Hey Pandas, If You Could Have A Mythical, Legendary, Or Extinct Pet, What Would It Be? (Closed)
If you could have a mythical, legendary, or extinct pet, what would it be?
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A tiny dragon. Not a baby its just naturally small. Imagine going out with a dragon in your arms.
A miniature cow that can produce different drinks with each of its udders. Just imagine if you wanted some strawberry milk, you could call your heifer over and squirt it into your cup. That'd be really convenient.
Baby Yoda!!!!!!!!! The explanation is, I think, unnecessary:)
how DARE you have that as a PET that is supposed to be your C H I L D
Phoenix, I think. I'd like to have a Fawkes.
i would want a flerken because who does want an alien cat thing (its from captain marvel)
I would love to have a dragon that can change size. Imagine having a Cute little dragon that could fly around your room and then the next moment have a giant dragon that you can just hop on and fly away with
id definitely go for a cerberus with dragon wings because HE'S LITERAlLY A THREE HEADED DOG I MEAN LIKE THINK HOW CUTE IT WOULD BE AND IT WOULD BE SUPER BADASS
Ehhh... it'd be hard work to maintain though. Especially large pets with wings. If it doesn't have room to fly, then it probably isn't a very good pet choice realistically.
Possibly a tarasque
When I think about coolness I think about dragon and alicorn
But maintenance.....I once saw a photo on Pinterest of an adorable magical purplish cat with big eyes and antlers.
I want that.
Or a triceratops. That would be epic.
A literal catfish. Like half cat, half fish. XD
nice little kitty sabertooth. 😻
A. DRA. GON. Preferably a SeaWing!
A cheetah. You hand-raise them from a cub to an adult, and they're as domestic as a house-cat. Imagine taking a walk with your pet cheetah and freaking out the neighborhood. Not to mention the warning sign I could put up: "My cat can make it to this fence in one second. Can you?"
Cat with dragon wings.
I would definitely want a Pegasus. I want something that can fly and an alicorn would just gore me to death with its horn. Or whatever... I want a mini T-rex. Yes, a mini-T-rex. The size of a golden retriever.
A dragon that just so happens to be RAINBOW. Yeah, I said rainbow. Your point?
I’d have two breedable creatures from each extinct species (besides ones that went extinct naturally, eg dinosaurs) and breed them all until there is a decent population of each and reintroduce them where they would be able to survive with no negative impacts on other species.
Showing my age now...
Falkor from the Never Ending Story.
Who wouldn’t want a flying dog-dragon???
Toothless. No further explaination.
hmm idk a dire wolf, a tiny shadow dragon ,a phoenix , a phoenix but with ice instead of fire i cant choose
Tasmanian tigers. I just think they’re cool
Yaaaa. But many don't think they're all extinct, but sadly it all points to that.
I'd like a black cat that could shift-shape into a panther. I just love the idea of walking down the high street with my panther at my side.
Maybe a Rainwing!! ( maybe I can use it’s sheaded scales to camouflage ) or a leafwing btw I think I would be so cool to hv any type of dragon also if u love dragons I think u should watch Httyd Dragon vengeance 5 and u should read WOF Rise of the dragons
And the Liz Flanagan dragon series
I polled my kids, 5, 9, and 11. We have two votes for Godzilla and one for Ghidorah. and I'm just like...Which one of you is going to pick up the poop?
I think I'd like a Fresno Nightcrawler. They look cute.
This is going to sound so strange, but it is a creature that I really wanted when I was young. I wanted a shape shifter basically. I wanted a dragon that would turn to a moonlight wolf (A wolf I created, it has a white coat by day and a black coat by night.) and the wolf to turn to a dog so I could slip it by my parents undetected. Hehe ya.
Not as a pet, but as a friend, a talking cat. Maine c**n, in shades of silvery gray and black.
I can't believe they're censoring Maine c o o n. Has it really come to this?
A Razorwhip dragon. They’re my favorite.
