Hey Pandas, If You Ever Woke Up With A Random Word In Your Head, What Is It?
You ever wake up and the first thing you think is some random word? Share those random words here. Maybe other pandas can make sense of them?
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I've recently been waking up with "edamame" and "doubtfire" in my head. Edamame is a kind of bean. I don't know what a doubtfire is, but it sounds like a cool name for an episode of an anime.
On the day of my bio exam, I woke up with the first thought in my mind being “phyllids, caulids and rhizoids”. That thought has stayed with me for weeks now
It frequently wake up with a "Secret Word of the Day" stuck in my head. It's always a different word and an unusual one. I make a game out of seeing when and how the word comes up in conversation, on TV or whatever. (I never use the word myself.) So far it's never failed to do so.
I woke up with the word tandoori in my mouth. I'd never heard of one, and had to Google it.
Avocado. I don't know why, but I'll occasionally think of the word, laugh, and boom, it's stuck in my head for 5 hours.