This question is open-ended and allows for a wide range of answers, depending on your own values and priorities. I'm really interested to hear your thoughts and ideas on this topic, and I think it could lead to some really interesting discussions.


Either tax churches or ban lobbying.



    Make the Separation of Church and State legally official.

    I am in full support in having freedom to choose your religion (or irreligion), but other than that, I wish it didn't play any role in politics. The government shouldn't reward or punish anyone based on their beliefs, and politicians shouldn't let their religious beliefs influence policymaking (especially if those beliefs are discriminatory).

    Outside of politics, be religious if you want, or be irreligious if you want. It should be your choice, and your business.



    That the US Government can no longer discriminate against women or the LGBTQIA community.



    That the tax should be lifted on all feminine hygiene products (talking about pads tampons that type stuff.)



    Pedophiles and child abusers should be locked up forever .. all together ..



    Penalties based on wealth. I read a quote once which basically said "A penalty is just the price to do illegal work for the rich."

    No parking area and the fine is 10$? No problem, we'll just pay 10$ later.

    Instead penalties based on wealth should be introduced.

    For example, if a person earns only 100$ then their fine should be 0.1$. And if someone earned 10,000$ then the fine should be 10$. If someone is a millionaire, fine is 1000$. Billionaire? 1,000,000$.

    I think this already exists in some country (Finland?) But it should be applied everywhere.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are several countries where such thing is in place, I think the swiss have it as well

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    That anyone who abuses animals gets jail time for it. No fines, no probation. Jail time.


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    Pickles, Pennies, & Ponies
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also think that severely overweight cats/dogs should be considered animal abuse. I saw one cat on the local news who could barely walk. It's up for adoption on the premise that it is put on a diet.

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    I can't think of any completely new laws, but there are a few that are being considered in Australia already that I support. The first two I will actually get to vote on in an upcoming referendum which make me happy. That first nations people should be recognised in the constitution and that there should be a national Aboriginal voice to parliament. The other one I won't vote on because it is already law in my state, but I want to become a nation-wide law is the banning of gay conversion therapy.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For australia, I'd like to propose that you (a) give back the first nations' land, (b) make their largest tribal languages official languages, and (c) change your flag and remove the british monarchy as the head of state. I propose you use the first nations flag as your flag.

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    You should have to take a common sense test to have a child.... Or maybe own a puppy first (without letting it die) before you're allowed to have children


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    definitely. They make you jump through hoops to adopt a child but to procreate there's zero law.

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    This is gonna be a really weird and silly one, but- a law that gives children in schools lunches that do more than wet your appetite, and that is actually edible.



    Ban legislators from trading in individual stocks


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But does this mean they can still buy ETFs? What if they ask their broker to make an ETF bundle of stocks with a collection that is direct conflict of interest with their role, e.g. a military ETF with oil thrown in there, and they just-so-happen to work at the Pentagon?

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    That a woman would be able to make her own medical decisions. its been 140+(thousands) years of trying to get people in power to realize that we are more than stupid breeding stock. How dare they have the power to do that. What's next? back to seperate water fountains?
    Viagra is more dangerous than the abortion pill. Lets get rid of that.



    Only civic-minded people should hold high public office. The government is not a business.



    Term limits for politicians. Limit to two terms for any office, state or federal. That would limit to two years in the House, two in the Senate and two in the White House for a total of 24 years. Also, term limits for SCOTUS justices. 20 years max.


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    Elissa (littlebitofe)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And age limits. What is retirement age? Let's say no one over 70 except in scotus...

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    A person can be put to jail if they showcase a false fact on social media as an influencer or a ticktocker.



    Businesses can't charge more than 20 times what it cost them- if it's a necessity like food, water, or medical supplies, then it can't be over 10 times.



    That you can't benefit from the privileges of society if you don't also take responsibility for the rules and regulations of common living.


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    Mary Peace
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. With privilege comes responsibility. With great privilege comes great responsibility.

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    That all gun owners everywhere should be subjected to a psychic evaluation


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    psychic? They should have to renew their license every year and state in writing what it will be used for. Make bullets very expensive. But it a criminal wants a gun they will get one

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    Politicians can only become a minister for a department if they have experience or related degrees for the stuff they are responsible for.
    Example: Want to lead the Ministry for Agriculture? Better been either 10 years in charge of a farm prior to the election or own a degree in biology, ecological engineering, etc. that gives a deeper understanding of agriculture.

    I know it could lead to abuse through personal bias and/or catering to lobbies and that would require more indepth follow up laws - but still better than having people in charge that have no clue what they are suppossed to do because they don't know jack about the resort they are in charge of.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES YES YES!!! Our politicians almost are NEVER trained in their ministries.

