Hey Pandas, If You Could Live In Or Visit Any Time Period Past Or Future, What Era Would You Choose? (Closed)
This can be a certain decade, year, something simple-named like the "Dinosaur Era", or even the Future; it can be a future you've imagined it to be like 30 yrs from now, 500 years from now, post-apocalypse, a future that's similar to a movie, or even a parallel world/universe.
I for sure would love to experience the Mediaeval era, the 1910s and 20s (for fashion and music), and as much of the future as possible. My biggest wish is that I could somehow live to see how future tech will be. Despite living in a quickly advancing tech world now, I still kind of feel ripped off that I'll miss tech 150+ years from now. I just hope that asap while I'm alive we can get VR video games that look 100% how real life does - exactly what you see/hear/feel right now as you look around you.
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I’d like to live in the Early Vedic period or maybe even during the Harappan civilisation
I remember when we learned about ancient India. Wasn’t the Harappan civilization highly advanced?
Colonial times. I don’t know why, but the idea of being a seamstress in colonial Boston just sounds so cool!
I'd like to go back to the 70s and see Disneyland when it was still good. And take tons of pics!
Well, the past is frankly šit, and of course the future might be šittier, but it might also be better. The next few decades ain't seeming to bright and I don't want to go that far, so I'm picking 2100-2222
Either the Roman Era or the 80's
I'm just visiting the world was always not in a good shape lol
I reckon the hanging gardens of Babylon or the Persian empire around 450BC would be worth seeing!
right when the first homo sapiens was born. KILL IT!
i would love to live again the year i was born to fix what i did and do what i didnt do. maybe if i did the right decision i wouldnt be like this in the first place