Hey Pandas, If You Could Save One Animal From Extinction What Would It Be?
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For completely selfish reasons? Cats. All of them. They do not need us, but when they latch on to someone, it says a lot about that person.
But big picture? All of them.... We're living through a mass extinction, right now. 200 unique plant and animal species are being eradicated from existence, EVERY SINGLE DAY. The wildfires in Australia a couple years ago, cooked 3 billion animals alive, wildfires continue to become more common, oceans are becoming more polluted and acidic. Only 2-3% of the natural worlds ecosystems are considered "intact" today. Warnings about humanities impact on the environment have been constant, for decades, with prediction of the consequences being proven correct time and time again.
For decades we were told we needed to keep Co2 levels below 400ppm....we surpassed that point 11.5 years ago, today we're at 417.2ppm. In late 2020, scientists used the collective history of climate data to build a predictive model of what the environment would look like in 2050. Less than a year and a half later, their models were proven correct...as each prediction was playing out in the real world....30 years sooner than expected.
Every step of the way, humanity is largely apathetic. Sure, more people are "outraged" than ever before. More people are aware and claiming to care.....but nearly everyone is more concerned with placing blame, elsewhere. Anywhere, and everywhere that doesn't include personal responsibility.
Like it or not, everyone is responsible, and no one gets to pretend that their impact is acceptable simply because others are doing worse. We don't get to blame the corporations while we continue to give them our money, we don't get to blame the oil companies when the majority of damage is caused from INDIVIDUALS using their products, and we don't get to blame the governments that we're electing, actively or passively. We don't get to exclusively blame 1% of the population, and expect that it justifies the other 99%.
This is a systemic problem, that requires everyone, EVERYONE to sacrifice instant gratification and convenience for sustainability. Otherwise we're not going to get to choose even 1 species to save.
Everyone needs to accept the fact that, long term, the planet will be fine. It will bounce back as it has done time and time again. But that doesn't mean that anything around today, including humanity will survive.
As bees and dogs have already been mentioned, so I'm going to have to go with elephants.
Everything, no animal is an extra. Even flies are necessary. I have a thing for Snow Leopards and Amur Leopards, but nothing is any more important than anything else.
Despite how little time humans have had on earth relatively speaking, we are the cause of more extinctions than whatever killed the dinosaurs. Humans are the only spare.
My second choice would be sharks, they do nothing wrong and if they hurt somebody it's not on the purpose of hunting a human. I'm not very knowledeable about them, but as apex predator they surely have a major role in balancing the oceans.
(First choice would be bees, but they are already covered. And my favouritem foxes, are the most succesful animals with constant habitats on all contienents - no danger of going extinct soon)
Vaquitas. They're a species of mexican porpoise which is critically endangered. They get caught in illegal fishing nets and die. I did a project on them 5 years ago, and they reckoned there were only about 75 left in the wild. Now, they reckon it's around 10. They're hard to breed in captivity because porpoises get very easily distressed. There's almost no hope left for the vaquita, an adorable yet critically endangered creature. And nobody even talks about them, not like they do for land-dwelling mammals or the popular amphibian the axolotl for example
I did research on them for a while. they are cool animals. it is so sad that there are not many left
The dodo bird. They deserve a second chance. If introduced to an environment where they knew what a predator was, they may have developed the natural instincts to defend themselves. (And if people knew how to not slaughter a species into extinction...)
The Amur Leopard. Google it.
Aww. They’re like tiger leopards. Coat of a tiger, pattern of a leopard.
If we're taking into account the domino effect; Either Bees (obviously) or Phytoplankton. O²
Permanently save all hedgehogs and turtles and tortoises from extinction. And polar bear and arctic foxes, and then penguins. And kiwi birds. And those big green derpy parrots that can’t fly. Oh, and then bring back dodos.
I'll go with my two favorite animals, snow leopards and owls.
