This is a safe space for all, just be kind. All nasty comments will be reported for... Well, being mean and nasty lol.


i live close to an abortion clinic. i'm a christian, and it makes me so mad to see other christians yelling at women going in to get an abortion, telling them they are murderers and that they are going to hell. they scream at them relentlessly. it should be illegal to harass then like that. that's not how jesus dealt with sinners. i also don't believe all abortions are wrong. and christians should not be out there judging people without knowing their circumstances.


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Martin Kaine
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You're telling us is you're a good Christian- literally doing what Jesus would do. Well done.

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    I hate Bored Panda censoring.
    I hate Bored Panda copying TikTok.


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    The Original Bruno
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The censoring is silly but mostly harmless. The Tiktok c**p... OMG PLEASE STOP!!!

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    I’m so sick of hiding things from my parents and i feel so trapped. I’m not even technically allowed to be on this site.



    My mother is dying from Stage 4 cancer, and does not have much more time left. We don't know exactly when she will die, but each day is heavy with the possible expectation.
    Locally, my wife had shoulder surgery a week ago, and we are still figuring out the new routine, since she has to keep her arm immobilized for another 5 weeks. No one is sleeping very well, including our 4 children. My normal methods of getting stress off my chest (video games, writing, music, and eating) are not helping like usual. Yesterday, I kept vaguely hoping that a car would hit me on my bike so that I could rest. I am seeing 2 therapists regularly, and they help alleviate some of the negative energy, but it doesn't last like it used to.
    Finally, I am beginning my search for my birth family in earnest, and it is going to be a doozy! It is a long road to finding answers and resolution (if any).
    Phew! Thanks for lending a panda-sized ear for a minute, yo!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's an awful lot going on there my dear. Hold on the best you can, hugs and best wishes to you

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    I am not ok. Even though I keep telling people that I am.



    I treated my mother so poorly during the last months of her life. She was in a nursing home and I got so impatient with her. Looking back, I want to slap myself. Sorry, Mom. You deserved better than me.



    my ex-friend was never respectful towards me, threatened to even kill me, gaslit me, would try to do ANYTHING to keep me away from other people, and was absolutely horrible to me.

    today marks day 15 that I've been away from them and starting a new life with friends who really care for me :)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    im so happy for you. im still trapped in a toxic friend group and totally respect you for getting out and starting a new begninning

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    So I found out yesterday I need surgery in 2 weeks, and that my hubby needed it 2 weeks ago but no doc caught the *compression fracture in his vertebra*. I was begging them to do X-rays, but what do I know... It was that or a slipped disk, and I tried so hard but I've been dealing with a grapefruit-sized grwoth on my reproductive organs after bacterial pneumonia, and I am *tired of being the problem-solver in these situations*. Someone else do it! I need to heal!

    And that's my rant. Thank you for letting me vent that.


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    Sabra Faire
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You have to take care of yourself first (without feeling guilty). I hope your surgery goes well for you and your husband's as well.

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    I am struggling with my mood, been on a relative high for a good few months, now just starting to feel numb to it all. I feel like my depression is hiding in the background, and is wanting me to crash.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a dreadful feeling, and I know it well. I wish I had something helpful to say to get you through it. I don't know if it helps to know you aren't alone, that it happens to others, that it's possible to get through it, aren't alone.

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    well i'm not even trying to be funny but my chest itself. i want a binder so bad, my dysphoria has been awful lately.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If the weather's too hot for hoodies, try slightly oversized button downs. The material is pretty light weight, and it helps hide your shape. Getting them oversized means it's not going to fit funny over your chest, and that it's going to help hide things better. I wish you the best, and hope that you have less dysphoria in the days to come.

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    There is no justice in this world and the crooks who shuffle large amounts of money win all the time. It makes me sick. Go watch the "gold mafia" series by Al Jazeera on youtube and realise that this is just ONE case in africa, never mind the crooks in other continents/countries. People innocently go to work each day to make ends meet and barely do so, yet crooks get away with this and are not prosecuted, or if they are, they have stashed their cash all over the place so when they get out of jail they can just carry on as normal. Makes me sick.


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    Hope Cows&Chickens
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The world is such an unfair place! It seems, especially the last few years, that the crooks and swindlers get away with so much immoral crapola, yet if I were to jaywalk I'd probably get a ticket!

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    i hate anime and ticktock


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    Olive Harper
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too. I can't stand it. (please don't down vote. It's just my opinion.)

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    You can skip it’s a long and depressing one. Don’t bother yourself with my problems.

    I hate everything about myself, and I want to die bc of my toxic manipulative and emotionally abusive friend. I can’t stand her but I feel bad bc she’s sensitive and I’m her only friend. I just came out as genderfluid to some of my friends and one is super transphobic. I always have some sort of dysphoria and also dysmorphia I hate my body. I’m still cutting and I just want to end it all. I just can’t imagine what that would do to my little sister, she’s the only one I care about anymore. I don’t wanna traumatize her, bc it sucks i never want her to have nightmares and panic attacks to the extent I do. I just don’t even know what to do. Therapy doesn’t work for cr@p and I can’t ask for medication bc my parents think I’m better and then I won’t have any privacy or freedom. I’m sick of being controlled and yelled at and gaslit and manipulated and I’m just sick of life. I can’t believe my friend was so mean after I came out not even a “wow that was really brave of you” I’ve looked up to her for forever and my whole world is just falling apart for so many reasons.


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    Kevin the Manager
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am certain that you will find new, accepting, refreshing friendship circles later in your life. Right now, I can see that your friendship/relationship options are limited, but they expand as you get older. Stick it out and when you can, surround yourself with those who accept and care about you as you are. Easier said than done, but I "hate[d] everything about myself" at one point too, and I'm glad I am still here. (((HUGS))) from your new friend, Kevin!

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    I wish Americans would quit arguing about which party is better and start working together to fix things.



    uh hi
    i just wanted to say that ilysm
    keep going hon, your doing amazing :) please don't give up. your going so far!!! i'm so proud of all you've done! i love you so very much and please keep going, you've got this :)



    I like a boy in my science class which is weird for me cause I haven't had a crush on a boy since elementary school but I really like him and I get butterflies any time I see him or talk to him and sometimes he'll just say my name and just that makes me smile for the rest of the day



    i dont know if its trust issues or what but whenever someone says something nice about me i never think its true. anything, i just think its because they are a nice person and they are saying it to be nice but really, im used to people telling me the bad stuff. im used to the truth and not people saying this stuff maybe to cheer me up or all that. i know im a problem and i can be annoying and if i am then you can tell me because i know it and i want you to tell me.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never could take a compliment because it means they noticed me. I always preferred to be under the radar growing up. I was "shy"

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    i've had serious thoughts of ending my life and i don't know what to do. i feel like I'm slowly going insane and i just want it to end.


