Hey Pandas, If You Are Having S Rough Day Or Thinking About Anything Bad Vent And Or Trauma Dump Here.
We s add ll go through rough times ill try to reply to every post stay safe everyone and you font have to give full details about anything and i hope that we all can be s lot happier after venting/trauma dumping. Love yas and stay safe
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my depression is coming back so that's not been fun to deal with
My crush who liked me back moved away. I got her phone number, but she got her phone taken away because her parents don’t support her. I’m very lonely.
I got my hair dyed black, it looks nice and I’m feeling happy with it. Unrelated but last night I went out for dinner with my family and I gave myself indigestion, which was not fun, but it went away, and I felt disgusting because I shoved so much food in my mouth that will make me get fat. Yeah I’m suffering from anorexia and hopefully I will get a doctors appointment for it and an official diagnosis.