I know this is one that everyone or least most the people I know but spiders. Although we may be afraid of them(I’m not) they are actually very important because they kill mosquitoes which helps reduce the spread of diseases mosquitoes carry.
Quokkas, they are so cute!
What are these? Never heard of them. Edit: just looked them up, they look so cute! 🥰
Blob fish
They renamed them… I can’t remember what it is though Edit: googled it it’s fat headed sculpin not much better! They look really different underwater though.
I would take whatever was left after everyone else has had their pick and be happy to do so.
Octopodes! I mean did you even see "My Octopus Teacher" omg I'm not crying you're crying.
Wolves. They have have such a huge trickle down impact on the environment and other animals.
If all animals are in danger of extinction, then I choose dogs.
In my life, dogs have been my best friend more than people. They're great company, fun, happy and all have their own personalities. Life without dogs would be horrible.
If I can't choose dogs, then I guess I'll go with Pandas. But they have to meet us halfway on this and at least try to reproduce. Maybe they need Panda Porn to get them in the mood? And some scented candles.
the animals of my choice would be Giraffes, snow leopards, snow owls. They are beautiful animals. Giraffes bc of their height.
Rhinos! Unicorns in the tank class! Land narwhals! Call them whatever you want! THEY KICK BUTT!
Axolotls. They are cute as heck and are super endangered. No further explanation needed
Sea turtles. They’re so graceful and peaceful and it would be so sad to see them go like some of them are right now.
Well some humans. Trees, some plants. Pets. Bees. Mountain lions. Horses. A lot of the animals, most animals are better then some other things I could mention., just bees, lighting bugs and crickets and the lovely bugs.......and bees.
I would save Sea Otters. The are so Hekkin Cute.
They are also r^pists and gangbangers that regularly commit crimes against anything with a pulse. But goddamnit, I’ll forgive it all because they hold hands in their sleep. Also those chubby faces #^w^#
Well there are a lot of cool animals but I guess tigers if it’s not there
definitely the chinhai spiny newt.coolest defense mechanism,and they would definitely help with some people i can think of.just shove it in the mouth,then chomp the persons jaw,then it spays the poison
I know this one is long gone, but I want to bring back the dodo bird 🦤
Sharks. They are my fave animal and people think they are scary but really they are actually cool. Sharks only kill 12 humans a year. 100 million sharks are killed every year just for their fins. So don’t kill the shark just leave it alone. mind your own business and leave the shark alone and it won’t hurt you
But the Chinese are so in love with the shark fin soup. Not to mention Rhino horns as an aphrodisiac .
id say red pandas they are so cute but yet so close extinction acctualy why not pandas at that all pandas are going extinct
Humans. Well, some humans!
I would have us be the next to go. Humans had their chance. Time for rule of the dolphins.
Yes but more specifically, decent, empathetic, kind, understanding, and altogether useful humans. We really don't need the other kind.
Homo Sapiens. As a species, we seem to be self-destructing.
Going on a moral standpoint, I would say none. As much as I don't want any animal to go extinct (and I work in the animal field), it would throw the whole balance of Earth's life if it didn't purge whole species. It has already done before about 6 times and we shouldn't be the ones to prevent another.
Cows... we need them for our burgers.
Cows fart out a lot of methane which is not helping with global warming. They also soil rivers and streams with their feces. Then there's e coli. Long ago we bred them, but we can make them go away too.
Considering the current state of affairs throughout the World, I'd have to say the Human Race. Mankind is just stupid enough to cause his own extinction, all in the pursuit of power, greed and control!
Actually, more sharks are killed by humans than humans are killed by sharks.
If it's already at risk, would be hard to decide between the Cheetah and Elephant. If it is just one animal, of ALL the animals, it would be dogs, no contest.
Actually, more sharks are killed by humans than humans are killed by sharks.
If it's already at risk, would be hard to decide between the Cheetah and Elephant. If it is just one animal, of ALL the animals, it would be dogs, no contest.