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    Leo Domitrix
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Been there, didn't do that, it's worth it to hold on, it really is, life is worth it. Call a help line, whatever it needs to help you walk away from the abyss, okay?

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    My degenerative disease has come to the point that I could only imagine was close to worst case scenario. I am scared and lonely. I have people who love me but I feel like I have to entertain to keep them around


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    C.O. Shea
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What Rocky said. My wife endures degenerative issues. I make sure she talks... and I make sure I listen. It helps keep the load lighter.

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    also, i would like to get my two you-know-whats off of my chest - a trans guy



    My life is just really sucky. My parents are fundemntelist christians and have no resect for me. I have no way to escape from my life they are really picky about who I hang out with. They also don't think any mental health disorders are real or take them seriously, because if anything happens to you it's your fault for sinning or not "following Jesus" closely


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    Sabra Faire
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Look forward to when you can be out on your own and create the life you want. Your situation is unfortunate but you can get through it! Stay strong.

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    I have been experiencing some really dark thoughts lately about cutting myself and starving myself to the brink of death. It’s honestly a miracle that I haven’t actually tried to kill myself yet, but give it time and it’ll happen.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Trust me that was me about two months ago and I almost did, so DONT DO IT. It will hurt people even if you know it won't I promise

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    Multiple things :)

    1. I’ve never had a crush before so for all I know I have a crush on my friends
    2. I had my first suicidal thought 4 years ago, when I was in grade 3
    3. I’ve no idea what my religion is, my whole family is christian
    4. I keep looking for sharpener blades and I don’t realise that I’m looking for them until I find them or until after around 2 mins

    Thanks for reading (or not) to my nonsense


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    Hope Cows&Chickens
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in 7th grade when everything seemed to go wrong too. I hope there is a counselor or teacher you can talk to or even a crisis help line. I understand not wanting, not being able to talk to one's parents. Are there any friends' parents that you'd be comfortable talking to? They were all young and overwhelmed with teenage/ preteen feelings too, so unless they're really old then they remember what it was like around your age. I ended up being a confidant for a girl down the street a couple years older than my own daughter, so maybe you can find someone too. I wish you luck! And just ignore the haters in the comments. Anyone who says f'ed up comments to someone who just admitted they were having trouble definitely has problems of their own. Otherwise they wouldn't be making such comments. I hope you find someone you can talk to!

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    ive never really had interactions with my granpa but about a year or two ago he died yet its only now starting to click that i wont be able to see him again



    I just asked a girl I really like to a dance and she said yes. However she never actually said if she likes me back and I don't know how the hell to ask her now unless I ask her out but that'll be weird now


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    be real with her. Say how you’re not really sure what to say, make a little joke about how people can be hard to read. be human. it’ll put her at ease and also be able to relate a bit

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    1. Due to past and recent bad experiences in my life, I have a tremendous repulsion towards men, yet, I can still feel sexually attracted to them. I feel, a lot of the time, when reading on lists of things men wish women did or knew about them, they are very hypocritical. For example, men constantly state they cannot read a woman's mind. Fair. Agreed. Yet they wonder why women don't automatically understand how to do things they(men) like. We can't read your minds any better. They say women should lead more and be assertive, yet they feel "emasculated" if a woman is in a high leadership position or makes more money or does not blindly let them lead. They say they are more logical and less emotional but will not admit they are quick to anger and, usually, some form of violence or aggression. I also do not believe I need men in my life on a personal level. Anything (within reason and as an adult woman) I want in life, I have procured myself. A car, a house, material possessions. I did not and do not need a man to pay for me to enjoy life. I certainly don't need them for any emotional needs I can think of. Every time someone tries to give me a reason I would even remotely desire a relationship with a man of any caliber, I can easily replace him in my mind with a beautiful, eternally faithful and loyal dog. Better yet, 10. Yet I find myself attracted to men to a certain degree. I am also attracted to women. I don't completely or remotely hate men, just the thought of trying to share my uncomplicated and comfortably peaceful life with one. I am thoroughly confused, and I don't know how to handle it or be at peace with it. I am polite and kind to the male patrons at my work, as is required, to a certain degree, but that is it. A therapist could not be of any help because I feel on the surface I am protecting myself from further harm.

    2. In relation to and not in relation to 1, for the past six months, I have had no desire to further connections with my friends. Aside from wishing them a happy birthday and sending a gift, I have canceled many plans to go out and meet. An anxious feeling grows the closer I get to the date, and I cancel a day or two before. I don't know what is wrong with me, and I feel like c**p every time but also great relief after canceling. I canceled on seeing my coworker's new house and having a lunch date, I canceled on going to a movie with my other coworker. We are pleasant with each other, but the thought of going out makes me feel anxious and panicked. I thought it was just my usual winter depression, but even with the sunny weather this week, I am compelled to cancel or adjust another meeting I made with a woman I am tentative friends with. She is barely 18 whereas I will be 21 in a few months. She is also interested in men and can be almost giddy about them in a way I am not. Otherwise, I like her, but for some reason don't want to get too involved.

    3. I don't know what to do about my thoughts, feelings, or anything internally right now. But it does feel a bit better to put them out somewhere. Thanks, to anyone who is somewhat interested.


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    Lil Miss Hobbit
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey, I actually find this relatable. As a young woman, I find it weird that girls my age are all "boy crazy" and want men all the time. I've been asked out, and I've said no. It's not because I don't have crushes on men, it's because I don't need "romance" or whatever else. I've found that I am happy on my own (with my dog, of course🤩). They make things more complicated, and trying to mash my life with someone else's seems like a scudding lot of work when I already have family and friends. I don't know if it helps, but when people pressure me to date, I have two things I tell them. First, I don't feel mentally ready and it's not a good time in my life (which is true) and secondly, I am not fishing. I tell them that if, someday, a man comes along who manages to convince me without a doubt that my life will be better and more comfortable and more of an adventure with him in it, then I will consider dating. Until then, I'm good. Single life actually rocks.

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    i hate being in my college! i just wanna take a break from my monotonous suffocating life!!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Try to enjoy the smaller things in life. Go out for a walk, smell the air, hear the birds. Or go running? And trying to aim for a goal. Like maybe a competition. It depends on if you love your job or not. And how your family has formed (getting married ,having kids.) All those things make a life interesting and fun and some ups and downs of course. But try to see the glass halffull.

