There's always that one person who just loves to get on people's nerves.


Happened a few times actually, especially when I was still in school, well I just came after the person who hurt my friend, and quite literally told them off lol.


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    would hurt them back! You can mess with me, but mess with my bff and I'll shove you in an animatronic suit and I'll call myself Mr. Afton!



    It depends on how. If they verbally assault my best friend, Im confident that she can handle it. But if she can't, I have insults enough to destroy their will to live. If they physically hurt her, I think she can handle that as well, but if she can't, I have strength enough to make them cower at my feet.


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    Best-friends are precious ! unfortunately mine died 5 years ago and I miss her every day. 30 years of perfect understanding and lots of love and laughter.She protected my back and I hers. There were lots of ups and downs in our lives,but we got through it to-gether.



    I honestly don't know. I would probably make sure my friend was okay and maybe confront the person.


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    If my friend got hurt physically or verbally, she'd probably fight or hit however hurt her back. i'd probably ask her if she is ok, or something else, idk


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    they're my friend, but it depends what they did to get hurt. if they didnt do anything im giving the attacker a week in the hospital


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I am not brave enough to physically stand up to that person or to tell them off, and my bff is pretty strong (emotionally and physically) so I'm sure she would be ok, but if not, if she's really upset, then I would never ever talk to or acknowledge that person again, their name has officially been replaced by the word ***hole in my personal dictionary (unless all is forgiven, of course, then it depends on the severity of the situation, I guess). No one messes with my best friend though, or else.


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