Really tired...
Get a series of T-shirts with an explanation on them and when people f**k it up, just point to the shirt
There isn’t enough time to list all of mine.
There isn't enough time to spend life in a cage! No offense, I'd love to be there for you.
Confess my feelings to one of the most well-liked guys in my school. He's the kind of person that is friends with literally everybody and everybody likes him. He's super nice and he's one of the only people in the whole school that has good standards. I feel hesitant though, because there are rumors he has a girlfriend already (but she's graduated already) and I'm sure several other classmates have told him they like him...
If he's super nice and has good standards, then it's unlikely that he'd humiliate you or spread rumours even if he turns you down. After all, he hasn't made a big deal of those other students you're sure have already confessed to him. Is there a way you could speak to him alone for a few minutes?
Flying in a small aircraft. The science has been explained to me, yet I still fear the experience.
I’ve been in a small aircraft three times in my life, and I highly recommend it. It’s pretty strange at first, but it’s worth it. Sitting right next to or behind the pilot is pretty comforting. You see them go down the checklists and preflight procedures, talk to the tower, etc. When it’s old hat to them it’s calming for the newbies.
When I was a kid, can't remember which grade, we had a new Afternoon activity added to our regular Afternoon activity curriculum (it's optional, you could chose any activity on the list or none at all) which was calligraphy. I had always wanted to try it out, but the requirement for this activity was to buy and bring our own calligraphy pens. As a kid, I had no idea how much those costed and knowing our family budget was tight, never asked my parents for that. Ended up never going, and the next year they didn't have calligraphy anymore, there were too little interested kids for it. My handwriting sucks to this day...
I want to publish a book. Reading has always given me the mental escape I needed when I needed to focus on something that wasn't my own troubles. At least, for a while. I want to offer that kind of break from reality for others, too.
I was afraid to stand out.
For nearly 30 years.
Now I'm the colorful freak and I love it.
Fly your freak flag proudly! The world is so much more beautiful with colorful freaks in it
Telling people that songs in our school band were written by me. They'll never know.
Talk to people
Probably online shopping
This is a weird one, but I'm always scared they're going to scam me or the product comes damaged.
Also funny enough I'm in Gen Z, you think I wouldn't be scared of this
If you don't buy absolute s**t on the edge of the light side of the internet, I'm pretty sure you're fine
Driving a car. Its stupid because I am in the process of getting my Private Pilot's License so I am flying planes but I can't drive a car. Every time I try I just get terrified of losing control and dying or something. I'm at the end of high school so my friends are already on their P plates or full license and I am stuck on my L plate (I live in Australia). I really want to drive but I am just too scared.
Be true to other people about how I feel
Go to med school. I don’t know if I have the drive for 8+ years of school, even though the intricacies of the human body has always fascinated me. It’s such a huge financial commitment.
There are plenty of English language countries where getting a degree is much cheaper than in the US.
I'd love to go scuba diving but thalassophobia and crippling fear of suffocation says no. :,)
This makes sense, but maybe there is a place where you could try it out just in a swimming pool? I know where I am (Australia) there are many dive schools you can go to where you start out in a pool with an instructor watching your every move to make sure you don't get into trouble. This could be a good way to build up your confidence and it might help just a bit with the fear of suffocation. I hope you get the chance some day to go scuba diving, I've never done it but one of my friends says it is an absolutely amazing experience.
Have an opinion on boredpanda
ikr, everybody gets attacked on here for sharing opinions. Regardless of wheather there offensive or not.
Be "normal "
There's no such thing a normal. Everyone has their own problems, they're weird in some way, they all like different things, so don't worry about it. There's no right or wrong way to live.
Sharing my fanfiction
I want to go skydiving, but I have fear of heights and dying 🙃.
I also want to visit South Korea but I haven't learnt Korean yet.
There is a lot of things I want to do but I have school 😞
South Korea is actually fairly easy to navigate if you speak English. Because of the American occupation after the Korean War, many public signs are in English and many people speak English. I visited for a week in 2015 and found Seoul and other cities very welcoming to English-speaking tourists. Also there are very many friendly people in the country.