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    I'm at a point where I just want to scream. My life has never been easy, but somehow I always managed to pull myself together and stay strong, and in the years before the pandemic it looked like a few things were going to work out: New place to live, job, therapy (OCD, GAD, depression). It seemed to get better. I had to fight really hard, but I was motivated. Then I developed a "Frozen Shoulder", an infection that takes a lot of time to heal and comes with immense pain. I was hardly able to do anything at all for months. Just when my shoulder got better and I wanted to be active again, Covid came along. Everything came to a halt. There was no way to fight my most important issues anymore (my post would get too long if I explained). I also lost my job and couldn't even see my therapist anymore.
    Then my aunt (who was also one of my best friends) died. Then my most beloved cat died. To shorten this a bit: Two more cats and all of my four sheep died within 18 months.
    When I managed to get back into "fight mode" after having a really hard time I just HAD to catch Covid. That was four weeks ago and it's still not over! I still feel bad. I'm tired and exhausted all the time, still coughing, too. My motivation is completely gone.
    I need to get going again, and I know I'll find the strength eventually, but right now I just feel like everything sucks.
    (Sorry for whining, it's usually something I don't do.)



    my best friend has been treating me like sh!t ever since I started prozac a few weeks ago. They keep expecting me to be perfect and I hate them for it.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You should tell them. Don’t be mean about it but communicate. Straight up tell ‘em how it works, what you’re feeling, and your thoughts. if they don’t respond well, you need to start finding new friends

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    I got out of an abusive relationship about 4 years ago. It destroyed me completely. But then I moved to a new place where I didn't know anyone, got lots of help and back on meds for ADHD that also helped with my anxiety. I also returned to college last Fall and for the first time in my life made the Dean's List. I made many great and supportive friends.

    I moved across the state to another new place in January. It has taken me a little bit longer to find a job, but now I have two. The people here have been amazing as well. Woke up yesterday morning and discover I have a package arriving at my old address. In fact, several have arrived over the last week, and more are coming. After checking with my family, I arrived at the conclusion that these packages are from my abusive, stalker ex (one package was a dead give away when I saw what store it was purchased from).

    At first, my anxiety hit the roof. I was panicking. I dropped all contact with everyone when I left that city behind and no one knew him in my last city. I rarely spoke of him and never gave his name or went in to details about him. And I rarely use social media, and keep all my profiles private. And then I thought about it more. He still doesn't know where I live and still doesn't remember my birthday. Whoever lives at my new address will probably be getting some really questionable items from him. It's been four years and he still can't take a uint. And that made me laugh and more okay, but, it still makes me uneasy that he was able to track my last address. I can only wonder how long it will take him to find my new place. I know I am safe here, but... Without fail, everytime I start to let down my guard and do well, he seems to pop out of the woodwork.

    If any of you have an ex that you aren't over (and it ended terribly, and even if it didn't)
    and think that a romantic gesture like this will win them back... Don't. Just don't. It is not romantic, it is fricken creepy as hell. This was literally the last thing I wanted or needed in my life. Get help or therapy instead to help you move on and work through why they left you.


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    Some good news to counteract the bad: I haven't sh in probably months now (but unfortunately I'm not counting) and I haven't had the urge in forever, it gets easier to quit dw :)



    Can’t comment and it makes me sad. I have to post to reply to a comment its garbage. Also I’m sad that Leading The Banned got banned. Also DP. But he could just make another account. And so could LTB..Guess I’m mostly sad about me!


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    Take me to dinner first
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Upvote for dp and commenting to let you comment whatever you want lol


    I’m a hopeless romantic. I have a crush on my second best friend (my age with a boyfriend), her older sister who’s 17, her ex, and a guy in college. And another guy in 2 of my classes. I’m ace but I’m panromantic and even tho I know I’m not, I feel like such a slüt. I also really like approximately 10 fictional characters. I’m only romantically attracted but I think there’s something wrong with me. It’s not even like “oh so and so is cute” like making eye contact (which I hate) makes my day. I have 5 classes with my friends ex, and he knows I like him, we’re still sorta friends. I have 1 class with my friend but she’s coming to my birthday party. Her older sister I don’t see super often. The college guy I’ll probably never see again until next dress week next April. I just don’t know what to do I feel like such a slüt.


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't worry, it's completely normal to have these sort of feelings at your age. Damn hormones.

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    JESUS LOVES YOU!!!! it does not matter who you are or what your going through he is with you and wants to help you he loves you sooooooooooo much and i am praying for you because i love you to ( well not specifically you because i don't know you if you want me to pray for you just comment it i will upvote you to know i saw it because im blocked from commenting because of how many down votes i get from people) he loved you so much he died for you and wants to walk with you forever have a good day!!



    I'm not getting better.
    I went into wilderness therapy exactly a year ago and for a few months afterward, I was doing so so great. I felt like I could talk to my parents about how I was doing, and I didn't feel like hiding anything. and then about three months later, I self-harmed for the first time since getting out.
    After that, it was all downhill. I relapsed into regular self-harm and my eating disorder came back in full force. My depression is back, pressing on my chest, and my anxiety makes it hard to breath. My dysphoria and dysmorphia is making me hate everything about my physical form.
    I just am miserable in life and want to end it.
    I feel like I cant tell anyone, because my parents would send me back to the woods, and my friends would tell my parents.
    I'm so scared


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    Lil Miss Hobbit
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Go for help. Not because you want it, but because you are worth it. It is okay to relapse, and it is okay to ask for help multiple times. It's part of being human. I know that it is depressing and scary to feel the darkness grabbing at you again, but please keep hoping. You are worth it, and you are loved. There will be a time when the darkness rolls back and the sunshine can get in, but you have to not give in. I believe in you.

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    Sometimes I don’t know if I really want to be a mother, I mean I do, but like, aren’t moms supposed to be elated they’re pregnant? I’m 36 and this would be my first, had a miscarriage before, so I haven’t gotten my hopes up yet but yeah. I’m just like, coasting I guess? What if this feeling never changes?


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    Lauren S
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m just shy of 32 and have never had a biological urge to have a human child. Everyone told me it would change when I hit 30, nope, didn’t change. When I was a kid and I played “family” with my friends, never once was I a mom, just a grownup, it never felt right at 7 and doesn’t feel right in my 30s with my dwindling eggs.

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    Disabled Air Force veteran here. I'm sick of people "thanking me for my service." At best it's smarmy... at worst, it comes off insincere and patronizing.

    I get it moms... you're thankful someone else volunteered so your child wasn't drafted as cannon fodder. But I say, if you're truly thankful you'll help bring back the draft so the load of defending our nation is distributed more evenly. Otherwise, just move on.

    That's it. Let it rain down.


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    Ann Dennis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is smarmy. I don't think most of them mean it to be, but...yeah. I date back to Viet Nam, and I'd rather not see the draft return, but I definitely think 2 yrs of compulsory ,national/military service like some other countries have would be a real good idea.