I'd probably want the dog Laelaps from Greek Mythology. It caught everything it every chased. What more must I say?
Or a kitsune, which if you haven't heard about it, it's a fox that can turn into a girl, because it's a Fox and a friend all in one.
a giant horse-sized yorkie so i can ride him when he takes a walk and barfs/poops skittles so i never have to feed him.
It would be an Alicorn. I want it to poop money and pee coins. It could let me fly on its back to school and use magic to do something. I also want it to be a rainbow one bc rainbows are amazing. I also want a dragon. I want a cryptic one. I would want my dragon to take the form of a woman and pretend to be my gf. I also want my dragon to breathe fire. I would love to have both.
Miniature horse, but a unicorn. I am one with the unicorns.
A dragon that can change size and is silver and the spikes down are a tie-dyed rainbow! 🐉🐉🌈🌈
a big galaxy wolf that I can ride to school
or a dinosaur
dragon, a big, red and black one, which breathes blue fire that is 4 billion degrees celsius.
I'm married to a werewolf and I'm a metamorphagus, so that kind of answers itself.
I would love to have a Kitsune actually. It's a fox and you can talk with it. But if I think about it's consciousness... more a friend than a pet I guess.
A dire wolf would be a pet for me, I'm a dog person after all.
I'd either have a pegasus and/or a phoenix. Pegasus because Percy Jackson made me want one, and a phoenix because they are beautiful and can be reborn from their ashes.
dnd fan here my idea fennic a race that of foxes that are extreamly advanced tad bit bigger than a hafling but hey its cute and fluff level 9000000 also makes great food so why not also can kick bad in bum hard
A dire wolf would be pretty hecking awesome.
Kneazle from harry potter.
A cat with wings, that could change its size anywhere from as small as a beetle to as large as a house! Preferably in a light gray color, with purple eyes because purple is my favorite color. I think that would be so cool, because you could ride it around and also fly, and it could be small so you could carry it around like at school and fly it around during breaks! I would name her Lahni but I might spell it Lani or Lhani.
Also a dragon would be awesome! Same size-changing ability because of the convenience.
I'd want a little dragon-type thing thats small but somehow also strong enough for me to ride it, and instead of scales it has to be fluffy.
I would love to have a dragonet NightWing or a dragonet that has the powers of all the elements that could change size. That way one day I could be holding a little dragon in my arms, and the other day when I get annoyed at my mom or something I could take her out and ride on her and get famous... I'd be known as Charriess the Dragon Girl...
I absolutely LOVE dragons!! I'd want either a RainWing (Wings of Fire) or maybe a Night Fury or a Dramillion (How to Train Your Dragon) (or all of them 😆)! Of course I would be ecstatic if I could have any magical/mythical pet! (Then again I will be thrilled to just have a normal pet cat - my parents won't let me get one until I move out.) I loooove animals 🥰
This isn't a pet but I would like to hang out with Baba Yaga. Picking mushrooms, living in a house with chicken feet, eating children... WAIT I TAKE IT BACK I'd just like a wolpertinger. It's weird and funky and I love it. It's from Bavaria and it's usually part deer, part mammal, and part bird. I think that it's my new favorite mythical creature
they look something like this keDILMC9-6...f06abb.jpg
I'd either want a phoenix like Fawkes from HP, or a miniature Festus from Heroes of Olympus so he can fit in my pocket
( if u don't know what Heroes of Olympus is u should read the books)
Well, Flerken honestly. If you don't know what they are, they are alien creatures that resembles cats. They have dimensions in their mouth...I don't need to explain this. Just watch Captain Marvel.
I would have a How To Train Your Dragon styled dragon of my own creation. Either that, a Simurgh, a giant Scottish Deerhound, or a feline of some sort.
A gigantic dragon. I would also have a specialized saddle so I could ride it. Plus, It would be colored like chrome and would breathe fire. And be able to communicate telepathically.
A dire wolf. I love dogs and just the thought of a giant wolf walking beside you is awesome.
Toko Fukawa's pet bug.
I guess I would feel bad for taking it because Toko only loves 3 things in life. Byakuya, Komaru, and her pet stink bug. But be honest. If one of the only things she loves in life it has to be a really cool stink bug.
Lucario. Like, I though it through and Lucario is the best in a fight. Not dangerous unless you make him mad.He couldn’t blow my house up in one blow, and he is fluffy. I would want a guy one, not a girl because I don’t need Lucario getting pregnant and then I’m stuck with a litter of Riolu. I could let him out at a dojo or something, let him get himself out of pent up energy, and I could really use him to help get me pumped to work out. I basically just eat Cheetos all the time.
All in all, I basically thought this out. Best Pokémon to have at home, that isn’t a wussy, but isn’t sure battle hardened and ready to kill me when I change its brand of food.
Hmmm maybe... a...gigantic dog. Yes. G i g a n t i c d o g. Like- just taller than me. Something like clifford the red dog, idk.
I would love to have a phoenix because it is the bird of fire, but a dragon would be cool, as well as a dire wolf, or a magical deer, or a Pegasus, or unicorn, or a magical galaxy cat, and last but not least a baby chimera.
Lol i love magical creatures.
Maybe just an Fennec Fox, Dog, and Wolf Army!! ( I love Animals. )
a shapeshifting living stuffed animal. they could turn into anything and basically do anything you could think of.
Necrozma! Are you kidding me? I could just go, "Nekeo, go obliterate my enemies" and BAM!
That or a griffin, of course. I always did want to ride one.
Wolf duh. Maybe a owl like the ones from Harry Potter who will send my mail...yes that sounds nice....having Pygmy Puff from Harry Potter would be cool too
a dragon that could change its height and shape, and had irrelevant scales that shimmered and changed colors when the light hit them.🐲🐲
Wendigo!!! you probably want to click the link down below.. (I sound like a YouTuber) but they're really cool and I want to snuggle with it!!!! * I know I have a weird taste-
a Kukan kitsune.
there are 13 types of kitsune, one of which is the Kukan kitsune. The Kukan kitsune is a dark/shadow type of kitsune. No, it's not a pokemon.
I would probably choose a phoenix and a dragon and a mer-cat(I call them purrmaids) because I really like cats and who does not want a fire bird and a mermaid cat?
"purrmaids!" 😻 I now really want to go draw a bunch of adorable and beautiful purrmaids...
An alicorn. I love horses, I love unicorns (and you CANNOT convince me they don't exist), and I love pegasi, so definitely an alicorn. Preferably one that has a magical horn. I would love rainbow wings too. 🦄🕊️🌈
A Hippogriff! I could ride on it, and it would protect me if I could gain its trust. A post owl or a Pygmy puff/puffskein would also be cool.
Uh.... Uhm... I'd like to have... *deep breath* A unicorn or tame dragon that breathes candy (like Todd from Phoebe and her Unicorn!) or a parrot that changes color every few seconds or a tame wolf that humongus and black or maybe even... *gasp* A GENIE SO I CAN MAKE WISHES?! (After the genie explains the rules I'll wish for no rules ;) )
Cerberus with sabertooth K9's. Hang a "BEWARE!!! Dangerous dog" with the picture of a chihuahua on it. Then watch burglars crap themselfs after breaking into our house :D
In Pokemon cases, Alolan Vulpix. It's sof. It's floofy. IT'S CUTE!!!!! If it were not a Pokemon, a pegasus. Its a horse. It can FLIYIYIYIYIY!!!!!
A North American house hippo!!
They mostly live in Canada but they some are in the US. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBfi8OEz0rA
Most likely a dragon that can make anything out of anything, or a bear that has the wings of a dragons and the heart (not actually) of a puppy
A onyx western dragon, but like where it’s sentient and I raise it from the egg. That it if I could just have a sentient loyal wolf.
An elephant the size of a puppy 🥰
A demon cat that has two tail, can talk to me and can change size.
