Hey Pandas, If You Could Donate 1 Million Dollars To Any Charity Which One Would You Choose?
I'm curious too see all the answers!
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I think I would donate to charities helping animals, cancer research, helping people get food and water when they cannot, doctors without borders type thing, and probably many others. I did not list specific charities because I would want to make sure they give all of the money to the actual cause.
There's a women's shelter in my city that's always struggling to stay open and it's our only women's shelter. I would donate every cent to them.
I wouldn't. Most charities are in the endless loop of spending money on "Fund raising" to raise money which then gets spent on the charity head's wages and fund raising events.
I would rather buy the things that these charities are supposed to support and give them directly to where they are needed.
I would buy the equipment that the scientists searching for cures need and give it to them.
I would buy pet food, bedding, toys, etc and give them to the animal shelters.
I would buy all the insulin I could, direct from the supplier, and sent it to those that live in countries that don't provide it for free.
Exactly - thank you! But there are LOCAL grass roots organizations that are run by volunteers & maybe one lowly paid worker who make a big difference to local people and animals immediately. The space they use is usually donated, all volunteer workers so the money isn't wasted. I NEVER give to any well known groups because very little of the money goes to the cause.
Golden Retriever Rescue Resource https://www.gr-rescue.org/. They rescue Golden Retrievers both in the US and from meat markets in C-h-i-n-a (i don't spell it out because it could cause problems if the leaders in that country found out, if you want to know more, let me know and I'll explain). The little fella lying next to me traveled thousands of miles along with 100 other Goldens rescued from a meat auction. There are groups that do this for other breeds, as well as groups that rescue street dogs in Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Afghanistan, etc. They are very responsible & transparent with the stewardship of people's donations (not being siphoned into pockets of high paid administrators, "admin fees", etc), the volunteers do this out of love. Another would be {in the US) the St. Vincent de Paul group at the Catholic Church nearest you. 99% of the $ you give goes directly to needy families of ALL races, religions, ethnicity, culture, beliefs, sexual orientation, etc. Food, clothing, housing, car repair, utilities, gas - I've seen it with my own eyes.
I give to an independent animal rescue shelter run by a compassionate woman.
Morning Farm Sanctuary. It is funded by the public and is non-profit.
I would choose them and other animal shelters like them that struggle to care for the animals they have while rescuing others still.
They do good work. Any donation is a blessing.
Open Door Mission helps the homeless or less fortunate. They provide food, supplies such as clothes and blankets, and shelter those living on the streets. They are always open for donation so if you have something that you don't want anymore but that is in decent shape, I recommend taking it to Open Door Mission or Goodwill or someplace instead of throwing it away. (If you need more encouragement... in some countries this is tax deductible)
The Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity are some other really good charities
The Trevor Project. It helps all the LGBTQIA+ youth who need some help.
Make a wish and St Judes
Just make sure that your money isn't going to highly paid administrative fees and jobs with these organizations.
The Trevor Proje t
I’d donate to apfed, the trevor project, and make a wish.
I’d donate to apfed bc there would be a better chance that I can eat like a normal person in my lifetime, the trevor project bc it helps LGBTQIA+ youth, and make a wish bc they grant wishes to disabled kids who have a low chance of living to adulthood. I’d explain more about my disabilities but that would be really long and complicated, but if you want me to explain, let me know, and i will!
I'd give to the local food bank, a local freethought organization, and a local shelter for LGBTQ+ youth because all too often they get tossed out of the house by unsympathetic parents when they "come out of the closet."