    I'm in so much more pain than I admit to



    Compared to some of the posts I've read on here my rant may seem trivial and believe me I feel for all those that are feeling lost, hopeless and scared in this world.
    That being said however this is my rant please be kind.
    The other day I read on my news feed an article about a young man named Sam I believe who took to social media to explain and justify his reasoning why his personal goal is to steal around $30 worth of groceries every time he goes shopping.
    Yes times are tough money is scarce and the future is not as shiny bright as it once was but in no way imaginable can this be justified. Apparently according to Sam there are various TikTok videos on how to successfully stretch your food budget by stealing food.
    Moral implications aside this is not a victimless crime. He did mention his concern on what this would teach his children but he had to put food on the table. At no point did he even seem to consider getting a second job to aid in that. My husband and I both had fairly low wage jobs. He would work 12-14 hour days and I at one point had a full time job and two part-time jobs so we could pay our bills and put food on the table. We went 20 years without a vacation. Our kids wore second hand clothes. Not all baby boomers made out well ( but that's another rant lol )
    Sam and so many others like him fail to realize that much like when you have a fender bender big stores do not run their theft losses thru their insurance. The big wigs still get their bonuses but the losses are offset by raising their prices for the honest folk who pay for their purchases. They also cut staff and/or hours so now people who are also trying to put food on their tables will have a harder time. The big one is if the company has a profit sharing program the theft losses are offset on that and now hard working staff will have less money in their pocket.
    So Sam and company don't try to justify your criminal and thoughtless activities to me. I'm 68 and still working part time as is my 75 year old husband. We don't work because we like it but because we have to. Times are tough for almost everybody so you get no sympathy from me. And Sam I work in retail and should you ever try stuffing some sandwich meat or granola bars down your shirt in my store be warned that unlike some store employees I will not look the other way or give you that secret club smile..
    Thanks for letting me rant Bored Panda



    I had cancer several months ago I have finished chemo and scans are clear but the side effects I got are I can't have sugar it will spike then drop (Hypoglycemia) and really weird I can't have milk, ice cream, or whipped cream but I can have any other milk product I have gastroporesis. I came to school after and my science teacher made me have a panic attack first day I got iss because of her lying a*s(I have a different science teacher now) This year alone I have attempted to eat so much sugar I die but it didn't work I have tried 2 times I'm scared of hurting myself I don't get why my life has been so bad I know others are going through stuff but my brother has gotten sick twice this year and nothing else just a cold. I am seeing a physiologist and a therapist. I have been called gay because I have a gf and she's a little younger so people also call me a pedifile I just want it to stop.


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    The Cuckoo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey! I see you! I hear you! Middle school/high school is rough. Kids are a******s and you are going through a lot, the world will need you when you are older so you can be the person you wish you had when your were growing up. Don’t give up, be the light you want to see in the world and talk to your therapists, if they don’t click with you try someone else, get someone younger who you can relate too and take it one day at a time. Remember to breath and the world is a better place because YOU ARE IN IT. Sending you love and good vibes from Canada. 🌈🦄🦾


    This is going to get buried, but I might as well.

    *trigger warning: mentions of suicide ideation*

    When I was twelve, I used to frequent a website that my parents didn't like me going on. It wasn't inappropriate or anything, they just didn't approve of me going on it. Well, I went on it anyway. I continued to go on it for multiple months behind their backs before they found out. I recognize that was wrong, and I betrayed their trust, but that's not the point.

    I made a friend that had mental health issues on that site, and they confided into me about it. We would talk a lot about video games, obsess over LOZ and Nintendo releases, and just overall have fun. I didn't think of them as an uber-close friend, but they were there for me and I was there for them, and they did matter a lot to me. They helped me through some of my mom's health problems and some of my issues with coming out, and I helped them with some mental health things that they were working through, encouraging them to get some help or tell someone. Right before I left the site for good, they told me that I was one of the reasons that they were still alive, that my kindness was one of the reasons they didn't commit suicide.

    I do not understand the full extent of what I did for them, nor do I think I ever will, but I can't confide in anyone about it. I can't bring it up with my parents, nor my friends. The person doesn't go on the website anymore, nor do I, but they have since gotten psychiatric help, and are doing much better.

    I've only ever told my sister, and I can't really talk openly about because there's honestly nothing more I can do. I can't contact the person, aside from on the website, but they don't go there anymore (aside from occasional check-ins every few months). If I were to mention it to my parents, they would freak out, and it wouldn't accomplish anything.

    I know that I meant a lot to that person, and they meant a lot to me. This is something that I honestly haven't told really anyone else, but I needed to say it.

    TLDR, I went on a website my parents didn't approve of behind their backs, made a friend, and that friendship helped to prevent them from killing themselves.


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    The Cuckoo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m 36 and I had friends like that I met in a sonic the hedgehog RP chat about 15 years ago. I know where you’re coming from and you did well. I don’t speak to many of them anymore but I think of them sometimes and it makes me smile.


    I’m fed up of the earning/tax situation. Yearly tax calculations


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    Phil Clarke
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i hate the fact you earn money through out the year and pay a stupid amount of tax jus to, at the end of financial year, pay tax on your tax and if you are lucky to have a good paying more money to the greedy a******s

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    My boyfriend is in pain management for Degenerative disc disease. He's in constant pain. This past week he over did it and his back is messed up. But he's been such an a*****e. I get he's in pain, he's always in pain but f**k give me a break!! I worked 6 double shifts I a row and my body is jacked. It was crazy busy at work. I need one God damn day to rest. I'm fried, sore, and my back is killing me. And while I'm not exactly enthusiastic, I'm being calm, polite. But since this guy can't move I have to until he's better. Should be about a week. I know he's frustrated, but f**k so am I! But what about me? I've been serving people all day for a week and I have to go home and help him. It's my only day off until I'm working 4 more doubles shifts since we need the money. I'm tired. I know he can't move, he's falling over, and maybe it's selfish, but just let me have a day!!!!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honey, you do need to take a day for yourself. Even if its just a day in watching movies you need it to rest. You arent being selfish, your just over worked and over tired. I give e you full permission to be quote on quote swlfosh for a day or two <3

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    I’ve been really close to a mental breakdown for the last few days.

    My family refuses to listen to me, and my sister is trying to pit my mother against me because I ate some of her candy.

    I’ve been forgetting things more than usual, and because of this, I’ve been grounded.

    I don’t have anyone to talk too, and I’m trying really hard to hold on, but I don’t know how much longer I can.


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    Lil Miss Hobbit
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just so you know, it's okay to break. And it's okay to ask for help. And then after that, it's okay to pick yourself back up and go on.

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    My narcissistic sister/monster who abused me for most of my childhood just had a baby. Every time I see a photo of her, I can't help but feel pity for that little girl. I know what her fate will be and I can't bear the idea of another child going through what I did, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Call cps on your sister, even if they dont have proof of her hurting the little girl she just had, she is CLEARLY not fit to be a mother.

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    I've been on thus website for the past 9 hours.


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    C.O. Shea
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If this is your foundation... good deal. Let it inspire you to move forward.

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    i have weird almost-panic attacks. my legs will literally stop working and it'll be hard for me to breathe. i had three in one day last week. It feels like everything kind of...idk. it feels like the world keeps spinning but I spin faster and faster until I can't think anymore. i hate it, but I have really kind friends who recognize them and offer to carry my stuff — or me — when they happen.


