Hey Pandas, Is There Anything You’ve Seen That You Just Can’t Figure Out What It’s For? (Closed)
There are things in life we come across that we just don't have any idea what their purpose is, and if you have something, maybe someone on the internet knows what it is!
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Those white, plastic, spiky, flat, tab things that come with wrapped painting canvases. I think they're for hanging? But I can't figure out where they go on the back of the canvas, or if that's their function. Never bothered to look it up, either.
Those tiny whisks
The human race. All its done is destroy the world.
I was going to post simply "Life" but I think this covers that. Life in general is parasitic it must destroy to survive but it doesn't have to do it with the cruelty of humanity.
Very fancy China and stemware that are too precious to be used.
Baby christenings. Let the poor kids make up their minds when they're old enough to understand what they're signing up for.
Boredpanda. It confuggles my mind.
The giant fins on the weird ancient lizard creature longisaquama? Theyre huge i cant figure out what they could be for, i saw it in a dinosaur book when i was little and im still really confused by it 😅
Theyre not wings i dont know what it could have used them for