There are certain pros and cons that come with being a certain age, which age would you want to be and why?


I'll sound predictable here, but I'd say somewhere around 25 - mature enough, the brain has already developed, metabolism still working, back doesn't hurt, health is great, energy levels on point, appearance as good as it gets.



    Probably 32-it is old enough that you have actually had enough life experience to be a grown up, but not so old that you look or feel old



    35 is perfect. You've figured out most of your sh*t, you probably know what your career is, so you're not freaking out about that any more, you probably got married already if you wanted to, you probably have decided whether to have kids or not and are living it the way you want, you're independent of your parents, and your parents are not yet dependent on you, your brain is fully formed and your body is not yet getting old. Basically, it all comes together mid-30s.

    No way would I go back to 20s. You have adult responsibilities but still don't have your act together. You're striving to find your way through such uncertainty. It's fun, but it's exhausting.

    Forget the teens. Hormone roller coaster. Can't even control yourself much less your life.

    40s - well, body stuff starts catching up with you. Mid-life crises begin. Age-related discrimination in jobs. If you're female, you become invisible to men.

    I'm hoping the 50s will bring a new age of satisfaction with my lot in life and an expert ability to not give a f*ck about what anybody thinks.



    A young age. I'm a Peter Pan fan. I'm nearly 50 but I have that sense of humor of a teenager. I like to have a laugh in life.


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    John L
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I like to have a laugh in life." Just one laugh in life? I'd rather have an extended sense of humor in my entire life.

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    I am still a kid so I don't have many ages to choose from, but I have continually wished I could be 6 again. I'm not sure what was so great about it, but I do remember at my seventh birthday "wow, it has been a great year" and my life has gone downhill even sense (Mostly because of things like pandemics).


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    35. Good health, old enough to be taken seriously.



    I always thought I would stay forever 23 years old, the age I am currently. It's my favorite number and I really like the way I am right now.



    Really really smol like 3-5 or something because smol people are adorable and also coz i would learn how to do stuff but also still be tiny so i could fit in small spaces AND i always want to see the world thru the eyes of a teeny human and be able to remember it, and then even if my smol brain couldn't remember it always i could just experience it always



    I wish I could be in my mid-30s again! Still young, but I'd paid my dues in the workplace and was finally making enough money to pay the bills and even have some fun. I had hit that balance of work and play, and I had so much more confidence than I'd had ten years previous.


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    I want to be young and innocent and carefree. But not too young and innocent and carefree.
    but mostly young and innocent and carefree



    can I just be a cat instead all we have to do is sleep and eat that's my kind of life UwU



    I am certain I would desire the age of 80, which is my current age. I feel vast freedom now. I accept myself: no longer desiring to be beautiful, being a good daughter/wife/mother is accomplished. Peace is mine, I rejoice in what I have and have released the desire for more things. I am greatly blessed.



    30 not old nor to young


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    10 because soon i'll be 10 and ash from pokemon, stayed 10 because a wish granted from ho-oh and i wish pokemon was real but my first cuzin, would be on her jurny



    Idk, maybe like 21... im 12 so idk, but that seems like a good number.🤔


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    John L
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How about 31? You'd be old enough to have had a great education, and can appreciate the things learned in life. By being 31, you will look/be mature enough not to be the subject of jokes dealing with kids, who think they know EVERYTHING.

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    I think 24 - it's my lucky number, it's young enough to have no older body issues and my looks will probably be around their best. As I will not age but will gain experience and so on, I will still get wiser and more knowledgeable but will still have the abilities and benefits of a young woman.


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    John L
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At the lovely age of 76, I'd love to be situated in my very early 30s. You would look old enough, and be mature enough to act like an adult. That is VERY Important and good for the ego.

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    16 just old enough to do most things but not to early to have to pay rent and stuff



    17. Because legally a minor, and can drive.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Of course, this depends if you will always be emotionally and mentally that age.

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    I would choose 30! It's not too old, yet not too young. Old enough to vote, old enough to drive, but not too old that I can't do anything!


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    Hi peoples! Just wanted to make you smile, so hiiiiiiiii! 😄💕



    I honestly don't know--I like having a childhood and I want it to last for a good long time, but I want to grow up, get a husband, and have children as well. I also don't want to live forever, what in this terrible world? My perfect life is to have a nice, long, decent childhood, grow at a steady pace, get married, have children, watch my children grow, grow old happily with my husband, and then die a peaceful death. On top of this, I'm Christian, so I believe I'll go to either a better or worse place when I die, so I'd like to see to it that my husband and I go to heaven, with my children accompanying us in good time.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Arctic ... I have lived the life you envision. Would change only one thing: husband would still be alive. Be strong in your beliefs. You will live a happy life, most of the time.