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    Ban needing money for healthcare, it should be free for everyone :(


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well technically it isn't free, people pay taxes to maintain the system

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    Common sense gun laws. We are the only country with this problem. To buy a gun is like buying a car. Training, test, license and insurance. Don't forget the background check. And no assault rifles!



    if you abuse a dog and that dog ends up traumatized and in a new home it is perfectly fine for that new owner to hunt down and beat up the animal abuser (I say as the owner of a rescue dog)


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    Piltdown Woman
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Having had to resocialize a couple of abused dogs, I'm right there with you.

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    Compulsory voting. Some places have it, the USA needs it. Make it easier to vote, some states (Washington) are 100% mail in ballots, so the ballot comes in the mail with a booklet that gives an overview of each candidate and each side of each issue on the ballot. then you fill it out and you can either mail it back or drop it in a secure drive up voting box. I'd do that everywhere, then make voting mandatory. Vote, or pay a significant voting tax come tax time. I'm talking like, at least 1000 dollars. Make it so not voting isn't financially feasible. You can abstain from votes on the ballot, but you have to submit a ballot, even if you abstain on every point.
    Most people who don't vote do want to, but in many states it's very inconvenient. You might have to take time off work, find transportation or child care, stand in long lines for hours or even all day, deal with voter intimidation, jump through hoops in very specific time windows to get absentee ballots, I'd cut all of that out.


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    Elain Smith
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Canada employers have to give 4 consecutive hours off on election day. I have never waited more than 10 minutes in line. In 45 years.

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    Banning books should be illegal. It's basically taking away the author's freedom of speech and the reader's freedom to listen.


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    Steven Bennett
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was growing up, my local library had a children's book section, and a special junior reader's library card. It was a big deal when you graduated from the pink kids card to the yellow adult card that granted you access to the full collection. I know much of this debate focuses on who gets to decide which books are age appropriate (hint: it's professional librarians!) but it seems to me that limiting access is a better solution than outright banning them. As Henry Jones Sr. said, "Goose stepping morons such as yourselves should try reading books instead of burning them!"

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    Animal abuse gets the same punishment that they did to the animals!



    Ooh, can it be a law of nature? Because I would make it so that any litter people throw on the ground/floor anywhere other then their own place (rented or owned) would immediately go up their a*s. That would of course only apply to intentional littering, when people just can't be bothered to look for a trash can, so accidental drops will not be punished. Can't pick up your doggo's s**t? Well, it's literally yours now. Too high and mighty to use an ashtray to dispose of your cigarette butt? Enjoy the butt in your butt! Don't care about microplastic in the nature? How about some macroplastic to surprise your proctologist with?


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol love this as it's written. Enjoy the butt in your butt, stuff to surprise your proctologist with. Made me lol

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    All children must undergo a government-run class on basic life skills, like taxes, first aid, and emotional skills. Some parents just don't do their job.



    Ban lobbying, break up monopolies, and force YouTube to bring back the dislike count


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    If you hurt my cat, I would be free to retaliate as I want without consequence for me.



    That congress cannot pass any law without first living under the effects of that law for at least six months before enforcing it on the general public. (Referring specifically to the US here, so this would require a constitutional amendment rather than just simple legislation.) But for example, if Congress wants to force everyone onto Medicare or some other form of universal health care, they must first give up their Cadillac heath care plans and use only Medicare. If they want to ban SUV's, or gas stoves, or whatever, they must first live under those same conditions. A lot less broadly restrictive legislation would be passed if lawmakers knew they could not create special carve-outs exempting themselves from their own stupidity.


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    Jackie Lulu
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree with this in principle, but given your examples, I can tell where you're coming from. Surprised you didn't add the onus of living without incandescent light bulbs! In your 6 month trial, try living with your child being killed in a school shooting, your wife dying because she couldn't terminate a pregnancy gone wrong, being prevented from voting, being beat up by cops at a traffic stop. You see my point?

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    Politicians should be paid only federal minimum wage with healthcare benefits determined by our current system.



    Make all politicians abide by the laws they inflict upon the rest of us



    Everybody has to carry treats to give to random pups in public.


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    Danish Susanne
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Except that the poor owner of a really cute pup would get the hell of a time keeping the pup from getting fat.

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    Not being allowed to bicycle while wearing Ipods / earphones blasting out music making it impossible to communicate. I live in Copenhagen (Denmark) where the cycling paths are super crowded at times - and I can't count how many times I've witnessed life threatening situations because a cyclist found it appropriate to race through town being completely uncontactable and out of touch with the world around them.


