This is the third time. If you need to vent or you want to complain,  do it here.


i feel empty and alone at night while i try to sleep. I have a sort of separation anxiety and depression where I almost go to sleep every single night sobbing. I feel like my screams have been bottled in and need to be let out. What if people make fun of me? For the way i look, dress, act, who I choose to love? Does anybody truly love me? Do I love myself. i have so many questions about everything, why I'm like this, why I have to exist, but nobody can answer those. i always feel like somebody is stalking me from behind my back as I do school, or sleep. my mind goes to the darkest places at times, and i think I need a therapist. Sure I always laugh at funny jokes, smile during enjoyable events, but do I really enjoy them? Or do i just spend my time at my cousins parties, gaming, laughing, and having fun to fill a void in myself that I need to get rid of. The hate and despair that i have for myself. Also, why am I such a slow typer? And why so many questions lol


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angie but who cares
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

well it does sound like something is up but i am not a theraist so i don't know but i think you really should talk to one

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    Well hmmm lets see my parents dont acknowledge my existence unless something happens that involves me getting in trouble they didnt care that i got reward certificates for some classes. To them the world revolves around my siblings. They wonder why I am always tired. Well im crying non stop once they go to bed cuz i cant talk about my feelings, I just feel like people wouldnt care. Only one person i knew who actually cared and now i cant talk to them anymore. Lost my best friend of 10 years to suicide. Most of my friends were fake and toxic. And im the person that people know they can talk to their feelings about cuz they know that i will listen, and cuz i barely sleep nowadays they know they can text me whenever. But they never ask how i feel and if i try to tell them i wanna talk about my feelings they either leave me on read or change the subject. Alot of people i know have stopped talking to me cuz i have depression. I really only have 1 friend now and my parents dont like her so who knows how long i can talk to her. I just feel like the universe hates me. And sometimes well now almost every night ive been having suicidal thoughts. Sorry ive overshared.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    if you ever just need to vent your feelings i will listen

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    First off, I just want to say thank you for making these questions, they really help. Here's my vent: I told my sister who my crush is and she promised to not tell anyone. Now, every time I do something that she doesn't approve of or does not like, she says, "I'm gonna tell mommy and daddy that you like them!" And so now I have to live under HER rules until I probably move out.


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    angie but who cares
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    well i know the feeling it sucks but all you need to do is dig for dirt on her as hard as you can if she threatens to leak secrets tell her you will leak to

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    1. Well Linda whats wrong withe being Transgender mixed and gay? Huh? I don't give a flying f**k if it was just a prank. You cant go around and f*****g make fun of peoples skin color and sexuality. hat wasn't a prank it was flat out racist and homophobic. The worse thing is i didn't even do anything to you I was minding my own business and YOU walked up to ME and told me to move when i was clearly sitting at the side not in the middle of the hallway. 2. Well mom i'm sorry i cant be the perfect child but you don't have too compare me to everyone else i already know i'm not f*****g perfect no need to run it in i'm trying my best and you're just making me feel bad about myself and you wonder why i never tell you anything and i trust my friends more then you.



    it seems petty but i wish my parents would stop acting like they can read minds evreytime i wan't something my younger sibling wants im "just doing it to annoy him" i wish they would just f ing stop


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    i am pretty certain i have depression my dad hates me and yells at me for everything and then then tells me he loves me. all of my siblings are brats my life sucks and all my friends don't care about me because i am short and to top it all off i emailed my crush literally saying hi ( i am using school email so i have everyone in my school's email) and now he thinks i am creepy and annoying.

    thanks for making these :)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh wow. Im sorry. I wish i could talk to you again. But im grounded. :/

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    I just want to be older... some days I feel older, and confident and beautiful but other days I feel like I’m still a little kid, and I’m unattractive and no man will ever even try to love me. Ugh. Ps. I’m not going into full detail here, coz u just probs dont wanna hear it. I’ll spare you. But if you want, I’ll add more detail


    See Also on Bored Panda

    i cant even finish a sentence around my parents anymore!!
    Screw life i dont want to be apart any more



    Im f*****g sick of my parents comparing me to my older brothers, I'm sick of missing my gf, I'm sick of hating everyone who passes me in the halls because they bullied me, I'm sick of being bored in the back of the class, I'm sick of anxiety and trauma, I'm sick of being diabetic, I'm sick of gender dysphoria, I'm sick of doing the same thing day after day, I'm sick of my friends calling me brave when I'm the opposite, I'm sick of having to fake that I'm okay, I'm sick of only finding comfort in the lyrics of a depressing song and feeling that its the only one that understands, I'm sick of tip-toeing around others at school to not be bullied, I'm sick of seeing 3 therapists a week, I'm sick of people thinking that I don't struggle because I have good grades and I live in a decent home and I'm white, I'm sick of being sterotyped, I'm sick of not being able to be myself, I'm sick of not being able to see my gf, I'm just f*****g sick of all this s**t. God I wish it could all go away.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sick of not being able to sleep, not being able to taste food, or to wear what I want. I'm sick of comparing myself to others, not feeling good enough, and sad. I'm just tired all the time, and I want to sleep but I can't. I'm sick of feeling like I'm not worth it. I just want to leave. Somewhere, anywhere, it doesn't f*****g matter. I want to be with my girl friend. I want to know that she's okay. I want to hold her with out being judged and hated. I want to protect her from everything that I'm going through and everything that could happen.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My parents don't understand. People make me so angry some times I want to hurt them really badly. If they were alone with me and I was angry like that I probably would kill them. I just want to be understood and not have people walking all over me. No one directly talks to me, only if they need to and my friends are all fake. I feel stupid saying all of this.