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    im only 15, so this answer will probably change in the future, but 15, becuase even though im not happy with my appearance all the time, i have spots and all that crap, i have good friends and i dont have to worry about paying bills and being an adult with adult responsibilities


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    Probably 25. I can do a lot of stuff then, but also I would have less responsibility than a full grown adult.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    I just want to be 16 so I can move out and away from my parents. But I don’t want to stay sixteen; maybe 25.



    I would probs be like hmm… 28? I’m almost 10 so I don’t really know, but one thing that would suck is that I might forever be in college. I had that on my mind while typing this, but a good thing is that I would be young to have fun and not have any pains. Also I would have access to my own money.



    Forever 21! It's young enough, but not too young, you are healthy, look good and everything was possible. Half my age from now, oh yes ... ;)


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    In my early 30's I was in the best shape of my life. If I could be in that shape while making the same amount I am now life would be awesome.


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    In my head I'm always 14 (I'm 52 now).

    When I was 14 I was old enough to understand who I was and what I liked but not old enough to get a job and be more responsible! At 14 (in 1985) I was playing Dungeons & Dragons once a week, discovering great music (Pink Floyd/Doors/The Who, along with Peter Gabriel and Genesis) great movies and a love of reading. I could draw for 5 hours a day, read a book as long as I wanted and ride my bike to the next town over to see friends.

    14 was the best.


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    My answer will be 6 Because I had a favorite teacher and love me so much everyday i got school she will hug me and did fun things like reading together and drawing slime and it was fun but I forgot her name. 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂



    15 ...because at 15 you know everything :)



    Because I don't have to do anything!



    *I changed my answer* 5
    Because I was adorable at that age and I still don't have to do anything


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    Old enough to be a manager/boss but young enough to not be the victim of ageism. Old enough to have my student debt/house paid off. Young enough that I haven't racked up a ton of medical debt yet. Old enough that my kids don't need me to be with them 100% of the time, young enough that my kids haven't moved too far away.



    I'd like to be any age from 10-12 because I was mature enough that I could act like an adult and be respected, but act like a kid and nobody thought twice. Also, not super complicated yet, no politics really or anything!


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    5 years old. I didn't have to go to school yet (I didn't have any responsibilities), I could ride a bike, and any problem I had was solved by sitting on my dad's lap. H would take care of my problems and my mom took care of the feeding and care. It was a great age.


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    Leslie K Von Dell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's nice for someone to say that their childhood years were worth remembering, that they were good years. Not everybody has those good memories to look back on.

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    I honestly don't know. I'm still a VERY young teen, and I have no idea what would be the perfect age...I was thinking along the lines of teens-20s maybe?


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    I would say when I was 31. I was in a career I loved, my family and I were super close, I had the love of my life and I honestly woke up every day saying I was happy. I was also disease free , so I didn’t have to worry about anything health wise. Flash forward to now... not so much. I never appreciated what i had then, if I knew what this past year was I would have spent more time cherishing what I had.


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    Leslie K Von Dell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn't always "hind sight is always 20/20"! I know only too well what you mean.


    Just anything older than I am now specifics don't matter I just want to be out of this hell that is being a teenager


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gone fishing, sign upon the door. Gone fishing instead of sitting wishing (old song). Before you know what has happened your teenage years will be passed, taking all the angst away. I promise.

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    around 30 because you would have already experienced life but can still do stuff if you were around 25


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    25, people typically reach their happiest point in life when they are 25 and then again after they retire


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    7. everyone thinks your a adorable little munchkin you can do some things for yourself but all that hard stuff your parents do. Bonus! You can watch baby shows and do idiot stuff and no one cares!



    10 years old... too old for a mandatory nap... too young for a mandatory first job. The hardest decision of the day is what will Barbie wear on her date with GI Joe.



    I'd choose to be 5, They are adorable no matter who it is and no one judges a 5 year old for running around on a playground all crazy and laughing wildly. They have fears and worries like everyone else but it's not hard to find someone to hug you and make you feel better.


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    uhhh... 18


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    differently than at least mostly everyone else im gonna say that ill have the mindset same as the one i have now and know the same stuff and technically age but not have to move up in school or anything, so id be 2 old enough to walk, young enough to do what i want


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    Probably 18 idk, it’s my lucky number.


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    47. I started roller derby and stopped 3 years later for a one sided relationship. Forget her! Derby is bad-a$$


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    Hmm 20 or 21 cos that's "the cool phase" but at the same time we get yeeted from our parents home and in to college 😂


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    26, it seems like a good age, either that or like 30-32


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    If I could start with the knowledge and experience that I have now, and keep learning, I'd go with 36. But if I had to relieve being 36 again with none of my experiences, I'd just be okay with continuing to age.


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    I want to be 11 again. No bills to pay, no anxieties, stresses, responsibilities. I was living in the moment. I had the time of my life at this age. Whenever I feel down, i think back to those amazing years. :)


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    Nineteen, the last year before I got married. College was increasingly interesting and fun, and I didn't yet know how boring marriage was.