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    C.O. Shea
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Deep breathing helps. Breathing is the simplest thing, but also the easiest to forget when I tense up. Breathe in... two, three, four... hold, two, three, four... out, two, three, four. Repeat three times.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My boobs, I'm getting top surgery in five days!!!!🎉🎉🎉
    I'm super excited I will be able to go swimming in just swimming trunks witout a binder🥳🥳🥳


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    A gay cat man
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yay for you! i'm getting a binder for this summer and a stand to p**s thingy :)

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have a girlfriend. I'm not supposed to have a girlfriend until I'm 15. I have extreme anxiety, stress, and adhd. I'm worried about my friends because their relationships with their parents are worsening. etc.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i gwt hiw you feel. its not fun, and i wish i had some tips to help you, but i really dont. If you'd like i can give you a hug :)

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    I have feelings for one of my close friends but recently he has started talking and acting in rude manners towards me and me only and a few days ago he’s started to completely ghost me I’ve liked him for so long and it really hurts and I don’t know how to move on.


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    Hope Cows&amp;Chickens
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You said he's a close friend, ya? Have you talked to him and asked him why he's suddenly treating you differently? Do you guys have a mutual friend that you could ask if your guy friend is not willing to talk to you?


    The “Ken” of the dog park, he is probably mid-50s. I go just about every Saturday to a big and bougie, but dope AF dog park, this isn’t the first time his dog, Scooby, has caused issues and he has blatantly ignored said issues. Last Saturday was a bundle of problems and self entitlement.

    Scooby starts humping every dog in the park, my dog included. Everyone gets Scooby off their dog. Scooby’s human’s response, “it’s okay, he is fixed”. My response, “no, it isn’t okay, no one here wants their dog humped, fixed or not”. He goes off on a rant about how the dogs can’t get pregnant and dogs hump. Somehow I managed to not respond with a snarky comment about how I don’t want random guys, vasectomy or not, humping me, it is natural for humans too after all. I was proud of myself for keeping my mouth shut.

    Insert a bunch of sexist, racist, and all around douchey comments from Scooby’s human. I put my earbuds in, making sure he noticed. Don’t worry, he yelled louder so I could hear. So kind.

    We are hitting about two hours of Scooby and his human at the park and the chaos continues. A new dog, Felix, enters the park and Scooby humps Felix, then decides nope, I’m just going to get of top of Felix and Scooby puts his mouth around Felix’s face. Granted, I know Scooby and his human, Scooby is just dominating and has no off switch, not aggressive, nor vicious (we are regulars), Scooby’s human simply states, “Scooby will never hurt another dog”. Felix is a very submissive dog, he was whining and trying his best to let Scooby know to get the F off him and let him be. Felix’s human used basic commands and a slight push to get Scooby off his dog, no luck. Felix’s human yelled to Scooby’s human multiple times to get control of Scooby. Finally, Felix’s human grabs Scooby’s collar and pulls Scooby off his dog, as anyone would. Well he had it, Scooby’s human was livid, got up and ran over there while yelling at Felix’s human, “get your hands off my dog, don’t touch my dog! You can’t just go around and grab other people’s dogs, he is like my son and you can’t treat him like that!”

    Felix’s human calmly and politely stated this isn’t the first time there have been problems caused by Scooby and he can’t keep Scooby under control, he is going to ensure the safety of Felix, which he did so with as little force as possible.

    Scooby’s human had enough and was just yelling sexist and racist comments to Felix’s human. Both Felix and Scooby’s humans are white males.

    Some people! Let’s see what goes down at the park this Saturday.


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    C.O. Shea
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There was a city ordinance in Bend regarding aggressive dogs. You have recourse. Document the human and the dog. Turn them in. Get a vehicle license plate, if possible... that'll take care of identifying the human. Be strong. You're defending your and your dog's rights.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    *ahah, here we go. might be long or might not be*
    I'm so, so sick of people blowing me off, or getting yelled at for stuff i shouldnt of been yelled at for.
    my mom HATES short hair on girls. I had hated my long hair for awhile,.and she let me cut to my shoulder. Well, like a month ago, my dismorphia and such reached the roof and i wound up cutting my hair about to mt chin and LOVED HOW IT LOOKED. Well, she flips the absolute F**K out, telling me i broke her trust (we will get tmback to that later) and such. Continuing in comments :)


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    Hope Cows&amp;Chickens
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is she not aware that hair grows back? I suggest telling her you are aware that prefers long hair but you don't like having long hair and even if you aren't an adult, you should still have bodily autonomy. I would also ask her if could please explain how getting ones hair cut broke her trust. Sometimes us parents screw up, esp if we're angry, and we don't say what we really meant. Luke, maybe she's shocked and disappointed that you cut your hair with talking to her about it first, and that's not the same as breaking one's trust. It's a haircut, not cocaine for heaven's sake!

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    Uh, well… let’s give this a go…

    First thing: growing up gives me shivers, and I dunno (might sound weird) pulls at my soul a little bit? So does thinking of Heaven and forever. I mean, I wouldn’t my beliefs, but thinking of endless something, I just get anxious. I’d rather not classify which anxious though, or else it may turn into a phobia or panic attack. I think of this often at night, and it keeps me from sleeping well.

    Second: I recently discovered that I am prone to being infatuated to my crushes if I am close to them, and I learned the symptoms and am very disappointed/sorry for my dear friends. I may have a crush regardless, but I am trying to keep my distance because A) he is an online friend (never seen him in person) and B) I do not want to become obsessed again. Some symptoms I had that make me certain it was not healthy are: he told me his favorite flower was a sunflower (he didn’t know until I asked him that specific question tho) and I began to love sunflowers myself, admiring them for every little thing, growing some myself, and constantly listening to Sunflower by Post-Malone saying it was my favorite song at the time (I still love it, but not obsessed). That’s just one example. I also thought of him every day many times, and tho it wasn’t based on looks I loved his spirit for scripture and kind, socially relaxed attitude. I know, it’s dangerous meeting people on the internet, but another friend I met separately now talks with him on messenger, so I assume he’s who he is. Also, he’s never asked for private information (I was just stupid and volunteered it after he did) and he’s never been weird, just respectful and supportive and patient with all my ramblings about life. I dunno, for me, I’d rather die and meet him in Heaven and see him then, or never see him there but not mind as much. My parents said “you are NOT talking to boys on your own” and they already disapprove of talking to people on the internet, so I figured better not get caught on double and just say goodbye (until) forever.