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    Mary Peace
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the Uk there are often cyclists on the road with motorised traffic, and some of those cyclists not only have ipod playing, but also wear no protective clothing or helmet. They think they're invincible, then something goes wrong but it's never their fault.

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    Ban factory farming! Animals raised for meat or any other resource should be raised *humanely*


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    Amelia Earhart
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. Support local smaller organic farms! But could they feed America?

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    Equal rights and treatment regardless of gender assignment at birth.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    come to south africa, our constitution explicitly has these clauses in chapter 2.

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    In all US elections, the candidate with the most votes wins.



    Ban Letting people be homeless or poor


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep. USA has 11.6% untenanted buildings and 0,1% homeless population, meaning that they have enough untenanted housing to give every homeless person 116 houses.

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    Better laws around hate crimes and hate speech towards queer people, specifically trans people.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hate speech is specifically speech intended to harm, or incite others to do harm/violence. This is defined in our constitution in South Africa and hence racism, sexism, etc., is banned. It still happens, but people can be fined/jailed. So yes, @RickyD, you *can* legislate speech. Be a decent human being and keep your ugly thoughts to yourself if you want to slur other people.

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    Things essential to life should not be a business or charged at all. Like Water. You should be able to order a glass of water anywhere for free

    While we're at this point, emergency services should actually work. Waiting hours past the patients death for an ambulance or waiting multiple days in a hospital should never happen and also the police force need to learn about discrimination


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    Laura Osborne
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What about people who abuse the emergency services? In the UK (I don't know where op is) it's very well known that kids will phone 999 and say someone's collapsed - Police and Paramedics are looking for someone for nothing. Patients have gone to A&E for a minor injury that they probably need a plaster for if that, see the waiting time go outside call 999 and say they have chest pains - they then get an ambulance and paramedics putting their lives - and other road users - at risk to get there urgently because the patient thinks they'll get seen quicker.. Shall I continue with this thread of idiots?

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    A law against being a dumbass.



    Every stock exchange purchase and sale must be taxed. It can be as low as like 0.5%. It would have very little impact on someone's wealth gains. But they're just so greedy that they refuse on principle. And the digital systems where they make thousands of trades a day should be taxed higher because they destabilise the system and lead to market crashes. All the money made goes to poverty relief and a fund for the inevitable government bailouts.
    Also, a CEO cannot make more than 20 times what the lowest-paid employee makes. And if a business needs a government bailout, the lowest-paid employees get paid first, and if there's anything left, management gets some.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agreed to 2nd paragraph. First paragraph I'd support tax on sale, not on purchase.

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    No-one should earn more than 20x what the poorest is paid in a country. Excess earnings must be taxed or invested in social upliftment projects. All workers must own at least 49% shares in the company for which they work so as to be motivated to make it succeed, and, so that the workers can own the means of production.


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    Nayla Kanaan
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like this plus then it incentivize people to raise minimum wage like you want to make $300 an hour pay other people $15

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    One law, with a lot of parts to it, to rein in the proliferation of firearms in this country.
    Guess which country...


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How about enforcing laws on the books already, charging people with the crimes they commit and penalizing them. Jail or community service.

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    Make it illegal for people to snap photo/take video (for personal use) of anyone without prior consent. CCTVs or security cameras for safety purpose/law enforcement are allowed.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OK so if someone is filming you and you are being aggressive, does it mean it was a CCTV film for security purposes, or is it lechery? Take the following scenario. Imagine you are an attractive woman and some old man starts filming you. Clearly, that is lechery. BUT what if he's filming you because you are engaging in a racist tirade? Does he still have to get your permission? Or is he still lecherous? It's not that clear.

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    Ban tax loopholes!



    Anything made with AI cannot be sold for profit, and anything that is sold using AI should be treated as committing theft.


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    Elissa (littlebitofe)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think if it is AI, it must clearly state it is such. And I think AI can be an okay thing if the original artworks it is made from have given permission. I think there needs to be regulations put in place, if that makes sense.

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    If more than 40% of people found an existing law unjust, that law would be repealed.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think all voters should be able to vote on big issues and not leave it to supreme court or state representatives

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    Any political candidate that publicly slanders their opponent should pay a hefty fine that goes directly to our national debt.



    A cap on personal wealth and a block on appropriation of corporate wealth to top up personal wealth - excess must go to social programs and environmental needs.


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    For the love of God, could they please somehow change the "system" that's supposed to help the less fortunate but instead literally encourages and pays people to have children they really shouldn't be having in the first place ?

    I know it's impossible to separate those who truly deserve financial help from those just "riding the system" but JFC there has to be a solution.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Its not the dream life you think it is. Some of those women can't afford birth control, prenatal care or having another child. They're stuck in the system. Child care costs more than some jobs pay.

