

It's usually pretty normal to feel that way.

Just go with the flow and do the things you enjoy. I can promise that you are not the only person that feels the way you are feeling, but by sticking to your interests (and not trying to conform) you will meet likeminded individuals.

There was a guy at my University that we all said was 'old before his time', because (in the course of his interests), he always hung around with people that were considerably older. The way I see it now is, he just had a better gasp on his own personality and ended up with a good head-start on the rest of us.

There are no rules or laws that say you have to only associate with your generation (except for the obvious ones relating to minors), if you find a generation that you do associate with, go hang with them.

I'm a male in his 30's, living in the UK. I started an online community which (according the analytics) consists of 85% women, the largest age group is 55-64 year olds (62%), and 75% are from the United States.

Just be you!



    What is that it makes you feel this way? When I was young I felt similarly because I was a tomboy in a sexist catholic school. It turns out that there were a lot of people like me out there, I just enver met them


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was a tomboy too, preferred playing with boys and absolutely hated wearing dresses. Catholic school would have been tough.

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    My advice is don't focus on trying to conform to silly generations.


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    You don’t have to be the same as most teenagers and like the same things, just be yourself! I never fitted in with other teens i like bugspotting, dinosaurs, steampunk and electroswing music but i found other people who don’t mind if i like different things and people similar to me! Just be yourself 🙂


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    In what way,? I am sixteen and feel the same, like my generation complains about everything, and sees everything in black and white.
    My Advice would be to find peers whom also feel the same


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    I felt that way throughout my teens. I was the “good friend” guys would talk to but never ask out. I was encouraged by my parents to focus on developing my inner self (be compassionate, thoughtful, reach out to be of service to those in need). I’be been married to a wonderful man for 32 years who fell in love with that generous spirit of mine…I wouldn’t trade me life, for any other! Just find your passion and When you least expect it love will come into your life


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    You are exactly where you are supposed to be. The pages in your life’s book have yet to be written. Maybe it’s them, out of step with you.


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    Why should you conform?


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    Your generation does not define you. You define you.


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    Be yourself. They don’t matter! You are amazing! Embrace yourself and revel in your differences.


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    At 17 it's absolutely normal to feel that way especially if you don't follow the crowd. Don't change that have your own mind and be your own person you will find your people soon enough and be glad you didn't follow what others were doing and just became who you are because those who did follow the crowd end up in their 20s 30s and 40s feeling how you are now but without the foggiest idea of who they were to even give them a baseline to work from.


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    Statistically there are likely tens of thousands of teenagers around the world who feel exactly like you do, if not more. Throughout the history of humankind that would total in the millions of teenagers who felt the same.You are exactly who you are supposed to be. Just enjoy this part of your life, revel in it, suck the marrow out of it. Before you know, it will be a distant memory of the long ago past.


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    I'm 18 and I totally feel that. I don't have a lot of the same interests and I have higher moral standards than most people in our generation. My advice is to find the people who accept you for your differences, and learn not to care what other people think. Just do what makes you happy and be who you want to be.


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    Everybody feels out of place. It's just your age that changes. We're all captains of our own little boat chugging along trying to avoid stormy weather. Sometimes there'll be other boats and sometimes there won't. You might pull someone out of the water, you might fall in yourself. Some days will be beautiful, others will be ugly. But in the end, it all just comes down to you piloting your little boat. Until it sinks. Don't worry, enjoy life, it's over so quickly.


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