simple dscription is the title

include age, nationality, hobbies and some interesting facts about yourself!

BUT only do so if you feel comfortable!


I am a teen cis-female. I live in the US. I like to crochet, knit, sew, embroider, cross stitch, felt, draw, and any crafts


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    hello. call me 54, or by my real name, if you know it. im just a casual bi 13 y/o male with depression and social anxiety. i enjoy using social media and crushing noobs in online video games. Также я говорю по русски. if you say/do anything negative to/about somebody i like, i will find you and stab you. have a good rest of your day


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    Ok I'm 14 I'm a female I'm from Australia and i love, reading fantasy cheesy romance stuff like twilight, i like baking, drawing, singing, dancing, going on BP, keeping in touch with lost friends due to moving houses so much, creating stuff with clay, painting, spending time with y little sister and organising! Intersesting facts about me: well hmmm... i did ballet when i was 6 but then y dad decided he wanted to travel so mum agreed and so i missed out on one of my ballet competitions, we started travelling and my sister got diagnosed with tourettes syndrome so we had to be extra careful with her while travelling near crocodile infested waters and snake infested paddocks, my biggest brother almost drown me when i was 10, i lost my BEST friend because we had to move AGAIN that made me kinda upset so i did not make many close friends until now, now i have 2 absolute best friends of whom i have made future plans to travel with visit gucci, versachi etc we are now about 4 years away from acheiving our dream! lol sorry for the long read lmao


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