write roles of ppl on bp.
ideas for types of apocalypses:
troll (heh)
giant man eating slugs
giant woman eating slugs
not man or woman people: bUt WhAt AbOuT uS?
well at least you aren’t going t one eaten by ginormous slugs!!
zombie apocalypse
plant apocalypse
robot apocalypse
dragon apocalypse (inspiration from httyd :) )
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I'd probably be the one who's hiding in the corner 24/7 because they can't get their medications and everything is weird. (both my meds make my ADHD/anxiety WAY worse if you suddenly stop taking them)
I think I could be scared and hide;..;
OOOH do me do me! i wanna see what people think of me :DD
I think I could be a leader/ protector cuz i can fight and i can lead without being too bossy! i love listening to others to and will defo consider their ideas :DDD
What about the cat uprising!?
In the cat uprising I would be the one who starts it. 🐈⬛
I would probably be safe from man eating slugs, I have been questioning my gender again so I don't want to risk the woman eating slugs, in both of those ones I would fight the slugs with salt and my very cool pointy stick!
In a zombie apocalypse I would test to see how dumb the zombies are and I might pretend to be a zombie so I could blend in and move around without getting my brains eaten. (I would also fight zombies with my stick.)
In a robot apocalypse I would plug one into my computer, right click, inspect, ctrl-A, and then I would mash my keyboard, it wouldn't do anything but it's worth a shot, I would also melt wax figures into weird shapes so the robots would mistake them for real humans.
In a dragon apocalypse I would probably try to befriend a hostile dragon, you can see how that would end.
I would also likely spend a lot of time hiding.
hiiiiii mermeow! can you check the folder, theres something you might want to add to
i think i’d be an adviser lol.
or a journalist.
or author.
prolly something to do with writing.
i pick man eating slugs cos i’m not a man >:)
or maybe troll apocalypse. def not dragons; we’d get slaughtered after 2 seconds
I'd be the person hiding in a tree somewhere :D
:D this is completely unrelated but i checked your current time and our time zones have a 12 hour difference! so for you it’s 6:44 pm and for me it’s 6:44 am