    Uhhh, last one: I’m having a hard time not getting sucked into believing bad things. I don’t want to put any of you down or tell you you’re going to Hell, I’m not sure or clear on that myself, but I don’t want to let these doubts of who I am run me. It already ran me with MBTI personality types, “oh, that person is an ESTP, my friend is an ENTP” none of that junk. It makes me self-centered and narcissistic (though my online friend told me he didn’t observe that from me) in my opinion, and I start blurring through life with these labels in my head. I mean, yeah, I lean more on introversion and thinking rather than feeling, but the more I think on it, how rare my type is or who shares my type or who died on my birthday (three famous people, very famous jsyk) I start going into this box I made for myself and say “yep, this is all I am, no room for liking something different. You are a girl who loves purple and foxes, for eternity, and you are a rare mythical creature that must wait for her soulmate to appear, extroversion and all, and run the race with you until you both reach Heaven.” There it is again, that anxiety of getting old and dying.

    On the humorous side, I accidentally first typed “when he told me his favorite flower was orange” instead of sunflower lol. I’m tired. This was all I could think of. Bored Panda, internet, roblox, why would I need social media if I have you causing enough brain melting and drama as it is?

    How do you find Will Smith in the snow?

    Just follow the fresh prints 😌


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    THE BOTTOM OF YOUR COMMENT I- and im so sorry your going through that, wish i could with you helpful tips but i cant :,)

    See Also on Bored Panda

    i am pretty much afraid of every invertebrate . EVERY.

    You see, when I was in 1st grade, I got stung by a wasp and cried like hell due to the pain. Since then, I've had an irrational fear of literally every animal that doesn't have a spine.

    There are , however, certain conditions where even the presence of some of these guys will not scare me, eg: an open field where a Butterfly/Bee/Wasp/Hornet is definitely not hovering to and fro me.

    Oh yes, i am afraid of Butterflies as well. Dragonflies and damselflies? Small ones sitting far off from me are ok. Bees? Small ones and stingless ones are ok. Moths? Only the tiny ones are ok. Houseflies? Mostly annoying, but there's the occasionally large specimen that takes a liking to me and scares me. Same with Mosquitoes. Snails and Slugs? idk, maybe not yet( I have never seen a wild slug ). Millipedes? I've only encountered small ones yet, so no idea.Centipedes? oh yeah. Arachnids? Well, if a Jumping Spider in my line of sight suddenly jumps and disappears, I will start rubbing my self all over reflexively. Other than that, I have actually let a Daddy Longlegs walk over my hand, although I could've moved it away.

    I have tried to win over this irrational fear in multiple ways, but so far, I haven't had much success.


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    Ann Dennis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd call the Daddy Longlegs a success. You start with those you're least afraid of, and work up as you experience success. Don't push too hard, and don't feel hopeless if you fail some. These are also the sort of thing a psychologist can help with. There are several affective desensitization techniques to try. Sounds to me like you're making some pretty decent progress on your own, too.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Bouche. I want to get Bouche off my chest, as she's standing on it. Ouch!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's amazing how heavy a cat can feel when their weight is concentrated into those 4 little paw points!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I was to the point of almost killing myself because I was tired of everything and couldn't take it anymore. I was crying but it didn't happen - obviously- and I was just crying and crying for like 4 1/2 hours straight.


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    There’s quite a bit of stuff going on up in my head that’s not exactly positive but I don’t know what it means or how to interpret it. I don’t want to talk about it irl because a) I don’t want to bother ppl and b) I can’t explain it well because I don’t know how to explain it without making it seem confusing or over exaggerating it. I don’t think anyone’s on this thread anymore so I guess I’m just typing into empty space pointlessly, but what’s the harm I guess. If anyone does see this then know that you deserve to have a good day, and remember to treat other people well.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i relat wto you more than i want to. im so, so sorry you have to go through this

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    The chest binder and the Jackson-Pratt drainage bottle. Had a right-side mastectomy a few days ago (breast cancer) and I hate the way the elastic binder feels when it constantly scrunches up. I have to empty the J-P bottle every 6 to 8 hours and it's gross. I just want to be healed up and able to go about life again.


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    Ann Dennis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You've got my total sympathy, and you're on your way back to your life, even if it doesn't feel like things are moving right now. One f&%$#g day at a've got it.

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    I feel that I am being pressured into caring... about almost anything and everything.... ask me about land rights for gay whales or some such inanity and I have to be honest ... I don't care ..... some minority feels aggrieved and is outraged .... don't care .... some corporation destroys the planet at the behest of shareholders..... somewhat depressively ... I don't care.
    My question is .... must I care ?


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    ЛеснойКороль(Forest King)️‍
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i know it’s really hard to care about things nowadays because everything is bad and it’s been so desensitizing! but push on, there’s always something to fight for, i think!

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    my dog has intestional cancer and we dont know if he will make it, ive already lost 2 pets these pas 2 years, i dont think i can handle losing another



    All the posters that are feeling some kind of way, I’d like to share my pray with you. It not preachy or long.

    Use as needed at anytime.


    Forgive Me!

    I’m Sorry!

    I Love You!

    All of these are Prayers.

    P.S. You are allowed to use them on yourself…it’s called compassion.


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    Im quite Suicidal, when I was like 7 I tried hanging myself off a bunk bed with a jump rope multiple times and still to this day I have serious thoughts about doing it for hours day after day, but it has gotten a bit better than it was before.


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    ЛеснойКороль(Forest King)️‍
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh no, that sounds awful! i’m so sorry my friend. i have been in that place multiple times, but if you keep pushing on i can confirm it gets better! find someone who will comfort you when this happens and will help you get through it. i love you all and i hope it gets better for you my friend


    So this is to get what is botherin us...ok so I have been deling with this. i am completely afraid of the dentist. Funny though giving birth is hard and painful yet I cannot come to terms of going to the dentist. I am afraid of what may happen if I go, and afraid if i do not go. I have been dealing with losing my gums. I do take my dental hygiene serious. I brush regularly 2-3 times use mouthwash. However as the days go by it seems as if my gum line is receding more and more causing my teeth to become loose.


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    ЛеснойКороль(Forest King)️‍
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i hate the dentist! i totally agree the dentist is very scary, but what helps is i listen to music while they do my teeth and i watch a movie on my phone or something. it keeps my focus away, and even though i can still feel it, it makes it more bearable.


    on the side note my spouse is losing his hair we are not sure what is the cause. I am totally freaking out as I am trying to keep things calm yet I am screaming for help on the inside, FYI both us are in our early 30s......


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes people loose all or most of their hair in their late 20s, hopefully all is well with yall

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    i feel basic for saying this, and i’m sorry, but life is so hard right now. i’m living in a country where no one speaks my language, i’m at a new school where i’m bullied because i can only speak broken Malay and english, and my brother Yuslav is fighting in a war for the side he doesn’t believe in. i’m so worried one day i will get a letter telling me my brother is dead. i have nightmares about this. but i find safety in my music, but even that has not been helping too much because i can’t find an orchestra who will accept a kid to play with them. i’m sorry for ranting about the same stuff but i love this community and i believe i can count on you guys to make me laugh when i am sad. i love you all


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    Proud Mommy
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Awww dont feel bad. I know you may be going through tough times right now. You will need to stay positive. Your brother will be fine. He is good hands. Music is my gateway as well. When I am going through tough times I turn to music to help me stay calm and keep my sanity. We are here for you.

