Hey Pandas, If You Knew You Only Had A Week Or So To Live, What Would You Do With Your Time? (Closed)
It's definitely a hypothetical question. I'm curious what would you do?
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I'd go around telling people that I loved and cared for them, and I'd confess to my crush. I would also attempt to get into a fight with someone I hate, because either I get to hit her or she is labeled as a total a*s because she beat up someone with a week to live.
i would call all of my close friends and family over to a vacation type of thing and on the last day, we'd do a fun game/ movie night. id wanna have fun until i go and let those people know that they made my life special
Personally, I would probably spend the first 24-48 hours crying, then spend the rest of the time doing whatever I could to make people not like me so they wouldn't miss me. I couldn't leave all the people I love hurting cause I wasn't there anymore.
eat junk food, binge outer banks and stranger things, chill with my friends, sleep, spend all my money to go to disneyland with my friends
Call my family and friends to tell them I love them. As for everyone else I will repeat what I listed on a previous post: Make as many dating profiles on dating sites that I can and upload an image of me giving the middle finger.
Eat delicious food, spend some time with people I love then I'll escape to a remote location and spend rest of the time there ,writing songs, listening to my favorite music. I would also want to write a little confession book with all of my secrets and things I've done. Then I would write about my thoughts on how to live a better life and things I've realised throughout my life.
I would quit my job. Spend all my time outside on the porch with my dog, calling and emailing all the people I ever loved.
I'd tell my crush how cool he is, and that I don't regret our friendship.
I would give my dog a bath and let him sleep in my bed (Mom won't allow it).
Then I would spend the last few days eating ice-cream and laughing with my family. Watching Lord of the Rings and home-videos. Staying up wayyyy too late stargazing. Having mud-fights. Singing karaoke and dancing until we can't dance anymore. Pull the furniture out of a room and go crazy with paints to my heart's content.
The very last day, I would write a letter to each of my siblings and family members and tell them how strong they are, and that I will see them all again someday.
I'd want to go while watching the sunset, listening to "Into the West" by Annie Lenox.
I’d just be excited that I finally have a good reason to take a week off and relax! Then I would allow one day for people to come and see me if they desired, and then spend the rest of the week with my wife and my dog.