Write a letter to your past self, what are some things you wish someone had told you or warned you about, what should you look out for, (remember to keep quiet about some things you still want to surprise 13-year-old you and not break space and time).


remember your 13th birthday party and all the people that came? you're not friends anymore. "e" ignores you in the hallways after you developed a crush on them at the beginning of this year, and you broke things off with "a" and "l" because they've changed. you've changed too, but don't worry. "j" and "s" have become your best friends, and you're still friends with "m", and you've discovered this neat lil website that may very well save your life. it's going to be awful but you are going to make it through. just two more years until you go to a really cool high school with none of those awful people you've known forever. you will get through.



    Hey dumbass, you know that feeling of horridness every time you think of how you look feminine? That’s called dysphoria. Also, you’re nonbinary.


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    Mermeow Overlord (they/them)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know this is an old post but I want to let you know that you look really androgynous. 💛🤍💜🖤


    Dear 13 year old me,

    you’re good enough as you are


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    Don’t trust your family. It turns out they never cared about your feelings and hurt you the most.


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    Well I am 13, so I’m telling myself that I will not forget anything that has happened to me.


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    Pay attention in school and work harder if you don't understand ask.
    Stop worrying about trying to be popular or cool it's never gonna happen just be you.
    Stop trying to compete with your best friend the only person you need to be better than is the person you are right now.
    You're not fat don't let anyone tell you any different. You are a beautiful girl with your whole life in front of you live it well.


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    Pink Princess
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm 14 and I know of all these except for the asking for help thing. My mum yells at me when I don't understand something because I'm meant to be "smart" so now I just never ask for help.

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    Dear 13 year old me,

    Embrace your differences, don't think of them as disabilities!
    Don't be afraid to make memories. Yes, some of them you may want to forget, but most will be amazing and you'll treasure them forever.
    Don't procrastinate any longer than you have to on stuff that matters.
    Don't be afraid to push things or ask for stuff. You may get a 'no' or lose a friend but it's way better in the long run.
    Don't for heavens sake, pick those spots, you idiot!


    A sad little Quokka (19)


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    Cut your bangs, kid! what do you need all that forehead for???
    stop being such an attention seeker, sheesh like come on!


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    Dear 13 year old me,
    You should stop being such a whiny attention seeking drama queen
    Yours sincerely, me


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    Hey 13 y/o me,
    Please stop dressing like you raided the lost and found bin at the gym. Grow out your hair, and put it up from time to time. Also please don't ruin our social life.
    I'm begging you
    -14 y/o you


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    don’t let people take advantage of you. toxic friends DO give you a sense of validation, but it’s all fake. don’t keep forgiving and forcing yourself to smile. they’re no good and will only cause you to end up hating yourself and regretting everything you did. put your s**t together, asap


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    i am 13 lol so i’ll tell my 12 year old self not to care so much what other people think!



    Dear younger me,

    I'm not going to tell you what stuff to change. You wouldn't listen anyway.
    Just look at me now.
    Look at my job and my friends and my dog and who I am.
    Know that it's going to be okay. You can't mess this up.
    You're going to be stupid, and that's fine. It will be hard, but I don't regret the person you set me up to be.
    Thanks for always holding out for what you believed in. I know they used to call you rebellious, but now they call me strong.

    Love you elf-heart.
    - Older Lil Miss Hobbit


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    That life may be scary and confusing and you will go through many ups and downs, but you will be okay. Believe in your abilities more and you don't need to be a size small to be pretty. It's okay to abandon the beliefs that you grow up with in order to become your own person. Last but not least, the adults are just as confused and scared as you are.


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    stop the fricken scratchin mate it aint good and it gonna hurt in the morning
    -from you in the morning
    p.s it still hurts


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    It gets a whole lot better, and also a whole lot worse. You get to figure out a way to be happy with yourself, and figure out a lot about your gender and sexuality. However, I'm gonna say this. Don't pick up the scissors. Don't let your intrusive thoughts win out. The scars on your arms aren't worth seeing what being cut with a scissors feels like. Also, you get to cut your hair short, and that really unlocks a lot of feelings for you.


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    Stay single. Jesus christ, stay single.

    They ALL sucked. Your best years were completely wasted on them. Find yourself, learn to love yourself without a crutch and be free.

    Also, don't have kids.


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    Quit trying to be your older sister, just be yourself. Remember that you ARE a great person, you don't need to impress anyone - guys or gals. Things will get better when your family moves. Being smart in school now doesn't mean you can coast. Especially once you move! Follow your passions and make your own choices! Don't marry the 1st time - neither of you are ready. Lastly, learn money management! You're going to need it later in life.


