Hey Pandas, If You Could Teleport To Any Fictional Universe For A Day, Where Would You Go?
Curious to find out the answers!
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Genovia, where Julie Andrews would teach me to be a princess. From the movie The Princess Diaries with Ann Hathaway
The Ringworld. Huge with a mixture of high and low tech. It must be beautiful at night.
I would go to the universe of Doctor Who and travel with The Doctor, I would never want to leave.
Damn ! It would be awesome. Who would you like to travel with ? write the number of The doctor please
The Tenth Doctor for sure! David Tennant is my favourite Doctor on Doctor Who.
Boiling isles, ever notice how even though odalia‘s a b/tch when amity was dating out she said nothing about a same sex relationship, so in theory bigotry of that type has not taken place in the boiling isles for centuries
The Boiling Isles, from the Owl House, or the Sword Coast from D&D.
I'd go to my friend's Stardew Valley world, just so I could confuse the absolute daylights out of them
I'd love to live on the glamorous upper levels of Coruscant. Those big penthouses like Padme Amidala had, being in league with the politicians and bureaucrats of the Republic or Empire, lavish gatherings, it'd be so fun.
Pre-Calamity breath of the wild Hyrule, totally no reason.. *cough urbosa cough*
the boiling isles, 100 percent!!! i’d meet king, eda, luz, amity, willow, gus, and other various characters. :)
The Boiling Isles. Not only could I learn Learn King's new glyph language, but it is implied that Raine is Transmasc, so they probably have magic ways of transitioning.
I love that show! I am already watching it for the 4th time! "Law is meaningless, stealing is legal now, I am your God, WORSHIP ME!"
Some of you may think I would say Rain World, but no, that's too dangerous. I think I'd actually rather go to the Warhammer Universe, just to see.
Brandon Sanderson's cosmere, I'd be the new Wit!
I love his books! I've only read the first two Mistborn books, and the one with the Shardblades (I forgot the name) but they're so well written!
spiderverse although idk how that would work... maybe just the spiderman hangout place then
any tmnt universe (except to 2012. no hate, love that show, but the humans in that show make me feel WEAK. wouldn't be able to stay there for 5 minutes without laughing)
idk any 2d animated show that i have watched and liked basically
Pyrrhia or Pantala.
Aw c’mon! I know there’s FanWings out here!
I would either go to the SpongeBob Universe or the canon Sonic Universe (the games, not the Archie universe or the shows)
The school in How To Murder Your Employer. McMasters Academy. Unfortunately the consequences to being self employed and an enrolled student would be very dire. Also, read the book, the audiobook is Neil Patrick Harris and he is brilliant doing the narration.
Probably the Great Britain of Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next series. I would love to travel into books, and also the idea of having a pet dodo appeals to me. Although the extortionate cheese tax is a big negative.
The Boiling Isles from The Owl House, I might get eaten a few times but it would be worth it.
Cassette beasts, and totally not bc it's better than Pokémon (even though Pokémon is still amazing) in storyline, gameplay, and characters
Supernatural Universe so I could help save people with Dean, Sam & Castiel. Especially Castiel.
I would transport to the fictional location where people only waged war with words and the worst injury would be a severe case of BooBoo Lip, and texting while someone was speaking to you was a crime. Where United Nations really meant United. And it would be called. The YOUniverse.
My own world I created called Sumna. Full of magic, new creatures, new races, and palaces. I live in it in my head all the time.
Babylon 5. Showing my age here, but I'd love to walk around, catch a glimpse of someone I'd recognize, and maybe buy a souvenir from the Zocalo.
Boiling isles, just think Odalia the 8itch didn’t think twice about amity having a girlfriend so in theory bigotry of that sort had not taken place for a while
I love how many fans of The Owl House are on this post, I heard there is even a magical way of transitioning.
OK WHY DIDN'T IT SHOW UP (I said Mewni from SVTFOE btw)