Hey Pandas, If You Could Have Been Named Anything Else Other Than Your Current Name What Would You Pick? (Closed)
Put your first name and what you would change it to.
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I would pick Brooklyn because overall, I just think it's a pretty name and I think it goes a lot better with my last name that my actual name.
My name is Bethany and I would like to have the name olive or jaqualin
My name is Olivia, but I'd like to go by Sam cuz it's nonbinary, so I'd have less dysphoria--- I'm demi-sexual
Demisexual or a demigender? There is a difference and I'm genuinely curious, sorry if that's too personal
I love the name Susan. It’s the name of my book character
anything other than aston! (people always say Vroom Vroom and its really annoying!!!) (Aston martin reference.)
I’d choose Nox because I’m non binary and I feel more pulled towards that name
My Name is Treasure irl, and i go by Tae and my science teacher calls me Traysure cuz of the podcast she listens 2
I would pick Renata, or Olive
My real name is Crystal and so many people say "Crystal meth?" like they are being original. Also someone asked if I was "the girl with the stripper name?" So yeah, I'd change it to Fox or Indigo because I'm a demigirl
My name is Stephanie but if I could, I'd change it to Luciana because it means "light" and is a really pretty name.
I'd change my name to Jordan, or change my full name from Jacqueline to my nickname permanently (which is Jax) because they are both gender neutral and I don't want nobody assuming my gender.
Well I actually like my name! My name is Riley, and I know lots of boys with the name Riley. But my nickname is very unique. It’s Riween. It sound so weird tho •-•
𝕀𝕤 it okay if I have three? My current name (as you see by my post user) 𝕀𝕤 Gabriel, and it would be cool if I could have either: