I think that everyone can learn from each other, no matter how different our worldviews may be. Say you are more liberal, and then hear something from the conservative side, and you think, “Hey, that kinda makes sense!” and vice versa. Let's try to understand each other's viewpoints and find something that we can agree on because I believe that we mostly do agree on most of the stuff. Please be open-minded and respectful.


    I will say this, politics in the United States is a complete mess and this will never be resolved. It is always a competition between two parties when we actually have more to choose from, but they will never tell you that because of funding. Truly we all fall somewhere in the middle when comes down to the issues, but internal influences (family) or lack of interest just turns everyone away from talking about the actual problems that we could solve if not so divided.


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    Sent From The Slytherin House
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, I would also agree with this one. Some people are just like, "Oh I'm more liberal or more woke than you so I'm better" And same thing on the conservative side. It's just this big competition and literally everyone is against everyone regardless of their political view. Like a big Hunger Games except with a lot less killing.

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    I lean liberal but I do see some points to the other side. I believe in universal healthcare since this for profit healthcare is bankrupting people for even minor health problems. I believe in a woman's right to chose since as a man I feel its not our place to tell woman what she can and can't do with her body. I also whole heartedly support the separation of church and state and believe religion should play no part in our politics. Many of the most restrictive and discriminatory laws in our history have been either brought on by, motivated by or justified by religion. So I see no need for its continued influence on our modern day laws. I do support the second amendment but with some restrictions put in place. Lastly I do think we should take money out of politics, and have term limits on all 3 branches. For example 12 years max for legislative officials, 25 years max for supreme court justices, and 2 term max for presidents. So we can get rid of the entrenched politicians that do nothing but enrich themselves and care nothing about our great country.



    I got to the point where my moral (and political) compass can be summed up as "As long as you're not hurting anyone else, do as you please". Meaning I'm a very liberal person. I'm strongly pro-choice, I'm for marriage for all, legalized prostitution or marihuana. It's funny - I look very "average" - no tattoos, no piercings, no crazy haircut, I've only tried weed once and didn't like it but I hate when people judge that in others. I've been trying to learn about different people and perspectives and to be as compassionate as possible. And that all is reflected in my political views as well.


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    Sent From The Slytherin House
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Althogh I can understand some cercumstances, I don't understand why people are pro-chioce. How do we know that it doesn't hurt the baby? Can someone please explain?

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    Hello, I am not an adult, so I don't really want to get involved. But from what I am seeing, this is not going well.



    I am a recovering conservative. I worked for many years in the political arena and with Republicans and found that most of their views were in line with my own, but in this political climate with the racism, hate, lies and cheating, I am finding myself leaning more and more to the left. I oppose racism and oppression, I am for human equity, I am for the environment, I am for social services rather than a police state. I am 1000% for body autonomy for women and healthcare for all. I think that with the POTUS we have now, it is easy to move away from the Republican party and be more liberal. I just know that I am sick of all of the fighting and name calling and a president that has no dignity, no self respect, no respect for the people he serves, and an ego as big as Texas. I have already voted. I voted for Biden. I don't know all of his plans, but I do know that we need a leader with dignity that will restore the pride that we once had in our country.



    I'm conservative in so many areas. I get frustrated when because I am conservative I am expected to have certain views on things such as the environment.
    In 2020 I am watching two elections. New Zealand where I was born and lived until I was in my late 20s and USA where I live now.
    My Grandpop sat me down when I was about 17 and said to me, do your own research. Don't vote just because we [the family] vote a certain way.



    This is a PSA:


    Even though you are just one person, your vote can change the outcome.



    I am not old enough to vote, but my views are definitely liberal. But one thing I've noticed is how many people think something should be illegal just because they don't like it. As someone who is LGBTQ+ it is really sad to hear about, and see all of the people who think gay marriage should be illegal, just because they think it is wrong.



    I have stopped believing in politics as a way to improve the world. After six year working with politicians across the spectrum, it's become clear to me that elections select the most shallow and self centered individuals in any given society. Even those who are slightly better quickly develop a god complex once they get any power.
    I still believe voting is important to try and keep the worst of them from power, but I don't see it as a way to ever change things for the better anymore.



    BLM, all lives can't matter until black lives do. I'm pro-choice because instead of banning abortion we should be requiring better sex ed in schools. How do we get the money for that? STOP SPENDING SCHOOL FUNDS ON UNNESESARY THINGS! Global warming is real and we need to sign that thing that will let the US work with other countries to fix it. Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself. My opinion on Trump? He's a racist, a creep, an absolute CHILD, and should never be in office again. My opinion on Biden? At least he'll do the bare minimum unlike Trump has. Why am I so angry about this shit? I AM A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL! I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THIS STUFF, THAT'S THE ADULT'S JOB! I'm being forced to grow up way too fast for my brain and body to handle, this isn't okay..! PANDAS I AM BEGGING YOU! Vote for Biden, for the good of this next generation. Even if he fucks up, he won't fuck up nearly as bad as Trump already has.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry if this post is s**t, I had to vent...vote for whoever...just don't vote for Trump, please.

