Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back And Change One Tiny Event From History To Be Petty, What Would You Do? (Closed)
Funny question, might have funny answers.
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not out myself to my parents :(
bad move
Not let a million people starve and go into even more poverty in Ireland during the potato famine, also kick putin off something tall
Just for fun: I'd rename all the colors.
For real: Native Americans would own North America.
Slip Kim Jung-un laxatives right before he has to appear in a parade.
First Nations would have flourished, unimpeded.
redirect the asteroid of the dinos. Let them live and get those pesky humans outta here. major grandfather paradox from it tho
you make yourself out of here, but that means you were never there, so it never happened, so you never never exist, so you do it, so...
Tell her I liked her when I had the chance.
Bury a laptop or cell phone or something. In a few thousand years they’ll find it, it’ll be the greatest mystery of our time and I’ll be laughing my ass off from my living room
I’d go back to my birth and (assuming newborn me was still there) touch her, and say “this one’s a queer” nod my head, the s say “I like touching myself, so soft” just to scare the hell out of my parents.
I’d go back two weeks ago and not buy those chips from the vending machine, they got stuck :(
never have talked to this one guy in my class who seemed really nice and friendly at the time, but now is just weird and seems to think that we're soulmates or something
This is probably an unpopular opinion but… make humans not have evolved.
Grandpa decided to get down from the tree and now I'm learning calculus. Gee thanks grandpappy
I would go back to before Magic The Gathering was popular, and buy like fifty Black Lotuses >:)
I would keep like three for my decks, and give like five to my papa for his decks, and then sell the rest for a bajillion dollars :D
Kill baby Hitler
Stop people from going on the Titanic
Warn people about how bad final destination is
I wish I told them what the surprise was all about because surprise!... they didn't like it.
If I am restricted to petty acts only, I would go back to the 1760s, invite Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine and Giacamo Casanova to a dinner party, and not sleep with any of them.
Stop the production of "Friends sit" com so I could stop hearing about it.
Have Disney not make a love scene with Ben and Rey in rise of skywalker, the movie was bad but that scene made it worse!