Hey Pandas, If You Had A Warning Label, What Would Yours Say?
Let us know in the comments!
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Mine would be “warning: easily distracted, doesn’t know how to stop talking, doesn’t really like people much, might bite you if you interrupt me when I’m doing something, and doesn’t eat much at all.”
'STOP! Warning: This person is very sensitive and anything you say to her will cause her to overthink it too much and explode.'
According to most people I know, the warning would probably be “be careful as she’s very blunt”
'Covered in cat hair (in case u are allergic) and is an idiot'
Caution! Conversations may not proceed according to expectations.
"warning: vicious animal inside"
Tells the truth and nothing but the truth. I hate lying and liars!!
I really only lie when someone accuses me of stealing three brownies from the newest batch that was made fifteen minutes ago.
either beware of idiot or beware of sarcastic moody idiot
“Mentally ill and not ok please hug”
"Fragile, may break easily."
I started crying yesterday when I learned zebrafish can make friends. so..... you get my point
"Do not let out of sight, will attempt to do something dumb that may cause bodily harm to itself and others"
WARNING: Will make sarcastic comments. If you don't like this and get your feelings hurt, then you are an idiot for talking to me.
LOST MARBLES Proceed with Caution
A wild possum. DO NOT interact with.
I am a wild opossum as well. Possibly even slightly more wild.
Do not chew loudly near me!
My warning label: Will probably stare at you uncomfortably just to see whether you're reaction is friendship material
Actually...I wore a warning label from an old hospital autoclave..."warning: not explosive proof. Should be used by competent personnel only"
Hey, it was the 70's
Gets very awkward for no reason A LOT
every person has different awkwardness mine is exceptional though. *sob*
According to my husband, it would be "Do not poke the bear."
WARNING: Knows way too much history.
did you know that a horse was a senator in Ancient Rome? alright I'm stepping out of the room
will correct you. will tell you random facts at any time. might bite if interrupted while talking. covered in doggie hair.
average teenage girl with an impulsive sparkle and a ton of razzmatazz :DDDDD
WARNING: Tends to talk a lot and need music as a consistent stimulus. Also very loud.
Warning! If there is a greyhound, I will not see people, traffic or anything else
(Warning) could be explosive at some times.
Extremely hyperactive, annoying, etc.
Seems normal, but after 3 hours you will experience side effects such as anger, annoyance, and apoplexy.
WARNING: Hates stupid people and will respond with limitless Dad jokes and cringeworthy puns.
Warning: will laugh spontaneously and loudly at inappropriate times.
one time when I was little my brother did something really funny and then I laughed so hard but then he fell and bonked his head on the doorknob and my mom was freaking out and I was just barely concealing a laugh from before. just barelyyyyy
Disorganiced anarkist with Awkward tourettes
Tourettes isn't awkward lol its just a thing no sane person would judge another for something they can't rlly control. dw :>
Is packing a knife, proceed with caution
Caution: May say the most unhinged things and then go back to normal*
Normal is not normal
Very dark. Will talk for hours about anything.
WARNING: The person you are about to bother may look inviting and approachable but is in fact a cantankerous insult factory with a god-tier death glare.
my death star is actually really good bc when the light hits my eyes at a certain angle they get all weird and light and sparkly. Edit: I was gonna change star to stare but now that I'm looking at it ima keep it lol
warning: she is a nerd, an idiot, a nerdy idiot, and may laugh involuntarily at beluga videos. she also wont stop talking about Garl's death. I mean, why did he have to die? he tanked enough bullets for us alre-sorry.
warning: needs music as constant mood tracker, will play video games music upon request, and btw Garl didn't have to die he tanked too many bullets he could have dodged it and we could have all been fine don't die garrlllllllllllll...sorry I did it again
Fragile. Or, useless.
Do not talk to unless you want to be bombarded with millions of cat/hedgehog facts nonstop for 7hours!!!
