Hey Pandas, In Celebration Of World UFO Day, Have You Ever Seen A UFO Or An Alien? (Closed)
World UFO Day is on July 2nd! 👽🛸
Have you ever seen a UFO or alien? If so, share your experience below!
(No, seeing/responding to a post or comment of mine doesn't count 😜)
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A UFO, yes…because I couldn’t identify what it was. I was looking westward at around 10:30 PM on an autumn night. It was overcast. I saw a green, glowing ball heading from south to north, toward DFW Airport . It was up around 45 degrees from the horizon and didn’t seem to be changing altitude. It wasn’t bright or flashing, but a steady green glow. I had no sense of scale, so I don’t know how large or fast it was. The light was moving around the same speed you might see a passenger jet around 10 miles away, but was 3 to 4 times larger than the lights you see on those aircraft. It flew behind my neighbor’s tree and never came out on the other side, when it’s trajectory would have led it to. This occurred over about 7 or 8 seconds, so I know I was focusing on something specific. It had no tail and was on the earth side of the clouds, so not an asteroid. There’s no way someone held a laser pointer that steady for that length of time. It was an object that was flying, and I couldn’t identify it.
Ive seen a ufo, it was round and had loads of colourful flashing lights underneath. I’m not convinced it had aliens in though, it was really loud and sounded and moved exactly like a hot air balloon? if it was super advanced alien technology it would probably be silent so i think its some prankster with a hot air balloon decorated with fairy lights they fly around north wales at night 😅
Yups, I have, couple different times. Of course it could be the military or something with the weather, etc. but..
1.) Back in 1999, I was on the western shore of Lake Michigan, here in the US. The sport were I was at, was a campsite but to get to the beach you had to climb this massive wooden staircase up the dunes, then down the other side to the beach. Once there, there was no real artificial light so you could see the sky.
Near the bottom of the stairs, I hopped the railing and laid down on the sand dune on a blanket to watch the sky. Then I saw something odd. Watching this one part of the sky, the stars, one of them seemed to be moving. Thinking I was nuts, I pulled out my pack of cigarettes. I burrowed my elbow down into the sand, held up the pack for a straight edge/line, and looked again. Sure enough, all the other bright lights were stationary but this one bright light, which I thought was a star or something, was MOVING.
It would go to the left, it would go up, down, to the right, fairly quickly and far enough so I doubted it could be a satellite or something. I watched it for a long time, still no clue WTF it actually was, but I saw it. I wasn't drunk or high.
2.) Years ago, and this was featured on a TV show with real video and interviews from cops, firemen, EMTs, random citizens, etc. there was a REALLY bright light that zoomed all over the place, over my area of the state. The light was green primarily but sometimes would flash or switch to bright white, and it was.... everywhere. Cops, everyone was chasing this thing around cities, townships, counties, you name it. Tons of calls poured into 911, our emergency dispatch center. Thousands of witnesses and NOBODY knows WTF this thing was.
Drones weren't really mass produced then, especially not to the size we all saw, the light was HUGE. It moved fluidly and SO fast, sometimes it would come down and hover over a road before speeding off again. It's a true story, and I saw it myself. Again, I guess it could've been a military drone, we have a base around here, etc. but EVERYBODY denied it.
It was also silent. No noise except this light, kind of... I dunno, tickle-kind of "thrum" if it was closer to the ground.
I believe. My own experiences aside, our known universe is about 13.5 billion years old and there's hundred of millions of billions of galaxies not to mention planets. Are we alone in the universe? Hell no. Are there far fewer "advanced" civilizations than us? Probably. Are there more civilizations like us in their tech stage? Probably. Are there more civilizations that haven't reached our own lowly status yet? Definitely.
Space rocks.
Actually yes....
We live in Spain, in a very rural area in the middle of nothing, so no lightpollution.
We have seen a number of UFO's, flying around in a random pattern and then taking of faster then any plain could have. Also, unidentified floating things, although I have to be honest, those could have been eyes of an animal even though we still have no idea what animal is that tall to have eyes floating that high of the ground and it wasn't in a tree either...
Something also landed in our gardens (think seize of football fields) because we woke up one morning, walking the dogs and discovered 4 squares imprinted in the soil, that lead to absolutely nothing as how it got there...
I hope I didn't make too much grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.
Yeah there's one in my closet. It keeps screaming, "let me out, I'm just the mailman" but I ain't falling for it.
I was about 10. (55 years ago) I went out to take the trash out one summer evening. There was a glowing green flat straw hat shaped thing that hovered in the sky it had green advancing rotating lights. It was bigger than a car. I ran inside scared to death. The next day there was a picture if the thing in the paper!
I was about 10. (55 years ago) I went out to take the trash out one summer evening. There was a glowing green flat straw hat shaped thing that hovered in the sky it had green advancing rotating lights. It was bigger than a car. I ran inside scared to death. The next day there was a picture if the thing in the paper!