Share the theme song that you think describes you the most!
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Pink Floyd - Brain Damage. Specifically "there's someone in my head, but it's not me". I wish they'd shut up. Other me can be a real pita.
Still have original vinyl... it's it wonder it's not transparent from frequent play over a half century. Roger Waters made some great tributes to Syd Barrett. Their on stage presence was mesmerizing.
NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP!!! we all know it.
A mashup of Vivaldi's Four Seasons (spring) and Smells like Teen Spirit with the Benny Hill theme tune running through the background
I'll see your Vivaldi and raise you a Saint-Saëns. Specifically: "Aquarium" from Carnival of the Animals.
We Didn't Start the Fire. Wherever I go, chaos follows, although I do think I start it.
That was my second choice, just cause it speaks to me on both a political and a musical level. It's a bop
Smells Like Teen Spirit. I'm very nonsensical and the lyrics also make 0 sense
you might like system of a down lol xD their lyrics are another level of weird
Either the gravity falls theme song (yes I know it’s an actual theme song, I effing love that show) or seven nation army by the white stripes.
'Turn the Page'
I like the version by Metallica, but I guess you mean the original by Bob Seger, right? :-)
Uptown funk. That's what my soul sounds like
Creep - Radiohead. Hate myself.
Heathens-Twenty One Pilots. My friends aren't actually heathens but we are all stressed af tryhards when it comes to academics so pretty much the same thing.
Today, it would be "Turkish Song Of The Damned" by The Pogues. Tomorrow? Who the f**k knows.
Same as the answer to my favorite song.... "Be all things" by Chelsea Wolfe.... Boring I know but this song just defines me....
What a voice! Her soprano is ethereal, bit reminiscent of Cocteau Twins, maybe a bit of Kate Bush. Thank you for the introduction to her music.
Choice by Jack Stauber, it sums up my life basically.
The instrumental at minute 5:02:09 of Eric Clapton’s “Layla”. That’s not even my name, but that segment has been the consistent soundtrack in my life. It started on my very last day of driver’s ed. I was a terrible driver and my instructor was super intimidating. I had to drive a certain number of hours to pass the class, so the last day he just had me drive for three hours straight so he’d be done with me. I was so nervous, wound really tight and there was a thunderstorm! Literally my last 10 minutes, the clouds part, the sun comes out, everything around me was super green and gleaming with wetness from the rain. And THIS part of the song is on the radio. The next bad day I had… THIS song. Every time I’ve accomplished a goal I’ve been struggling with, I heard THAT song. So now, if I’m having a rough day, I play Layla and I know my day will get better.
Lichtgestalt from Lacrimosa
or (the same song but on English)
Shining Light from Mono Inc.
Basket Case by Green Day for obvious reasons
"I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it..."
"shimmy" by system of a down. it's a real adhd anthem. "i think me, i want a life" for sure. and i DO wanna shimmyshimmyshimmy til the break of dawn yYYYEAAAAHHH XD
Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel. It’s supposed to be a song about hope, but I only hear the hopelessness in the lyrics.
At this stage of my life? Drift Away by Dobie Gray. I really have had enough of modern life.
I couldn't agree more! Also Bryan Adams song Star. Always hoping for better things
Just got Paid by ZZ Top or The Legend of the Wooley Swamp by The Charlie Daniels Band. Both songs have a great riff and I wouldnt mind either one playing anytime I enter a room.
CDB and ZZ! Love those guys. Worked with them when they had short hair. Dang, I'm old.
The Change by Garth Brooks
And I hear them saying,
"You'll never change things
And no matter what you do
It's still the same thing"
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so, this world will know
That it will not change me
‘It’s the middle of the night in the heat … playing dominoes and drinkin’ beer …’. Horse from Throwing Copper -Live
"Black Celebration" by Depeche Mode
"This is where I am" by Rapture
Today it's "Give Me Novacaine" by Green Day. Throbbing toothache of the mind indeed.
Either Anti Hero (Taylor Swift) or Girls (Girl in Red)
also im gonna add Warrior of the Mind. I love the sound. ATHENA BADASH IN THE ARENAAAAA
probably ‘dont stop me now’ by queen or ‘sweet but psycho’ by ava max or ‘brutal’ by olivia rodrigo cuz i feel like each of those describes at least one of my moods😂🫠
Easy. Ordinary Man by Ozzy Osbourne.
9to5 by Dolly Parton because all the lyrics are too true
It's not a massively popular song, but I'd pick:
"Where the Skies End" by Starset.
The line "We weren't just born to fade" alone pretty much sums up my life philosophy.
I ain’t worried - by OneRepublic. Fits me quite well, I am usually pretty neutral and it takes a lot to make me worried
Chainsaw Man's OP.
