Hey Pandas, If Everyone Had To Have A Warning Sign, What Would Yours Be? (Closed)
Tell us!
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Warning; fire hazard, prone to almost dying repeatedly and then walking away with like a tiny scratch (why does this happen this damn much), if you ask him about his books he will never shut up
Warning: Do not mention Heartstopper or she will talk to you for an hour, then repeatedly ask you who is your favorite character until you say Nick Nelson
Hey who's your favourite character in heartstopper? Just curious
Warning: Speaks fast and has an obsession with odd things. Also do not mention things about books because I will start ranting.
I will talk your ear off if you mention a topic I find interesting or enjoy and I feel comfortable around you. Beware.
In public~I am quiet and probably angry at life and everything in it. Then when you're alone with me (As FRIENDS ofc) I'll probably turn into a little monster who sings and dances around joyfully and loves life. Just your average little two-sided weirdo ^^
Haha I'm the opposite. I codeswitch a lot and when I'm around people I don't know or online I kind of show off, flaunt confidence, etc, when I'm alone or with people who I feel safe around I just become a horrid little f**k
Warning: Prone to bouts of boredom, attention drifting, and not giving a f*ck.
I will go from being the happiest person alive to super depressed in two seconds. Don't be alarmed.
I have ADHD and you will have to repeat things sometimes because I am basically Dory.
Smiles to much
Very sus :3🍩
Me lol. I'm always smiling and when I smile it looks like I'm about to punch a child
Talking slowly and taking a bunch of pauses, I am trying to calm down and not rip your face off.
Warning: Will eat ANYTHING (includes a highlighter, dogfood, handsanitizer, tinfoil, wax, candle, waxpaper, raw egg, paper, pencil, and many other dangerous materials). Highly dangerous, and will dropkick you if provoked too much.
Same bro. Except for the last part that's edgy as f**k but yeah ill eat anything on a dare (I once ate a whole lemon, peel and all)
Couple: plant nerd, so don't get me started about plants (unless you like them too).
Also, I'm pretty tolerant of most people. But if I turn and walk away, it means you've either pi$$ed me off, or you're too close.
I used to teach primary industries (horticulture/agriculture) in a school and worked in a wholesale nursery for 10yrs. I now work in a school teaching Cultural Education and teach kids about bush tuckers/medicines. During the holidays I work part time in a bonsai nursery. Plants Rule!!!!
I am a dangerous, dramatic alien lap cactus. Beware of alien lasers. Do not anger, or consequences shalt be severe. Have entire uncover alien hedgehog troop under control. Has hyperactive & grumpy alien pet turtles, screaming fur balls of evil overlords Donut and Snape, and the annual alien doggo racing 100 meter sprint champion Mint… for the 6th year in a row. Beware the evil toothpick holder.
Warning: Will hit you as a sign of affection. Do not approach when the Adderall has not been taken.
My partner used to constantly tickle me (I hate being tickled) to the point I couldn't stretch without fear of a jab in the ribs or sit down next to her and relax without her grabbing my thighs. I ended up telling her it was a form of abuse and she stopped, we have been together for 9yrs strong. She has developed much better ways of showing her affection, I believe it was just nervous energy and lack of skills in showing affection (She had a pretty horrid childhood).
Simply put: irritating, can cause acute irritation symptoms. A t-shirt with a text and a warning sign would be fun.
Warning: Ask about Sims and you will be forever stood listening to me go on about storylines, family trees, six month-old saves, upcoming updates, expansion pack teasers, etc (My friends made that mistake, never again).
Warning: will apologize until YOU feel sorry but not to make you feel bad, simply bc I want to make it right
Warning: will easily become extremely depressed, doesn’t really eat much of anything, has very bad mental health.
Warning: may randomly fall into a pit of despair
WARNING: Introvert, won't make a sound until you talk about something i'm really interested in. (but will still be quiet until comfortable)
Will make you mentally uncomfortable in ways you never knew you could get uncomfortable.
ooh i like to find new ways to suffer lets be friends (wish i was kidding, jokes aside i bet you're cool)
…Before I say this, I once got in a small bit of trouble for a misunderstanding on my friends part. Anyway, it’d probably be that I make self detrimental jokes, and my one time friend noticed one and told my mum, and she wasn’t concerned (knowing her own humor) and it was explained, and was kinda forgotten for the most part.
That or I am a pure chaotic being which can go from being nice to you, to attempting to steal your dog.
If you hate classical music or ESPECIALLY if you think it’s boring, don’t tell me, I will be horrified, then mortally offended, then very very angry. If you’re not a classical musician or have no interest in classical music, DO NOT mention it or I will start spouting way too much info at you that you didn’t need to know. But if you are a classical musician, PLEASE come find me if I don’t seek you out first so we can spout random info and listen to/play awesome music together.
yoooo who's your favorite composer? do you play any instruments? what's your favorite key- mine is Eb major but also E minor because the first one fits best under my fingers on piano and the second is hauntingly beautiful
Do not say the words movie, script, or writing, or even breathe near me, or else I'll launch into my 6-hour interpretive dance/opera/TED talk about how much Quentin Tarantino means to me, and I'll probably cry and try to show you my writing. (Spoiler alert: it's not good.)
Ear Protection must be worn
Not sure what that means? Stick around a little while, I'm bound to say something that'll set you off.
warning: either weird, quiet, and boring, OR weird, loud, and annoying. if the latter: for those who have pissed me off, ear protection may be required as this person will blast weird music at you until you beg for mercy
Warning: may spontaneously shut down, have a panic attack, start talking about edible garden weeds (no, not marijuana, like creeping Charlie), shriek for no reason, or disappear only to magically reappear once you break out the cheese.
Warning: Will get waaaaaay to invested into the story of a movie and get upset for fictional characters (I don't cry I just stuff in my eyes)
Warning: I will start talking about cars so excessively that it gets boring, I have a sharp tongue, I will always be on time, I’m very honest(I suck at faking it or lying), I may not care about your feelings, I have a short temper sometimes and that I am passionate about things and that I can be aggressive.
Warning: I’m a nerd but also a major lacrosse fanatic. I will bust your butt off if you think I can’t hang.