Hey Pandas, If You Had The Power To Erase One Thing From Existence, What Would It Be?
Sometimes, there are concepts, events, or objects that we believe the world would be better without. What's that one thing for you, and how do you imagine the world without it?
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Donald Trump
I cant decide between erasing all weapons cause i feel peeps are just gonna rebuild em or the second amendment to get guns off my streets
I think you'd be better going for the 2nd amendment, because almost anything could be considered a weapon in the right/wrong hands. Bricks (no houses), cars (back to horses), horses (back to walking), legs, arms, heads, drinking glasses, bottles, stones... all weapons.
the annoying video that appears at the top of your screen when you click a post on bored panda
Greed, it causes so many problems in this world.
Either nuclear weapons or cilantro.
Just curious, are you one of the people who think cilantro tastes like soap? I’m not trying to be rude, I just want to know.
Prejudice, racism, and discrimination. I know that's three, but wouldn't the world we live in be grand if they were gone? Or better yet, never existed?
Greed. Lies. Sickness. Meanness. Oh. Just one? How about , “BAD STUFF.”
well then that might be all imperfections, but being perfect has its own problems, so maybe not?
Fox News
Religion is a central part of humanity, if we don't have religion some people will be really bothered hurting society
I would erase the Karen's and Kevin's of this world. No explanation needed.
Just because you were born in a country (something which you have no control over), why should I feel obliged to to have pride in that country and be tied to it as a citizen?
I love a great number of places in the world, but if I want to move there it's a nightmare just because I wasn't born there (which wasn't my fault!).
Although it would be very hard to tell others where you are if there are no borders, but I get your point
The question is a problem in of itself. If something is erased from existence, then nobody remembers it and therefore is self defeating.
So what you're saying is... that there is a chance that maybe.... just maybe, one of us has already succeed and already erased something, but as it's been erased we don't know which of us has this phenomenal power?
Karens, racism, people against the LGBTQ+ community, people who try to force their religion onto others, people who use religion as an excuse for their f*cked up ways, global warming, animal extiction, inflation, Donald Trump, taxes, pollution.
Bored Panda. Must I explain?