"I wanna be happy,
I wanna live at ease."
No Hard Feelings by The Avett Brothers. I’ll be 78 next month and I have left a lot of debris behind…finally comfortable in my own skin.
This is the song I want played at my life celebration party when I'm gone... I love it so much!!
I'm going a bit out of the box on this one. I have two song titles that represent how things are at this time in my life.
Audioslave- I Am The Highway
Ozzy- The Road To Nowhere (Leads To Me)
Imaginary by Evanescence
"Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story"
"Don't say I'm out of touch
With this rampant chaos, your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I build my own world to escape"
I'd Rather be Me from the original Broadway play of Mean Girls. I love that song so much and I think it kinda fits me.
My Life - Imagine Dragons the guitar riff is unlike any other
Up until recently it would be something else, but thanks to James016, who casually walked in and ruined my life with just one comment 🙃, it's going to be If you expect horrible, you are not wrong.
Would you like to explain what the comment was and how it ruined the song you would pick? I’m curious
I'm not sure, there are so many songs, but I would probably settle for Vampire Money by My Chemical Romance.
I Feel It in the Wind - (Smith and Thell)
In my younger days it was Fast Car by Tracy Chaplin.
Now I'm older, it's Feeling Good by Nina Simone.
Married and divorced pretty much sums it up.
I throw Respect in there by Aretha just to keep me bold.
Never Ending Story... Our lives change everyday...
so many choices! top three are Boulevard of Broken Dreams for the vibes, 99 Luftballons in the original German for the feels, or World's Smallest Violin for how it feels in my brain
Dream On - Aerosmith.
I've lived longer than I have left and my life has shaped me.
I keep on plugging and enjoy every day.
New divide- linkin park, I just really sympathized with the line “ SO GIVE ME REASON”. (Rip to a legend)
Travis Tritt's T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
When people see me and say "there's trouble", I ask them how they knew my middle name.
When people ask me if imbehav>ng myself, I say "yes, and it's very boring".
I do cause trouble, but it's never malicious. It's the fun kind of trouble
Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. Not even the original. The String Quartet tribute to Stairway to Heaven.
I just feel like something in the music fits me.
Or Changes by David Bowie. Or Brain Damage by Pink Floyd. Or Across the Universe by the Beatles. Or Heroes by David Bowie. Just thought of a few more. I really can't choose.
Either Break My Stride, or Number One from Bleach. I know Number One is Ichigo's theme but it makes me feel so confident. I am not a confident person and I struggle with depprision sometimes but these make me smile and get me going.
“I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die” or “Alienation’s For The Rich” by They Might Be Giants
The Buzz on Maggie theme song, because "I'm strange And I like it That's just the way I am" pretty much sums me up.
Not a Swiftie, but I have to admit that Anti-Hero speaks to my soul. I've lived my life by a quote from the song Eddie in Rocky Horror Picture Show - "Stay sane inside insanity." Fingers crossed!
Probably fleabag by yungblud or freaks by Jordan Clarke, there are a couple others but I cant remember them rn
'Cool change' by Little River Band......
If there's one thing In my life that's missing
It's the time that I spend alone
Sailing on the cool and bright clear water
Lots of those friendly people
They're showing me ways to go
And I never want to lose their inspiration
Time for a cool change
I know that it's time for a cool change
And now that my life is so prearranged
I know that it's time for a cool change
Well, I was born in the sign of water
And it's there that I feel my best
The albatross and the whales
They are my brothers
It's kind of a special feeling
When you're out on the sea alone
Staring at the full moon like a lover.
This is SO true for me.....
"You Can Be Mean To Me" by Heywood Banks. "deep in the back of your mind remember at some point you'll have to fall asleep" lol
oh boy...
- Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin
- MEMORIES by 347aiden
- Backstabber by Ke$ha
- Cool Kids by Echosmith
- Older by Sasha Alex Sloan
- Complicated by Avril Lavigne
- Solo by Clean Bandit feat. Demi Lovato
- Bad Girlfriend by Anne-Marie
- Happy Pills by Weathers
- Replay by Iyaz
- I'm Not Her by Clara Mae
- Pretty Girl by Maggie Lindeman
- do re mi by blackbear
- Sofia by Clairo
-She by dodie
This list is exactly why I didn't post lol There are thousands of songs that I love and all of them could be my theme song depending on the day lol
Boulevard of Broken Dreams or 21st Century Breakdown, both by Green Day.
At this particular time in my life it's Gloria Gaynor. I'm not going to let the abusive people in my life win, I Will Survive
Boulevard of Broken Dreams or 21st Century Breakdown, both by Green Day.
At this particular time in my life it's Gloria Gaynor. I'm not going to let the abusive people in my life win, I Will Survive