I always wanted to be an artist, and to sell my artwork online. But I cannot as it takes a lot of time and effort to set up an online store.
Go canoeing on a lake with friends without passing out. I have megalophobia and fear of deep water.
Tell my parents that I want to do arts like dancing and singing and maybe even acting. I have always been the "smart" one in the family and everyone's always expected me to do engineering but I don't feel like that anymore. I also want to start a YouTube channel where I sing but I'm too scared of my parents finding out.
Do it. I chose a practical path despite my heart being with performing arts because my mum used to just say “there’s no money in it.” But money does not buy happiness. And to this day I regret it and resent her for it. Any time I go to the theatre it both breaks my heart but also gives me a rush similar to when I used to perform,
Roller Derby! I've had a lot of head injuries in the past so I have a legit reason to fear doing this, and definitely shouldn't... but it's always been something I wanted. I wish I'd done it when I was younger before the head injuries.
I would love to do derby, too! I'm in my mid-40s & this week's been a bear with my arthritic knee, but I think I still have enough spunk to slam quite a few ladies around and love it. I would definitely be cautious with a history of head injuries, though. There's a difference between scared and smart.
skydiving..... I shudder thinking about it but at the same time, I would love a freefall that DOES'NT end in pain.
no pain, it's amazing! i suggest going tandem, it's the most fun and stress free way to skydive. landing was easy!
Move house. With my new partner. I’ve lived in my home for 16 years and I literally helped build it from foundations up. Leaving it will be a wrench but, it’s not quite big enough for us both plus he had kids. Plus all the pets.
Top surgery and T
A prolonged “real life experience” comes first, must come first. You can find support groups to teach you how.
sharing an actual oppinion on this website, anything remotely diffrent gets downvoted into oblivion. Even if its completely inoffensive and harmless.
I want to go to a Spanish-speaking country to learn about the culture. Specifically, I want to go Perú, Guatemala, or México. However, after hearing and reading both tourist and native stories, I am far too scared.
I lived in Merida in Mexico for 6 months not knowing any Spanish when I got there. I went with my kid who was in third grade and my gf at the time. We had a blast and had no problems at all. Everyone was super nice and that gf, now my ex, moved there permanently! For me, the trick was to pick a neighborhood with most everything you need, get established there. Get to know the shops and street sellers, and the local law enforcement ...there was a cute military girl who guarded the bank I walked by almost daily and I'd share nods and flirty/friendly grins with her. The local tienda clerk knew what I wanted from behind the counter because I had a "usual", the park and zoo employees recognized and waved to my son, and the neighbor lady who cleaned as a side gig became a friend after we hired her to clean our place weekly. We swapped recipes and share meals and my gf went shopping with her a few times to explore the city. Once we were settled, we explored more. It really helps to get comfortable in one area before branching out. Everywhere has it's dangers, but when you have a home base and know people it's easier to feel safe enough to venture out of your safe zone. It's all about establishing that safe zone first.
Asking the people who laugh at me what they find so funny.
Roller coaster ,bungee jump, zip line and horror games.
Horror games as in very good quality horror games .
The parachute jump. I would have loved doing this' 😱
i suggest going tandem, it's the most fun and stress free way to skydive!
Tell my parents that I want to do arts like dancing and singing and maybe even acting. I have always been the "smart" one in the family and everyone's always expected me to do engineering but I don't feel like that anymore. I also want to start a YouTube channel where I sing but I'm too scared of my parents finding out.
Bungee jump!!! It looks so fun but I'm way too scared of heights.
if you like your brain smashing into your skull at 200km/h go ahead.
I would love to try skydiving, but I don't even like rollercoasters bc of heights and drops lol
Secretly always wanted to be a nightclub singer. Unfortunately have a voice like a boys choir voice (soprano) so doesn't really fit
I've always wanted to be an artist but I heard the same trope " you can't make money from that" now almost 15 yrs later I'm finally getting back into it
Secretly always wanted to be a nightclub singer. Unfortunately have a voice like a boys choir voice (soprano) so doesn't really fit
I've always wanted to be an artist but I heard the same trope " you can't make money from that" now almost 15 yrs later I'm finally getting back into it