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    I hate my life. Being @b^s3d, not having any friends, being legitimately locked out of society, my life revolving around keeping my dr^gg33, dip-chewing, v@p!ng, sneaky older brother out of juvie, never being good enough, always being a mistake, being unwanted, being the freak, the weirdo, the strange girl nobody likes that sits in the corner writing and drawing all the time, the only thing I have going for me is that my cat comes up to me every morning, sits on my shoulder, gives me a hug, then kisses my cheek and lays there a while.


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    3 Trash Pandas in a Trenchcoat
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love you, we all do. Really truly. I can't give you any more than that, but just keep going. One breath at a time. One step at a time. One day at a time. That's all anyone needs you to do.


    I am so close to committing that I cannot think about it without feeling the need to claw at my arms or face. The only thing that is causing me to not is that I hate pain and so many people depend on me to be there. I don't know what to do anymore, and most people I tell make it about them, or they don't know how to process it. I am just really fcking afraid of myself and what I could do to myself. I just feel like I am drowning and that I will fail everything, because I was a gifted child and now I am burnt out and my parents think that it will be fine but I am afraid that they might need me to pay for some of my college fund or start paying for a lot more things and I cannot do everything and there is so much I would need to do to have an income. Whenever I go to therapy I try not to lie but my parents are usually there and my therapist thinks that everything can be solved by breathing. It also feels like nobody is even taking me seriously because nobody did anything when I was SA'd at school and I am just panicking because he is on my bus and making rpe jokes and my classmates tell me to buy a chair and a rope. IDK if I can do this anymore.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    First, it seems like you need to find a new therapsit THAT DOESNT ALLOW YOUR PARENTS IN THE ROOM WHILE THE SESSION IS GOING ON!! Two, i need to speak to these a*****e classmates of yours. I cant lwt anyone, much less someone in the same fandom as me, be treated like this. Your therapy sessions are somewhere where you should be able to tell them whats worrying you and such.


    I have been trying to figure out my gender for the longest time. I am afab (assigned female at birth), but recently came out as genderfluid. However, It has been a couple months, and I have never catered to male or female. In fact, I think that I may actually be agender, and start going by they/them pronouns. It's been so confusing, but saying that feels right to me. I also feel like I don't have a place in my life where I don't feel judged.


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    I dont trust my family half the time.
    They constantly threaten me and try to steal my money.
    I just cant deal with the stress, and dont feel safe venting to them.
    They also just force me to do whatever they say, im the eldest of four children btw.


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    I’m a mother who travels a lot for work. My 8 yr old lives with her dad (49m) and his gf (23f). I get her on holidays or anytime I have enough time off to travel back to her. I feel like she’s being brainwashed to the fullest. Actually I know she is. He’s a flat earther mixed with radical Christian beliefs. He tells her all her teachers are liars and doesn’t support her in school at all. His young af gf is just as brainwashed and they are shoving these crazy beliefs down her throat. I had her for a week for Spring break and she is so different from the girl I saw for Christmas. I do my best to talk to her as often as I can but I’m not the constant influence in her life and I’m so afraid of the person she’s going to grow up to be. She has terrible social anxiety due to living on the outskirts of their town. The only kid interaction she has is at school. My boyfriend has given me the choice to quit my job and be a STAHM but I don’t know if she even wants to live with me due to how different I am from her norm. I feel stuck and helpless. It keeps me awake at night.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can try to be a stay at home mum.You won't know if you dont try. Your kid could surprise you and would love to stay with you. Don't wait too long. An 8 year old can still change a lot, without rebelling.

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    I'm a voluntary age regressor!


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    C.O. Shea
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Age play... as long as it's safe, sane, and consensual... go for it.

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    My soft can-opener pushed me off of her! Here I was, giving her my precious time, and crash!


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    The way certain Europeans love to wag a finger at America for not accepting her horrific history, yet, of those countries that participated in the "Age of Exploitation"... I mean "Exploration", I don't see any of them teaching their kids in their schools about the shocking fückery they were up to over here between 1492 and 1620. Africa would also like a word with Europe. So would South East Asia...


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    I’m not alive. I wish I was. But I can’t feel pain or love or joy Means I’m dead right?


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    Ann Dennis
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nope. In need of help, yes, but dead, no. Keep on breathing, that's the first step.


    Yah my brother and sister there anoying and I want a boyfriend but im not allowed to have on until im 18



    When my mom was pregnant with me my father left her for another woman so they got divorced. When I was five my mom got married again to my adoptive father. I was only a five so he became my father in my mind. They had two children together and tried to hold on to their marriage for me and my siblings. But it only lasted three years. I am now left with no father and a single mother who has to take care of two young kids. I want to get married to a decent man who doesn't do what my two *fathers* did to my mother. But it feels impossible, and I am stuck worried that I'll never get married and never have a family of my own.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every marriage is a bit of a gamble, really. You can only try your best and keep working at it. But you can't know if you don't try.


    today i just ate an 2000ml ice cream and its strawberry and marshmallow, i was having a mental breakdown so i bought ice cream to make my self feel better but instead of only eating half of it i ate all of it the 2000ml ice cream tub all by myself and i am concerned. my heart feels like its pinching a little bit as i wrote this at 4/27/2023 at 19;53 pls tell me if im not going to die lol


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    I live in the USA and I really wish I didn't. I don't want to live in a world where I make sure the last thing I say to my mom and dad before going to school is "I love you" because I might not make it to the end of the day. I don't want to live in the world where I have to ask my mom if we can get a bulletproof shield to put in my backpack because there was just a shooting at a local library and I'm so scared my school will be next. I don't want to live in a world where I watch the news carefully because before I know it, it might be illegal for my friends to be themselves. I don't want to live in a world where I have to be careful around men older than me, because I'm worried about what they might do to me. I don't want to live in a world where I hate my body and my face because it brings unwanted attention. I don't want to live in a world where I, a young girl, am so scared of being raped or kidnapped. I don't want to live in a world where, had my best friend gotten pregnant after being raped by her FATHER at the age of THIRTEEN, they would be forced to carry a baby, their own sibling, to term or die/get hurt trying not to because abortion is illegal where we live. I don't want to live in the world where I'm terrified of growing up because I see people struggling to keep themselves afloat despite all their hard work, even when my parents promise me a safety net. I don't want to live in a world where I read books and watch movies about WWII, and start to see history repeating itself. I don't want to have all these worries and even more at my age, and I shouldn't. I don't want to live in this kind of world, and I shouldn't have to. People say my generation has it easiest of anyone because of the development of technology, but they have no idea the emotional burden we all carry.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So many things I didn't even think of. I hate this world and this country. Were things always this bad or was I just too little to know? Oh what I would give to live in my books.