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    NO TRUMP!!! (I really don't care who is president as long that it isn't Trump)



    I am a strong Nationalist. No, this does not mean I am a white supremacist, a racist or a bigot. It means that I firmly believe that each nation should look out for their own interests. It means renewal and growth of our national industries. It means a revival of national identity. It saddens me that most people equate nationalism with all things negative, when all we're hoping to accomplish is to create a unified & independent country. A nation divided against itself cannot stand.(For the record, I am Canadian from the Prairies who is tired of Western Canadian alienation from the East)



    (Context: I live in the US and I think it sucks)
    I feel like the sore thumb in all of these posts. I am a social anarchist, which has gotten a bad reputation but actually is like a left view. I believe that people should have more power than politicians and that equality is the most important thing. I support in BLM and LGBTQ rights. I may get hate for my opinions but that just makes me more determined to fix them. I have my struggles but unlike some people (no hate to them) I use my privilege for good, as a Jewish Gay non-binary, I get hate, even from my own family. But I hope to help the world somehow.


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    Sent From The Slytherin House
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hopefully you won't get any hate on this post. I created this so that people could share their opinions publicly without others being rude.

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    I don't really care too much. Politicians are ridiculous, no matter what they believe.



    I tend to lean towards one side (that I will not share to protect people's beliefs and feelings). However, I know that currently, the politics going on in the U.S. are a hot mess



    that trump is an idiot who absolutely ruined america. it will probably never have a decent education system unless an actual good president gets elected. america needs a president that actually cares about the important things rather than tweeting about random {crap}.



    1. McConnel is the worst thing to happen to the united states in recent history. His background puppetry is killing any true representation or democracy.
    2. Trump is the second worst thing to happen the US in recent history.
    3. Getting rid of truth in reporting set up the stage for ignorant voting, because there are no unvarnished facts being presented, just endless talking heads telling you how you should feel about whatever story they're presenting.
    4. Science is the best method of discovering the truth and facts about reality that we have. Ignoring good science that has been done in good faith and has worldwide consensus is just stupid.
    5. Climate change, and humanities hand in it, is a well researched occurrence. It is happening, it will end badly, unless we all acknowledge it and work to correct it.
    6. Your feelings are not a good basis for a law. You being squeamish about something or your religion says it is wrong, is not a good reason to restrict someone else's life.
    7. Gun ownership should be regulated and restricted. I have sat through too many conversations about guys talking about their guns like they're toys to buy the b.s. that they need a personal arsenal for self protection. They like them, they're grown up toys, there is no reason that something created solely for the purpose of killing needs to be so prolific. Restrict them to a revolver, maybe 2, for protection if they are week enough to think they need it, and 1 maybe two rifles if they really feel they must spend stupid amount of money to tromp through the woods and kill things.
    8. The entire justice system needs a major overhaul. Cops are a mess, judges are a mess, plea deals for people who are innocent because if they don't plead guilty and agree to the plea then they're threatened with 50 years and an overworked public defender. Our prisons are inhuman profit centers. What constitutes a felony is extremely low, ensuring they ensnare as many people as they can. Significant jail time for minor non-violent offenders, while the rich can get away with massive theft or murder because they can afford a herd of attorneys.
    9. No one but a woman should be in charge of her body or future. Child marriage of any kind should be outlawed. Abortion should be a woman's choice and no one else's.
    10. The electoral college is absolutely horrible.
    11. All the voter restrictions and hoops are a bunch of bs that only serves to undermine true democratic representation.
    12. Instead of continuous war, perhaps we could truly invest in education so that we can find true, cost efficient, alternatives to any resource that we are actually fighting over instead of the moral cover story we typically use.
    13. Healthcare shouldn't be a for profit business.
    14. Labor rights and protections shouldn't be left up to whatever 'kindness' ruthless corporations dictate.
    15. Minimum wage should keep up with actual living expenses. No one should have to work 3 jobs just to be able to afford both rent and food.
    16. The tax code needs an over-haul. Plug the leaks in the boat that are billionaires who think they're above taxes.

    Equality, Equity, Ethically.


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    Andres Tejeda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I 100% agree with all but #7, I think we should have restrictions as well and background checks, but let people have as many as they want. I know Recliner Rambo's want enough to supply a whole army but that's their money and their business.