    At 22 I had left home in Connecticut and moved to Florida. When I came back I was in great shape from dancing and then hitting the gym. I was like Kelly Bundy, but bigger natural boobs. I had arms like Linda Hamilton in T2. I was happy with myself in my own skin. And I wasn’t taking s**t from anyone anymore. Not that t was the height of how good I felt in my skin but also emotionally I felt in control. Since then I’ve lessened my power over how I feel in my body but still don’t take s**t from anyone.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I would like to stay at the age of 28. Why 28 you ask? Lemme tell ya, I was in the best physical shape of my life, I was young enough to still take joy in the little things, hadn't had the magic educated out of me but not old enough to become cynical, nor tired of life. It was a wonderful time......


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    4 or 5, I was lucky to have a great childhood. No worries, no stress, everything is new and interesting. Plus having healthy and active parents and grandparents around is priceless


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    10. That was when I could ride my bike without supervision, could hang out with friends in the park while imagining it as a jungle adventure and when there was not much difference between boys and girls. It was also before puberty hormones, responsibilities, expectations, social judgement, when no one has time or interest in hanging out at the park or picking wildflowers and fending for myself.


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    when you are 21 you can drink, you can have a license, and you have all your ADULT rights. SOOOOO, ya. 21 is my choice.


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    Probably about 58. Lots of experience, lots of energy, lots of friends, and settled enough to roam and explore.


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    At 56, I had just retired (meaning I had no money worries), my kids were started in their careers and doing well (so I didn't have to worry about their schooling or jobs), and my brother (one year older) was still alive. I didn't realize it at the time, but he really was my best friend. We shared a lot of interests and spent at least parts of three days every week together. We drove our wives crazy the way we finished each other's sentences and jokes. I miss him every day.


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    hmm not sureeeeeeeeeeeee


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    21. You legally can do everything now. Drive, drink (not at the same time, though) enlist in the military (I'll pass on that one) Get married, have kids. The perfect age.


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    21, your old enough to do almost everything and your still young


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    I think somewhere in the late 20s.

    You’re mature at this point, and Puberty is over. (Thank God)

    But not too old where you start experiencing old age problems.


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    10. before all the problems started.


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    Eleven, it's the perfect age. I'm not an idiot, and I'm not too mature either. I never want to grow up.


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    19. It was the most fun and fabulous time of my life.


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    I’ve been waiting for this question, I would want to be 14-23 and keep it that way. This is because at these ages I would be able to move freely without pain and be mature enough to understand situations. Plus the younger I am the less I get charged with crime.



    I want to be a kid forever (i mean until i want to leave earth because endless existence is more torture than anything)


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    I would always be 22 because you’re old enough to do whatever you like, but young enough not to be afraid, and worry about consequences.


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    10, I don't want to have any crap to deal with.



    11 bc alot of good and bad things happend that year and it was the year i met my best friend and it was also the year i met the boy that gave me my first heart break u never forget the first real one that's for sure.


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    Ha, 19. Stay young, almost no wrinkles but I get them anyway because I smile a lot. So, yeah. I would master every martial art, be an academic person and travel a lot. I know I don't have to live forever to do it, but...sometimes life is to short for any of that.


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    something around 24... old enough to do everything you want, but still young enough to do dumb s**t with out getting blamed (I mean stuff like getting black out drunk at a party)


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    I might be interpreting the question wrong but I’m thinking if we had to choose a year of our life to live in forever.

    I’m only 18, so not a lot to choose from in my past (and not sure about my future) but I would choose age 13. I had good grades, great friends, and was just really happy. In the last few years I’ve been constantly tired, my (highly dysfunctional and abusive) family is just about broke, and I’ve drifted from my best friend which is my biggest regret in life. I miss being 13.


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    Well I am only 16 years old but my grandma is 71 and she talks to me about her life (even though I live with her) but she is always tired so I’d just rather stay 16, not to be rude grandma but I’m just being honest


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    Interesting question. It's hard to answer because there's how you are physically and how you are mentally. In a physical sense, maybe around 25, but every day we're alive we mature mentally, so we couldn't stay the same in that way because life goes on and our experiences shape who we are. Therefore, I don't think it's possible to say a good mental age to be at because I'm happy to have experienced more and learnt more.


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    I would want to be 16. What an age this was for me. I was still kid the year before-Playing with my brothers, in the snow or legos. I read X-men comics with my twin..all while wishing i had a boyfriend. Wishing i could borrow a car. Then it happened(!!!) & the whole world grew bigger, brighter, more colorful. No one compares to my first love of a boy. I still played with my brothers and read comics. An in between year, still a kid, so my mom made dinners & washed my clothes while i drove off with my first boyfriend. To explore.


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