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    I don't know how to edit my submissions so YEAH😂 someone please tell me


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As far as I know, submissions can't be edited. Only comments.


    i hate a boy called jj cause he yelled out to my crush that i like him (nothing said yet) btw this boy and i use to be friends in grade 7-8 but now he's being a rat so...



    I wish somehow that people would understand that there is no one sitting up there above the clouds. No kidding, it's not a joke and im not here to offend or mistreat or disrespect, but come on guys, this some kind of so called 'god' he only put us here so humanity can continue forward....he didn't want you to pray for him like that, nor worship hims. Be real now, earth is a giant planet sorounded with atmospheric layer, people are. traveling space or seeing picture from space, there is no god over there. Yes your 'god' is probably an Elian from another planet like this that wanted to settle this planet we live on, but he didn't mean for you to live for him nor worship him, he isn't there to take care of you. He was trying to do that, though, while was here long time ago (what you all call bible is just an ancient history of this exact planet, it's not bible it's history!) and that's it for us, he lost faith of us ( I really understand him I lost it too). He really did thinks at first, that humans with the great mind and sophisticated brain he gave, will be smarter than just raying all day to him isn't even hear you....he is long long gone to his planet, Where do you really think he came from. Dudes, he is human like us, no magic no powers just a human that in order to keep us humans for long long time he just planted us here on earth and gone. No magic exist, we humans only want to relay on something just to keep us sane and maybe to have faith, you can't believe in something unseen! it's ok to have faith, have faith in you, in your family, friends. It's ok to be afraid go the unknown, from scary future, but guys come on, ghost god won't hep you. He was here before, when he lived, now he isn't. You are the only ones responsible for your lives and no one else.
    That's it


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't believe in god either, but I have seen that lots of people find comfort in doing so. So l say live and let live. As long as it stays peaceful.


    My freshman year of highschool, one of my 4 dogs was stolen from the driveway. He was my favorite. I did not want another dog, and my Great Pyrenees became my favorite. Then we got my saint Bernard. I will never love her as much as my other 3 dogs. I unintentionally give myself a lot of anxiety about graduating from highschool in 2 years and I just want to stop time forever and just wallow in good memories and sadness because I don't want this to end. I don't want to be an adult because.... idk...just idk what to do next and it seems like the adult world will swallow me up and dissolve me into nothing. The lockdown destroyed my work ethic, I've lost all motivation to even hold conversations over text with my friends (including the ones that go to my sister highschool), I don't know if my personality is real, idk if my emotional are really there or if they're real, is my one-time loan for the cellphone bill going to turn into helping with all the bills, I don't want to be my absent bio dad, I don't want to hear anyone say "you're just like Jacob" ever again because don't want to be like that pos of a father. I want to be told " we accept you for who you are", but in reality it's "Nonbinary is not a thing. Trans, gay, bi, everything else except aromatic and asexual are real. You are a girl, that is what you were born as, you will not be called another name because the name I gave you is the only name you have, you are not in anyway autistic because I had you tested at a VERY young age and there was nothing wrong with you, nonbinary is a fad you got from school and your generation tries to find any box possible to fit themselves into just to get some sort of validation. I am your mother and I know you better than anyone else." THAT IS ALL LIES! I KNOW MYSELF AND NO ONE KNOWS ME BETTER THAN I DO. I CANNOT DEAL WITH IT ALL AND I CANNOT EVER TAKE A DAY FOR MYSELF BECAUSE MENTAL HEALTH DAYS AND SELF CARE DO NOT EXIST IN MY HOUSE! I feel burnt out from everything and everyone and I just want to sleep for the rest of eternity because that is the only time where I feel peace. I want to be left alone with music constantly surrounding me in my ears to even achieve anything close to peace without sleep. I feel like I need an extremely long break, even though I will never recover from the constant repression of my burnout, worries, emotions, and numbness.



    i think i have a crush on my best friend. but im gay and im almost %100 sure she’s straight. i love her so much and i would die for her. she’s one of my favorite people in the world. we’re even married on a minecraft server lol. but i don’t want to make her uncomfortable and mess up our relationship so i can’t tell her. idk what i should do :/


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    let her know and if she says sorry I am not into that stuff, say ok and cry in a corner but make sure they know that it is ok. Or say it was a joke, but that might not go well.


    I can imagine myselfin a nonsexual relationship with my best friend, and im going through an identity crisis aswell.
    I dont want to mess up our friendship, nor his relationship with his gf.
    what do i do


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    I went to my wellness check up and they did that mental heath test and i got a score that meant mild depression. After the appointment my parents were like " I don't get it why should we go back you're fine." and "if it's really bad you'd tell us"
    but I just feel bad all the time. I feel like a failure and just want to stay home. My moods go up and down and when they do it hurts
    Thanks for reading


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    I was a confused child and had too much trust in humanity, so a person took advantage of that and asked me to send noods... so you can guess what happened. I am still crippling with regret.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my parents found out and thought I was doing it volentarily. I couldn't explain that i did it for the attentio


    I really like a guy and I think he likes me but I'm not sure and I'm about to haul off and confess (I'm not into the whole subtle thing) and it's driving me crazy. I can be really mean and sarcastic but when I'm around him I basically melt and its super embarrassing lol. Don't know if it's real enough to pursue so...yeah super confused lol


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    I...had a friend. We were playing video games, and then he raped me, it took me a couple of weeks to recover, I had an abortion.
    I told my mom that we stopped being friends because of a fight. I didn't call the police, or file a restraining order or anything, he's still out there...He's still out there...


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    my bf told my friend that he had a low-key crush on her yesterday and now I'm in the Kubler-ross stages of grief


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    i was SH at around kindergarten to 6th grade. it happened 6 times for me with different people, but the ones i cant actually forget was my grandmas female friends husband. He works at barangay, it means like a small office for the people who monitors or plans what they r going to do on the town etc im was in the philippines, anyways, he did it more than 1 time but i forgot how many times he did it. he tried to kiss me he tried to undress me a couple of times but i wouldnt let him because i would run a way. he would sometimes give me money to buy myself things if he already touched me. he often tells me to take a bath and come to his house everyday but i never listen. it went on till 4th grade. i told my parents about it when i couldnt really hold it any longer i tried to kill myself multiple times growing up and even hurting my self in different kinds of ways.


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    I don’t know how to feel anymore. Mental health is taboo for me but i feel so weird and don’t even know what i’m typing anymore my thoughts just won’t stop and i feel so overwhelmed.


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    I woke Nov. 2020 with my memory gone believing it was 2012. I pretend to know how to do my job.


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    i have a plan to off myself on wednesday. not sure how it’s gonna go. but yeah


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