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    hey kiddo- im gonna start by saying i'm proud of you. i know a lot of people don't say it but i mean it. keep being that sweet kid that you are. don't let someone take that kindness and hope from you. it'll make your life so much more difficult. keep that in mind for a long time. but i also want to say, find yourself. that doesn't mean find labels for everything regarding gender and sexuality. it means just chill. be yourself. you can be proud of who you are but you have to know who you truly are first. you don't need microlabels to be happy. be careful when you get into relationships too. i know you're young and most relationships don't seem real. but a year from now you'll meet someone who you'll be with for two years. she'll break you. but keep that sweet mentality for me okay? the world needs people more like you. it's okay. just keep pushing you've got this.


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    It's okay if everything doesn't go to plan. Life only gets more stressful from here so enjoy it while it lasts. Don't count yourself out because kids are cruel-- and don't sleep with the first guy who treats you decent-- it's okay to be different, it's okay to be you and people will love you for being who you are.


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    Dear 13-year-old me,
    I know your life is super effed up right now (13-year-old me didn't like to swear), but you need to stay strong. Mostly because in the next 3 years, your life is gonna get a whole lot more effed up. Idk if we'll get through it, I'm only 16. You'll have mental health issues that are, as of now, unidentified. Something will become seriously wrong with your wrist and no one will be able to figure it out. And you know all that $h!t with your parents? Yeah, multiply that by about 200 and you may get something close to what you'll end up with when you're my age. Also, you'll get a new therapist who is honestly a million times more helpful than your current one. And she's just generally cooler. But it's not all bad! You have friends now! Well, two of them, but that's better than nothing, right? Remember that cool girl from gym? Yeah she adopted your introverted self and is integrating you into her intimidating friend group of queer theater kids. And bear! You emember bear from your old school? The only person you actually wanted to see again? Yeah, you're friends again now! He's changed a lot, but he's still basically the same person. I know this is a lot of unnecessary info, but I have no advice for you. Sorry. Good luck :)
    16-year-old Rose


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    Do your homework


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    Please be supportive of everybody and respect their sexuality, gender identity, romantic orientation and pronouns.


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    Not every boy who says they like you is worth dating. Don't try to find validation from them.


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    Don't even bother coming out to dad, he wont understand. Also L eventually ends up cheating on you but you gain your best friend.


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    Tiramisu 🇵🇸
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who needs a crush when you can have a squish! They're more low-risk high-reward in my book anyways...


    Love yourself. You don't deserve to be abused. It's on them. It's not you, something you did, something you said. He's a drunk and a horrible human being who enjoys hurting and humiliating other people. He's one of the reasons you let people walk all over you. Surround yourself with positive people. You don't deserve to be treated unkindly so defend yourself. Speak up! You're a good person who has alot to offer. It might not seem like it now, but you'll find your tribe. People who raise you up, not bring you down. Realize that you're awesome!

    Please stop cutting your own bangs. It's not a skill you possess. Besides them looking awful most of the time, you only like it for a day then they annoy you until they grow in.


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    hey 13 y/o Mitya,

    don’t jump. i promise it gets better.

    love, 17 y/o Mitya


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    As interesting as the topic is, don't get interested in researching street gangs. Don't mention anything of it in your diary. In fact, you're mom snoops in your room searching for your diary EVERYWHERE. Don't bother writing in it. Don't bother hiding it. Don't bother hiding anything.

    Oh, and DO tell your guidance counsellor about your mom's husband's drinking and how much it's scaring and affecting you. You may not know it now, but it is and will end badly.


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    never go on Quora


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    Dear 13 year old me,

    Don't listen to whatever everyone says, that virus in China and Italy will become more common than the regular flu and will absolutely turn the world on its head.

    Upperclassmen in high school are no where near as mature as you think they are.

    You'll move through different friend circles every year of high school because the times are changing so drastically, but make sure to hold on to the one you make in 11th grade.

    Start mapping out what you want to do in life, it's too much stress to squeeze it all into one year.

    Be nice to [my crush]. I know you think she's a little annoying and competitive, but you'll feel really awkward as you try to fix your relationship when the feelings start to hit.

    Hang in there, whatever life brings will be the best yet.


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    Sleep more. Sleep is good (if you actually eventually wake up after a moderate timespan, that is). Also, do not be freaked out because three of your best friends would say they love you over the next six years and it’s going to be awkward because by that time you still don’t know if you’re straight or not but you genuinely only sees them as friends. Also, do not climb any more trees or we’re gonna die early


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    I would give my younger self a USB drive filled with adult material. "Endanger yourself no more."


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    Never change yourself for anybody.


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    My 13 yr. old self wouldn't have listened. Once I had my younger self duct taped to a chair I'd tape his mouth too. Trust me he's mouthy to the point I'd have to hit me. First I'd take his cigarettes and let him know our health conditions. Than I'd let him know how our dad died. (lung cancer) After that all I could do was to try impart a little wisdom. Who to stay away from, who he could trust and to keep it in his pants because he'll suffer from that mistake.


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