    I think both Biden and Trump suck, and I would rather be in Canada than here in America



    I'm from the US and believe we're not living in a democracy, we're living under a puppet government that's really run by the extremely wealthy or by another country entirely. I believe fractions of people have intentionally, systematically, and strategically been set against eachother for the sole purpose of dividing and conquering. More than anything, we desperately need to re-learn the art of listening to eachother and respecting eachother even when we don't agree.


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    I'm anti-stupid and as such I'll vote for the politician that makes the most sense.


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    Billy the kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    and can give the people what they need and not what they think people need.

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    I would say that my political views lie to the slightly left of centre on most subjects. My view on politicians is that anyone who actually wants or seeks to attain a position of authority and power should be forever barred from holding such a position.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't feel that way about politicians in New Zealand. Not all of them anyway.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    trumps an idiot and obama should go back to be president until he dies :)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i do agree with the first part but obama might just die of stress if hes president anymore


    Before I can be either political party, I am a womanist, and that is first and foremost in any decision I make. As such, I am liberal, because I strongly believe that conservatives do not care about women, and especially women of color. (In case you don't know what a womanist is, it is an anti-racist feminist, because some feminists are racist. I choose no to identify with these feminists.)


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    I don't want to participate in politics. It's not because I'm irresponsible, and it's not because I don't care. For me, all is right with the world, and I'm so privileged in my life, that I really don't need more empowerment. It doesn't mean that everything is perfect, and I do think everyone should think very critically when it comes to politics. But I believe there are other subjects that are more in need than me, and they need their voices to be heard. I just support my friends and their causes, because for them it's tougher than for me, so I lend my vote to them and help. Among my friends are gay and trans people, people that come from poverty, or less privileged backgrounds. For them, there are lots of battles to be won, and I fight for that. And it's waaaay higher on the priorities than my needs. The only right that I want for myself is free speech. But if anyone asks, I just say that I'm apolitical or centrist. When it comes to (all) politians, I think that, the need for politics doesn't correlate with the ability for politics, and in politics, those that want it are more successful than those that are able. Sadly.


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    Only posting anonymously can I be honest. Moved from Russia to a western Europe in adulthood, have friends on both sides and travel there and back a lot. When the situation around Crimea happened, there were a lot of discussions on both sides. Obviously opposite. I tried to developed my own view, something in the middle (something like "The way Russia took it over wasn't nice, but Putin didn't really have any other option") - and I got aggressive looks from both sides. In Europe I heard that I'm influenced by Russian state propaganda, and in Russia - that I'm NATO agent (or influenced by Western propaganda). Valuing my friendship over politics, I now "spill oil into furnace of next World War" - bad-mouthing about Russia in Europe ("oh yeah, Putin is crazy and government is corrupt") and about Europe - in Russia ("oh yeah those westerns don't respect us and want to kill all Russians"). F*ck governments, f*ck politics, f*ck all intolerate people - let everyone around me nod and smile while hatred grows and inevitable war gets closer!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You do what you have to do to keep the peace with your friends. Arguing with them (most of them anyway) will not change their minds, so you may as well save yourself from the stress.

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    Slightly liberal center? Cannot say I care much about it, as the Russian political landscape is quite bleak.
    All I'm interested in the politics are lulz, and it's already been too much of it lately...


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    I would rather vote Biden over Trump, but I think that neither should run (It's like choosing the lesser of 2 evils at this point}. We should get someone who is actually qualified and cares about the economy like Michelle Obama. Also, I don't see how people can support someone who is racist, misogynistic, and over-all just a real jerk. Trump had his chance to "make america great" or whatever b.s. that was, and it's time that the country was handed over to someone else.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never understood the people who voted for "Make America Great Again" who then get all offended when someone criticises the country (like kneeling at a football game). They are criticising the USA themselves by saying it needs to be made great again/is not great.

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    I personally think that whatever system of ruling we have in place we manage to make an absolute mess of it. But I am quite liberal in a lot of ways, people can do whatever they want within reason. The problem is that few people understand the within reason piece.
    Legal abortions so at least people who want that can get the best possible care, free basic healthcare, tax the wealthy heavily, liveable wages for all (not too sure if I want free basic income or not, still deciding), free basic education for all. That last one though, education. So so important because without good quality education you cannot truly make good choices about life. And I don't mean the traditional education we currently have, I mean a much broader education that includes modern skills and things like reading for comprehension and understanding how to assess various viewpoints.


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    I am no party affiliated. I have opinions on some issues that would be considered liberal and some that would be considered conservative. I think the need for the majority of Americans to pick a side is part of the divide among us. We are all more alike than we are different and there are many things every human should be able to understand and support. All people should be treated equally. We should take care of our planet, it's the only one we have. Empathy and compromise should be fundamental skills we use in our daily lives. Access to a quality education and healthcare shouldn't be for only a select group of people.