Like one sec you can put it in your pocket and the next you can snuggle with it like normal or have it the size of a bed. Oh it can also breath fire.
A Kraken- so I could sink yachts, military boats and aircraft carriers then sell them for money, plus- free fish for the rest of my life and eternal reign over the seas- I'll be the most legendary pirate in the history of the world!
Dragon, and DIRE WOLF DIRE wOLF AND MAYBE 5 MORE DIRE WOLVES. (If you can’t tell, I love dire wolves)
Dire wolves are giant wolves known for snapping its preys bones with a bite. The height can get up to high as your everyday avarege car like a suv
I would like either a Simurgh or a giant Scottish Deerhound, although a HTTYD style dragon would be really cool too.
Okay. So, I'd like the following as a pet:
1. Pegasus (Flying is fun!)
2. A Hydra...I mean, eight heads and can spew acid on all my enemies? Basically it's a dragon elevated. Right?
3. A Phoenix.
4. A Wooly Rhino.
A dragon! I have 2 bearded dragon lizards, and they would be perfect if they had wings and could breathe fire. A dog sized dragon would be amazing. I would let him lay over my shoulders and take him everywhere.
Dodo beacause there quiet there normal call is the sound of somone whispering at a dps whkch we can kinda hear
A Dodo. these creatures look cute and dumb, but they are kinda big and weigh around 40 pounds so they could attack someone if you need protection.
I would definitely want the Alien in "Starman", played by Jeff Bridges. If he came on the scene astride a flying horse, I would be most delighted.
I would be a Rainwing from Wings of Fire
strawberry cow that produces hot choclate
Without a doubt, a flying unicorn.
A talking dog that can also fly, cook, do laundry, drive, answer the phone and babysit. I would name him Superman and he would be my best friend!
A Poipole. It’s so damn cute!
a water kitsune because i mean i love foxes and dogs and kitsunes are made up smart foxes with mythical powers
Extinct: Hands down a Dodo. I have always been fascinated with how unafraid they were of humans. They weighed around 50 pounds, they could not fly and they walked clumsily. They are the ultimate under dog and I would love to see them come back.
id have meeself a basilisk get yo dragons outta here, give my boi some sunglasses and beware dont try ta fight me he kill ya's with a LOOK
basilisks are really cool, and my second choice would be a griffin
I want a megatron. Then I'd have him kill all y'alls dragons
The Puckmaren from The Flight of the Navigator! If you haven’t seen it look it up, it is the cutest!
I'll go with my top three. 1) The Chupacabra. 2) A faery dragon. 3) A flying snake like Pip from Alan Dean Foster's Pip and Flinx novels.
That’s easy! Pegasus , without any hesitation. I already ride Hunter/Jumpers... wings would give the extra edge
I want a baby enard :3 (FANAF)
or I would want a deer fox lke that CUTEEeEE one from hilda :oooo
A hippogrif so that I my brother would leave me alone and so would all the the bullies. Not to mention we could spend somequality time flying around uninhabited and undisturbed places being free together.
A Davian. Basically a tiger that's part dragon and part phoenix. Shimmery red scales and would be able to fly. They would be really smart and convenient for traveling.
I'd personally have either a dragon or a griffen. Dragon b/c who wouldn't want a dragon, they are majestic powerful beings. Griffen b/c they are cuddly majestic creatures.
a hippogriff to ride on, an owl to bring me my mail, a dire wolf cause why not, or a wendigo because I like it for some odd reason, or a giant ass dragon that breaths fire i cant choose
i want a dragon that can change size and shape because then no-one will be able to know i have a dragon and also it's blue when it's at its normal shape, a dragon and it's fuzzy
a hippogriff to ride on, an owl to bring me my mail, a dire wolf cause why not, or a wendigo because I like it for some odd reason, or a giant ass dragon that breaths fire i cant choose
i want a dragon that can change size and shape because then no-one will be able to know i have a dragon and also it's blue when it's at its normal shape, a dragon and it's fuzzy