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Unicorn!!! >:D
Wow! We could choose fictious animals if we want? Dang! I settled for a cat, albeit a bad ass cat, but nonetheless a cat....sigh
Id be a Timabvati White Lion, or a White Liger
Have you heard of a liger? "It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic." Napoleon Dybamite
An Arctic Fox. They are so cute!!!
I would be a bear. An Alaskan grizzly specifically
May not be super exciting or creative answer but gotta say love the dog life - get loved, cuddle, walks in nature, play- eat sleep- repeat!
a hawk because i could fly and be at the top of the food chain 👌
Well eagles actually eat hawks, owls and crows pick on and attack them for sport
A horse. Especially one of the draft horses. "Gentle Giants" they are called. Had a friend of mine years ago try to figure out what kind of horses her friends (Including me) would be and that's what she figured for me. I agree. I have a lot of the demeanor of one. I don't startle easy and just kinda point me in the direction of what you want done and let me do it. Besides being something tall when you are a short human can be refreshing.
Regal Horned Lizard, theyre beautiful and have a weird ability. google it
A panda! I get to be lazy and eat all day xD
I love to see myself as a pig - eventually a unicornpig...they genuinely make me happy and i simply love them...maybe also a racoon....they are sneaky, supersmart and so not ashame for their urges (in terms of food)...that´s funny LOL
I would be a cat if I could, preferably a maine c**n tho. My friends say I could be a bird, apparently I talk too much. Ppl have also called me a potato.
Well, lemme see... I'm already part cat, part bulldog, part owl. But that is a frightful mess to look at so I think I would like to be 100% feline. Not a big cat, they're all endangered and I don't wanna be the last surviving female of my species, although... it could be kinda fun maybe. But no, I'd like to be a house cat, more specifically a Maine C**n, the baddest female Maine C**n this side of the Pecos! Mewo baby, meow!