    Our "politicians" need to represent us better as a society. I fully support terms limits as a means to bring fresh minds, diversity, and innovation. Unfortunately, the kind of people we need to get involved in public service don't want anything to do with the crazy circus that it seems to be these days.

    I have not decided how I will vote in the presidential election and I am really struggling with the decision. Trump has such openly poor character in my opinion, and that's not usually something that changes in a person. My concern with Biden is the legislators behind him. Their willingness to push our public debt ever further scares me. As of this post, the debt is nearly 27 TRILLION dollars. I will vote the least of the evils on election day, whatever I decide that is. And then I will go home and take a loooonnnnngggggg hot shower!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Since I cannot submit an opinion, I'll just state it here cuz it's somewhat similar to what you said in the first part: Although I'm not really old enough to vote (only 17), I consider myself a conservative leaning centrist who is not Republican or Democrat and I only focus on the more social, more “Youtube-ish” commentary side of politics. I am merely “conservative leaning” rather than “conservative” because while I do find myself agreeing with conservatives more than liberals and being strongly against the radical leftists/liberals/SJWs, I do carry some relatively liberal beliefs. I consider myself 60% Conservative, 40% Liberal. My view on homosexuality is as liberal as next person. My view on transgenderism is in between. I strongly believe in being open minded and respecting other people’s beliefs (if it’s not flat out bigotry) and cannot stand people who sh*t on and demonize those who are of a different political side (mostly referring to liberals hating on conservatives)

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    Truth be told, my political views have described as a ‘Grab bag of opposing views’. For example, I support Sinn Fein but do not support the UK’s position on the Las Malvinas. I am a big supporter of Japanese nationalism and militarisim. I am not a supporter of the EU and I’m a supporter of the Spanish claim to Gibraltar. I support Scottish independence and am in favour of taking a strong stance against illegal immigrants coming to the UK. I am against nukes but favour a strong national defence. So there you have it, my ‘Grab bag of opposing views’.


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    Karin Gibson
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Support Sinn Fein????? Support them by all means when they give a full list of all the people they have murdered and disposed off and state where they are burried so their relatives can bury them properly and be able to grieve properly too... There must be many hundreds.


    USA: If the Democrats win the offices of President/Vice President, they will transform the United States into a socialistic hellhole.


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    I don't like either Biden or Trump. I'm voting for Jo Jorgenson. Libertarian party.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I detest Trump and while I do like Biden, I'm not in adoration of him, either, but I'll be voting for Biden because a vote that's not for Biden realistically translates into a vote "for" Trump. I'm also thrilled that voting for a political candidate isn't an act of marriage; at this point it's just a way to get a raving lunatic out of the White House. I can pander to my likes *next* election.

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    Hey @Sent From The Slytherin House, I am not trying to be rude, but I am not sure if this was a good idea. Following the presidential debate, the U.S. is in a crazy period, and I dont want this to turn pandas against pandas.



    I believe the federal government's ONLY purposes are to protect us from other countries, coordinate between the states and uphold the constitution. EVERYTHING else is up to individuals and local governments. It is your responsibility as a human to take care of your own needs, prepare for your own future and regulate your own morality.


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    In the UK we have a pandemic which has killed many thousands of people. Have you heard of it! It's called Covid 19. The government is doing it's best to keep people safe and safe guard the economy and jobs. Unfortunately, many people don't believe that the rules apply to them which is causing the virus to spread causing unnecessary deaths.
    Why do you think they only care about themselves and are unable to use common sense and behave in a responsible manner towards their own families and friends?


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    Kanye West 100%



    I believe in finding the middle path. Governmental programs are not all created equal, and many are ineffective at empowering people to become self-sufficient. Even though it’s a tricky business to get right, I believe it’s important we not abandon the safety net of the social welfare system, but instead work to improve it. I believe the same is true for striking a balance between policies that are pro business/pro growth and those that protect the vulnerable and disadvantaged.


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    Liberals are no longer liberal. Whatever they are, they have become authoritarian, bigoted, and in many cases, outright racists. They may say they are not, but when you break down their theology to its basic components, they are the poison they claim to be fighting.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    what you are describing is not a liberal, in either the classical or modern sense of the definition. Conflating liberalism with any extremist ideology is a false, and if I may say so, a very dangerous thing to do. The purpose of this thread is to share viewpoints to find common spaces in which political views can co-exist. By homogenising groups and "othering" a whole political viewpoint based on your own assumptions of "their" beliefs or how you perceive others to threaten your own beliefs is the EXACT reason many western societies have become so polarised.

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