Hey Pandas, If At The End Of The World, You Could Take One Thing With You, What Would That Be? (Closed)
Imagine that it is the end of the world and you’re taking something that you think would be indispensable. What will it be and why?
What ideas do you pandas have? Thank you for coming!
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A little stuffed dog I have from the love of my life, they died in 4th grade and I want to show her I still have it....
Wow... wasnt expecting to cry in this thread... thats sooo sweet
My partner. No matter what comes next, I know we could weather it together. Plus, we can always entertain each other for hours!
i wanna assume my family is either dead or escaped at this point so ima pick meh dog cause when time starts to pass by ill be the only sain peep left cause i have a doge
Attempt to eat him and you will taste the wrath of the sloth🦥🐶🍩🗡
Even if I was going to eat ur dog(which I’m not) ur a sloth. U move very slowly. I would easily be able 2 get past u.
A fully stocked Super Walmart.
Sentimentally, my dogs. Realistically, either my longbow and arrows or a water purification straw. I know the PNW nature like the back of my hand, so I'd be okay.
Me and my girlfriend have actually made a plan: She loots the local gardening store for seeds and supplies, and I grab my dog (he's very territorial and would be a useful alarm, plus he's my best friend and I'm not leaving him), and we meet at the Walmart before running off into the woods.
A friend of mine and I have a very detailed plan but that involves getting like 100 things so I decided not to explain it here
The debate between husband and dog is real ...
FoOd. I don't care what kind. Just food. And ofc water.... Wait, THATS 2 THINGS AHHH
An alien tech digital inventory list filled with supplies, my pets, an exact copy of my house and the area around it, all my stuff, my family, my friends, all the animals on Earth, all the not a*****e people on Earth and then don’t forget that exact copy of Earth except with no pollution and global warming. Bye bye old Earth, sorry humans messed you up so bad but I guess enjoy the end of the world by yourself
My bestie. He’s been with me every step of the way, and the end of my world would’ve been sooner if I didn’t have him.
My lightsaber it is a weapon, arm extension for grabbbing things, entertainment, and could signel for help
Popcorn. If it's the end of the world, I would like to enjoy some popcorn one last time. I expect there's going to be a pretty big battle to go with my popcorn.
Sentimentality my wife and dog. Outside of that, I have a bald eagle figurine that my little sister gave me 2 Christmases before she passed away. 20 years later and it's still in mint condition.
My little deaf albino american bulldog LucyFur, because she is fierce (her other senses are like super powers) being deaf does not make her less alert. Plus, she snuggles and keeps me warm at night.
I prefer my contacts but if it's just one thing then I will have to bring my eyeglasses. If not, I will die quickly. Idk if I'm more like nearsighted Mr Magoo or Velma.
If it was the end of the world and I could take one thing with me that one thing would be my dog, Livi. She is smart and eager to learn. She is also me faithful companion of 13 years.
Now if we were packing for the end of the world zombie apocalypse type I can think of a whole list of helpful stuff to take!
What would I take at the end of the world? A hellava lot of acid.... And me and my cat can chill and watch the world burn....
i would take my dog but if you could only take one thing my dog wouldn’t have any food so maybe my small penguin squishy i really love it
well perhaps if it was the total end of the world i would take my dog for a last moment
I'm confused at this question. if it's the end of the world, won't we ask be dead? is this question asking what i want to be buried with (clinging to)?
My stuffed rabbit named Bunny (I was a very creative baby) that I have had since I was seven months old. I want to be buried with him, so that's what I would take. He would make it so much more peaceful at the end of the world.
My old Stratocaster. I mean, its pretty much useless without an amplifier, but its the end of the world anyway so it doesnt matter.