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    A full year of paid maternity leave!



    Kindness should be an obligation, not a choice. (Get in trouble if you’re not being kind. And everyone will like you if you are. I think this would be the first step in actually helping the world.)


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kindness should be taught by parents. If the parents are useless, the school can fill in by showing the consequences of one's actions. Peoples brains are not wired the same so some will be rude by nature

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    Heres another one. That gender neutral bathrooms should be everywhere. If not everywhere, at least make it mandatory in middle and high schools.


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    1 year ago

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    Why would you want f**king bathroom with both women and men, do you want someone to get raped? If you are talking about a singular person being gender neutral, that is not a f**king thing.

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    The new law would require my employer to buy me lunch everyday from a restaurant of my choice, increasing productivity due to worker satisfaction. Oh, and it would have a clause making voting more accessible and election day a national holiday.


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    I'd remove tax that goes anywhere near any countries monarchy. People die of poverty meanwhile these people get rich and protected just because of there heritatige.



    Single payer healthcare for all that includes free birth control and family choice.


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    Hedgehogs weren’t illegal to own in certain states



    The "Reverse Honking Law": In densely populated areas, honking car horns is prohibited unless it's an emergency. However, this law takes a unique twist by allowing pedestrians to honk at vehicles that violate traffic rules, such as blocking crosswalks or pedestrian paths. This law empowers pedestrians to hold drivers accountable for unsafe or illegal behavior, promoting road safety and pedestrian rights.


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    The Mandatory Nature Appreciation Law": This law requires all citizens to spend a certain amount of time each week engaging in activities that promote appreciation for nature, such as hiking, gardening, or spending time in parks. This law aims to foster environmental consciousness, mental well-being, and a connection with nature, which can lead to greater ecological awareness, conservation efforts, and improved overall health and well-being.


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    Walk out in front of a moving car without looking, get a ticket. Too many people take advantage of pedestrian right of way and surprise drivers, forcing them to slam on the brakes. The unlucky ones get run over.


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    Amelia Earhart
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you get the ticket before or after you leave the hospital? Driving requires the driver to be aware of sidewalk jumpers too.


    No using speakerphone in public.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This would be a bit difficult for me, seeing as I am deaf (with Cochlear Implants) and literally can’t understand the other person unless it’s on speakerphone. But I do always try to talk in a private spot or put Bluetooth on so nobody has to hear my conversation.

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    The Right to Housing.

    No more rental apartment properties, all apartments are owned by the Gov't and maintained by tax dollars and operated by DHUD.

    Single homes are still for sale, that should be a goal to be attained, but not apartments.

    People need a place to live. If you aren't going to make housing affordable, then people need to be able to live on their own terms, so if we aren't going to address the ridiculous cost of rental housing, then "camping" anywhere should be made legal.


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    Justin Thyme
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That would make them all hell holes. I worked my butt off to buy a home and maintain it-- .Last thing I need is a bunch of bureau craps telling how to live.

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    UBI, Universal Basic Income of $1000/person every month indexed with inflation.

    Raise the minimum wage to $20/hr and index it so that increases are automatic.

    Complete government takeover of the medical insurance and payment process. Using tri-care for life as the example.

    Eliminate tipping and pay servers and others appropriately.

    Taxes are calculated from 1099s and W2s submitted to the IRS already. The IRS sends you a reconciliation of any difference from taxes collected to taxes owed without additional filings.

    Government takeover of private prisons to eliminate for-profit companies requiring high rates of incarceration.

    By decoupling insurance from employment you allow people to freelance and choose the work that is right from there. People can also take the time for caretaking without sacrificing their healthcare. With UBI you remove a lot of the desperation to make enough to survive and with a true minimum wage you require that employers actually pay for work accomplished.

    UBI will also cushion the changes of businesses that are no longer necessary. Tax rates for high earners should be raised significantly to pay for all of the above. The incentive to earn over $1 million/year should be minimized with the kind of extreme tax rates normal pre-Reagan (75%++). With UBI many entitlement programs like food stamps, welfare, housing assistance, Medicaid can be eliminated and social workers can actually help people get the resources they need rather than gatekeep monetary payouts.



    Littering is punishable with 10 years jail time AND a $50,000 fine.


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    Amelia Earhart
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kinda harsh for the poor. Could an alternative be time spent picking up trash?


    Reinstate the draft... men and women. Stop using up the volunteers for your flag-waving.


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    People can own a maximum of two houses/residences. Two is a reasonable number, such as one house, one cabin, or a home owner who inherits a house when someone dies, if you own more than two, you have one year to decide what to do, or one of your properties is taken.



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