It can be weird, normal, or anything really.
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From Mark Mitchell to Ashton William
Having thought about this long and hard I have decided to just say 'Sod it!' and go with my first thought. Max Power. I love you Homer Simpson!
For me, my name would be Fiona Jupiter. I think it's a good name.
my mom was planning on naming my Abbeygale but she decided against the name because of the region we lived at that time. The people there have a hard dialect and they pronounce the name weird. Now my name is Katharina and we moved somewhere where the people speak hochdeutsch (german without a regional dialect) and they could pronouncs it! I'm stuck with Katharina now even tho the other name is wayyy cooler
Just FYI: Where I grew up in Ireland, Cory means penis. My little sister (who grew up in the UK) had a kid in Dec 2020 and called her son Cory because, as she said it's nice name.
My name is Pepper. Yes, like the veggie. Literally anything other than Pepper.
from Jenna to Skie. its just so pretty
I might change it to Venin. Don’t get me wrong, I like my name. But I like Venin a little more sometimes.
I've given this a lot of thought because I have the same name as a very evil man. I'd change my name to Tom Riddle. He is more evil but at least he is fictional.