I honestly do not think there are too many cat/hedgehog facts. like lets be honest here
*WARNING!* He's a 10, but he has short temper, rage issues stemming from being adopted, and will frequently eat your food, even if you put your name on the container. *WARNING!*
Warning! Will bite you. Not in a good way. I will make you bleed. Die, mortal!
Also, I will look like I'm silently judging you, but I'm just a bit shy and paranoid so I'm investigating you
WARNING! DO NOT Poke this Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Charming, Honestly...don't push THAT button!
Drain Bamaged
I was told by a gentleman with a thick Texas accent that I was a “Live wire with no insulation!”
Just may put that on my tombstone.
Warning: Has a brain and will use it.
Warning: I have severe ADHD and a very huge attitude. oh, and do not give me sugar. caffeine is fine, but not sugar. proceed with caution of being friends with this drama queen, coffee addict, and extrovert. (yes, if you are wondering i am a random teenager)
Couldn't go with my day without my coffee i would go on one, hubby runs out the house when i do.
Warning: If you are allergic to cats, stay at least 5 feet away because i am covered in cat fur.
Is able to listen thoroughly and never forgets what you have told, May it nice or bad or sad things.
warning ; extremely awkward when you first meet. beware, after about a week you will fall victim to their hyperfixation rambles.
" I'm against bullying (watch out!)
I couldn't agree with you more i am the same with bullying it get's you in trouble.
Warning! "Don't wake her up if you can't coffeinate her on the spot"
Warning: Do not trust this panda with your valuables. They will forget it exists and somehow destroy it anyway.
Warning: Gymnast. can flip at any moment. keep a safe distance. also eardrum-shattering-loud.
Warning; incredibly dramatic and will complain about everything constantly, is rarely actually upset but is very annoying
You don’t seem annoying to me! Also hey crow, haven’t seen you around for a while. How’s life?
Warning: Can spontaneously change from funny and joking around to philosophical. Has a tendency to read and not know how to be social.
Warning! 90 second countdown until she can no longer pretend to give a s**t and her brain explodes.
Warning: Overly sensitive, overly emotional, hopeless romantic, not exactly mean but a very spicy nice, but also slightly toxic, easily distracted, overly-talkative, dramatic, not very funny but will laugh at everything. If you experience symptoms such as annoyance and irritation when interacting with me, you may be allergic and should stay as far away as possible.
WARNING: Will compulsively attempt to solve your problem; even if all you really wanted was to vent and it's not really a problem you're looking for a solution to at all.
Warning! Overthinker on the brink of a breakdown! She’ll do her best to be nice, kind, and supportive because she cares, but there is SOOO much going on behind the scenes, so be careful how close you get.
If you are mean to my friends I will throw hands with you. I think I can throw hands with anyone despite being extremely underweight and very twiggy.
Warning: will ask ‘is this edible?’ frequently, will try to eat anything edible, no self control around food, short demon, needs coffee to function properly, don’t give her monster. if seen wrap in blanket and carry her to nearest tieable thing and tie her there”
WARNING: very emotional pls hug I'm having a bad day will do anything to make u like me and will be friends with anyone 😭😭😭I'm sorry pls stop reading
i'm like some ancient temple, crumbling, cursed and probably haunted.
※original quote credit RebelCircus
WARNING: If it begins to act like a cat, it is either relaxed or about to attack. If it is beginning to attack, apologise, back away slowly and give it spicy chips.
Caution! Cannot understand most social cues, probably doesn't care about what you're saying, may do something stupid that WILL cause harm to itself and others, may come off as insane and traumatized, avoid at all costs.
WARNING: Extremely small social battery. Please do not talk every second that you are near me or I will die inside slowly and painfully.
To maintain safety of unit, regularly check pressure and do not exceed recommended PSI. Explosions are rare but can cause catastrophic results.
Warning: I have no filter. If all I do in response to something you said is to remain silent, don't press me or you will see why the former warning exists.
Da da da da, da da da da, da da da da da da Da da da da, da da da, da da da da da da
Just remember this sentence when it comes to me:
And that, boys, girls and what-have-you, is why SheamusFanFrom1987 is PUNDISPUTED!!! XP